I’ve been collecting old embroidery books for a long time.
While I’m pretty much a sucker for any good book on hand embroidery or needlework in general (my over-burdened shelves bear testimony to this undeniable fact), I find old books, magazines, and serials on embroidery to be particularly enchanting.
I can spend hours leafing through the sometimes-brittle, almost-always-discolored pages of old needlework publications, especially those circulated by thread companies and other businesses in the needlework industry.
It used to be that such companies would publish and either give away or sell instructional manuals, informational periodicals, and even design catalogs. Inside them, you’d find good information, lots of creative ideas and inspiration, and many subtle and not-so-subtle plugs for the company’s products. Herrschners, Belding, Coricelli, Heminway – all of these are good names to look for when hunting out old needlework catalogs and the like.
One of my favorite old treasures is a publication from Pearsall’s in England. It’s called Embroidery, strangely enough, and the subtitle reads: A new serial containing articles upon stitches, methods of work, design, and other subjects connected with the study of fine needlework, with colored plates and other illustrations.

This particular issue of Pearsall’s magazine or serial is Part V, published in May of 1909, and sold at the time for sixpence.
It’s a large format publication, unlike the smaller catalogs put out by the American silk companies around the same time period. And unlike the American publications, this one features less advertising (only the inside of the two covers are dedicated to product advertising) and fewer project / instructional articles.

Instead, Pearsall’s publication featured information on historical embroidery peppered with explanations of the techniques, some project-oriented articles (written more as articles of study, rather than how-to articles), articles on design and elements of design, and a wee bit of stitch instruction (maybe one or two stitches in the whole magazine).

This issue opens with an excellent article on Opus Anglicanum, or English Work, which was the finest embroidery of Medieval Europe, renowned and desired far and wide for its artistry and execution.

The article includes illustrations…

…as well as explanations of the techniques incorporated in Opus Anglicanum, from split stitched figures in silk to Or Nué and undersided couching in gold.

Here’s an example of some stitch instruction from the publication, with a long explanation of the stitch (tailor’s buttonhole) and its uses.

