I’ve been saving some little needlework news snippets for a while, so today, I think I’ll share part of the list with you. Kick back and join me for a cup of coffee!
First, some delectable eye candy!

Have you seen Eleanor Pigman’s Etsy shop?
Eleanor Pigman (she has a blog, too) is a contemporary bead embroidery artist.

And she creates some fantastic little bead embroidery images – like this Emperor Penguin, which I am in love with.

Or this beaded pelican!
Looking through Eleanor’s work makes me happy. There’s just something about it that lifts the spirits! Her bead embroidery seems somewhat whimsically conceived, is beautifully worked, and is just downright fun.
If you like bead embroidery, you will undoubtedly enjoy exploring Eleanor’s blog!

Well, I just found out that Lady Anne’s Needlework Retreat (hosted by Phillipa Turnbull of The Crewel Work Company) has one space left on it, due to a cancellation.
As much as I would like to snatch up the opportunity, I can’t – but if you’ve been hoping to go on this adventure, there’s one spot up for grabs!

If you’re familiar with Janet Davies and JMD Designs in New Zealand, you might want to know that she’s establish a youth sewing center in Papakura, and the initiative is called Te Horoi Tereti.
They are currently seeking donations for sewing machines. If you like to support educational endeavors for youth, they could use your help! You can read about the project here and in more detail on this PDF, and, if you’re looking to do a good deed today or pay it forward somehow, you can donate on their website, if you like.

Oh wow. Speaking of eye candy!! Have you seen Pam Kellogg’s new 2015 Crazy Quilt Calendar? If you need a stitch-related gift that keeps on providing inspiration all year long, this would be a good one!
I love hanging a needlework-related calendar in my workroom, so I’m pretty excited about this. The cover promises an insanely fun inside. You can see a preview of the crazy quilt blocks featured on the inside here. If you’re interested in purchasing the calendar, you’ll find it available for sale on MagCloud.

Another embroidery blog worth checking out: Margaret Dier Embroidery.
If you love 17th century stumpwork, you’ll especially love her article on the Burrell Collection. Lots of pictures!

While you’re there, do check out her lovely embroidered brooches – they’re bright and cheery and a grand idea!

Finally, I’ve gotten quite a few questions lately about this little autumn tree and pumpkin embroidered with silk gimp and silk wrapped purl. You can find the articles relating to this quick project here:
Embroidered Autumn Tree, part 1
Embroidered Autumn Tree, part 2
How to Embroider a Wee Pumpkin in Less than 5 Minutes
And that, I think, covers it for this morning! Besides, my coffee cup is empty…
Wishing you a stellar week!
Dear Mary
I love needlework related snips and bits very interesting. I like the beaded embroidery Eleaner Pigman’s Etsy page I do like bead work. OH I wish I could afford to go on Lady Anne’s Needlework retreat this is exactly my kind of holiday, history and needlework what more could you ask for. Margaret’s Dier’s embroidered broaches are lovely. Thanks so much for sharing news of all needlework related websites so interesting and inspiring, needlework is certainly flourishing and may that continue.
Regards Anita Simmance
Good Afternoon, Mrs. Corbet! Well, who knew embroidery could get so scandalous? I just hope any angry emails you’ve gotten weren’t faulting you, because you have done NOTHING WRONG! I truly hope everything gets sorted amicably. As for today’s post, I will admit a tad bit of disappointment, only a speck!
I wanted a hummingbird update so badly! I just let my imagination go nuts about what you may do, and yet you always surprise me by coming up with something I never thought of. Oh well, I will wait patiently! I hope you have a marvelous day!
Thank you for the yummy new ideas, Mary! (I stayed for TWO cups of coffee–that’s how much I enjoyed today’s post.) 🙂
Gee Mary – Just when I think I have my life under control (NO, not really!!!) there you go throwing in even MORE wonderful stuff to explore! Thank you so much!! And what variety!
I always love your news snips, Mrs. Corbet. They’re always ineresting and inspiring.
I love that penguin!
Thank you!
Mary – thanks for all the great info today. I was very interested in the Te Horoi Tereti project in NZ and did some follow up with the links your provided. They are using a donation site called “give-a-little” which only accepts cards I don’t have and no PayPal : (
I did contact the project director Janet to see how I might donate from the US and will keep you posted about how this goes. Thanks again for telling us about this wonderful project. Always nice to spread the love !
Chris in San Francisco
Mary – update on donations to the Te Horoi Tereti project in NZ. I just contacted Janet and found out that we can use PayPal to donate. Would you be so kind as to let your readers know to contact Janet so she can give folks the email address she would like used for the donation to go thru ? It will be in US dollars with a small fee but will convert to a bit more in NZD [ie $30US = $36NZ]. thanks again from telling us all about this worthwhile project – I look forward to hearing about their progress
chris in san francisco
Hi Mary,
This was a lovely article. The sit back with a cuppa got me, so I went and got my cup of tea and checked out all those lovely images and websites.
Thanks for sharing. It was a lovely way to start my day.
You always keep us in stitches and this eye candy certainly whet our appetite. There was something there to interest everyone. Thank you for introducing us to other media.
Mary – wanted to give you and readers a little update on the Te Horoi Tereti project in NZ you told us about earlier in the month [9/8/14]. They are 47% to their goal and I see there are a number of US donors – undoubtedly thanks to you spreading the love. It is a great project and thank you for telling us about it
here’s their donor site in case anyone would like to read more about it