There’s a wonderful section on knot work designs for needlework, featuring some patterns that can translate well in surface embroidery. There’s one particular floral and knot work pattern that would make a glorious cushion cover or stool cover, worked in wools!
This is my favorite issue of any old publication. I love the quality of the articles in it. Unfortunately, I don’t know the whole history of Pearsall’s Embroidery publication – when did it start, how long did it run, how many issues were actually published – and I haven’t done deep research to try to find out these things yet.
If you’re interested in reading the articles in this publication, let me know! I’m taking it to a professional print shop to have it scanned on a large format scanner (so that I have a back up copy), so I might be able to work out some electronic files that I can share, if there’s an interest.
From a wet and soggy Kansas, I hope you have a terrific weekend!
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I love old embroidery articles and patterns! 🙂
yes please! I would love to read the article on Opus Anglicum
I would be very interested! I hope you can make it available =) thank you so much for the time and effort you put into sharing with us such wonderful resources which we might not otherwise come across!!
yes mary i love to read about old articles, books, etc. regrding embroidery in the past. thank you.
Mary, it appears to be online already – check out https://openlibrary.org/books/OL24988839M/Embroidery and the “Read online” link on the right-hand side of the page.
Thank you for this link. It looks like it may be helpful for many subjects. I love books.
Thanks Glenis….The open library seems to have a full volume… 240 pages…Am downloading it now & eager to see what is there.
Further to my previous note…. Have just opened the file from open library….Don’t know why it indicates 240 pages…. The book is still impressive 168 pages….. Would love to see the original paper copy but even in digital form it is clearly well worth reading
Thanks for this link Glenis – will read this over the weekend. Mary, thanks for bringing this book to our attention – it is amazing.
I have had this book in digital form for a while, downloaded from the open library.
It is VERY well worthwhile getting.
The version I have does not have a useful table of contents. Mary if your copy does have one I would be very grateful to see a scan of it.
Dear Mir,
The discrepancy in the number of pages is from the following sources:
30 plates with reverse side blank – 60 pages
in front of text: front cover, blank pages, title page etc. – 10 pages
blank pages at end of text and back cover: 4 pages
(the Smithsonian is counting the covers in the 242 pages to which it refers).
No idea of why I decided to follow it up – what a way to spend my time! I’ll have to see what I was putting off doing.
Thanks for the link.
Please share these articles. They look fascinating.
I would love a copy. I belong to the SCA, a medieval society and love medieval embroidery. Would it be possible to upload it to the Antique Pattern Library?
Your post about Pearsall’s embroidery is interesting. Enjoyed looking at the illustrations.
Yes, I would be very interested!:-)
Dear Madam,
I am interested in reading these articles.
Thanks in advance.
Best regards.
Bonjour Marie,
Oui, trois fois oui, je suis très interessée par ces articles,même si,ils sont écrits en Anglais, pour mon malheur.Je trouve que tous ces vieux magazines expliquaient très bien l’art de broder et les modèles sont sublimes. Une grande précision dans les points,une grande préciosité aussi, des détails à couper le souffle.Un grand merci à vous Marie.
I, too, love old embroidery publications and patterns. I hope there is enough interest.
Hi Mary, I would love to read the articles from the Pearsall’s magazine. I, too, enjoy reading older magazines and pamphlets. Thanks.
Hi Mary
I would be very interested in seeing Pearsalls embroidery publication
Mary, I would love a copy of this magazine if that is possible. Opus Anglicanum is a particular favourite of mine, as is celtic knotwork so this would be a wonderful magazine to own, albeit a photocopy.
Hi Mary,
Yes please! Could you up load the articles. The catalogue looks abolutely lovely. It would come in really useful to me as I am about to launch into trying goldwork and of course accompanying silk.
Best wishes,
I would love that!!
Oh yes Mary, would love to see an electronic copy of the Zpearsall Magazine. YUM!
Hi Mary, I would definitely be interested in a digital version of this issue, both for the information on Opus Anglicanum and the wonderful illustrations.
Hi Mary,
I would really be interested in the Pearsall
Embroidery Designs. I’m an avid needlepointer
and have used Pearsall Silk Floss for years,
it’s the most amazing thread, but unfortunately, it’s no longer available due to the death of their thread dyer. Apparently he was the best. I have found it on e-bay, but that too, is no longer available.
Thanks for sharing,
I am interested in these old articles please! Old Treasures – Pearsall’s Embroidery Magazine
I really enjoy all the information you write. I have been interested in the fabrics and threads they used. the style of embroidery in each era of time. How they developed the stitches, why they chose that particular stitch. There is so much to learn about all of it.
How beautiful these are ….. these manuscripts.
Yes I would be very interested in reading them.
Thank you Mary …..
It would be great to be able to read the article on English Work And I’d like to see more of the knot work designs.
Thanks as always for expanding my horizons!
Yes, I am VERY INTERESTED in purchasing copies of this magazine.
Very interested! Every post you have done in the past about these older publications I have greatly enjoyed!
Yes, I would love to have a copy of the embroidery publication.
PLEASE – I’d love to read the articles in Pearsall’s, especially the English Work and split stitched figures.
Yes, please of more articles from Pearsall’s Magazine. I have never heard of it but find it interesting and useful because of my interest in early English embroidery.
Yes, I’m definitely interested in this publication – I’m always looking for interesting ecclesiastical patterns in particular, and anything else in general. Thanks for asking!
Yes, Mary, I’d be very interested in articles from that magazine. As a student of historical needlework conservation, I am also interested in old patterns and instructions. I have a Master’s degree in Art Ed, Museum Ed option and continue my interest in the field.
You bet I’m interested! LOL!!!
As a needlework book junkie as well, I would love a copy
Of this magazine. I love vintage books on needlework – very
Comprehensive on traditional techniques.
Yes, yes, yes!
Hello from warm and dry (at least today) Gig Harbor, Washington. I am very interested in the pattern that would work well with wool.
I am a wool quilter/embroider person and my projects have been pushed forward from what I have learned from you. I use your tutorials with my applique group (and every time I start a bullion knot, I love them but they don’t love me). I would also like to use them in a talk/class I’ll be doing in the future with your permission, of course.
Thank you for your fun and educational writings.
Pam — I’m in Yelm. I’m curious what your group does. I’m kinda searching around for “local” groups.
Such a fascinating publication. Would love to see the articles if you can find a good way!!!!!
I sure hope you will share the Pearsall’s publication…like you I am fascinated by what we can learn from those artisans who practiced this craft so very long ago
interested on so many levels!
You bring such wonderful things to the world of embroidery and expose us to many treasures of the past and present and then share the creation of such things. Thank you for feeding our passions with a needle. Learning how we got here by seeing the work of our ancestors is of great importance to me. Would love to see this publication as something I can look at frequently on the computer. Thank you.
Oh Mary that is cool. I certainly have an interest.
Yes please share more ofthis great source! This was expensive when new — sixpence went a long way at that time– and I can see why. Very well produced.
I’d love to see the illustrations!
Would absolutely love to read these vintage articles. Love the historical information you make available to all of us.
I too like old embroidery. Have some old books from my mother and Aunt. These are before ww two.A little ratty looking but mean a lot to me as notes were made. Yes, I am interested.
Yes, please.
Thank you, Mary.
I would be very interested! Those old books are so inspiring! Thank you for sharing!
Hi Mary,
Yes, the magazine looks very interesting. I’d enjoy viewing it. Thank you!
Oh my what a lovely resource! Like many others, I’m sure, I would love to get a more detailed look at some of the stitch information!
Just learning and I find all very interesting…
Yes, I am interested in seeing more from the old embroidery magazine that you featured in today’s email newsletter. It reminds me of some magazines that my granny had! She taught me how to embroider and is long deceased.
I enjoy your blog topics a lot. Thanks.
Yes I an very in the Magazine especially the article on Opus Anglicanum.
Thank you,
Sandra Popek
I find these old publications are fascinating, also. Please include me in your list of people that would like to see these publications after you’ve scanned them.
Thanks so much!
Hi Mary I have some of these old magazines as well and I would love to see the issue you have if possible. I will work out whether I can get mine scanned as well.
I’d love the e-files from the issue of Pearsall’s embroidery!
Yes, I would love to see more of this magazine.
Thank you
Yes, please, Mary. Count me in for the Opus Angelicum especially. I love trolling about the antique needlework site that you have shared with us. As always, thank you very much.
Yes, I am fascinated with the history of stitching, old patterns and articles.
I would LOVE to have a copy of the Opus Anglicanum article in Pearsall’s…
Hi Mary
Would love to have additional information on the Pearsall’s publication as it looks wonderful. Thanks for all your efforts in sharing so many interesting “goodies”.
I would love to see the articles and illustrations. The bits you shared today look pretty neat.
Yes, please add me to the list of those interested in digital copies of embroidery magazines. Thank you!
I’d love some copies AND I’d be happy to do some quick research for you on the magazine. There are library references sources out there.
Miriam Kahn
I would love to read these articles. Thankyou for saving them and sharing them. Too much of the past is lost.
i woud love to read the article and try some of the techniques they post. thanks! bob
Dear Mary
Late today on this very hot and rainy here in London I had visitors. These magazines are so interesting I’ve not heard of Pearsall’s magazine but from the photos above it looks fascinating especially the Opus Anglium, I wonder what the history of company is and how long it was published would be interesting to know. Thanks for sharing Pearsall’s magazines with us and for offering the electronic file I would be interested in that. I hope you have a great weekend.
Regards Anita Simmance
I am very interested in the old embroidery books.
Yes please!! Thank you 🙂
I am very interested! Thank you for your wonderful blog.
Yes, this is very interesting. I love Celtic knot work & crewel. I am a lover of historical everything. Many thanks.
I recognised some of those article pages:
This is at least part of Pearsall’s series of articles, and it is already available for free on the Internet Archive. It might save you a lot of photocopying! Interesting to see Mrs Christie’s designs and working instructions, and many stitch diagrams which would appear in Samplers and Stitches
Hi Mary-
I am interested in reading/seeing the Pearsall’s Embroidery book!
Just chiming in.
Oh please post the book. I love old embroidery books and magazines.
I too, LOVE old needlework books. I have a 1953 Mary Thomas’ Embroidery book and a 1959 Embroidery Stitches. Not much compared to yours but I love ’em.
Practical Home Needlewoman and the like too.
This olde 1909 of yours is awesome and I for one would love to see more of it in detail.I do hope you succeed with your digitalizing and intricate unfathomable stuff so that we can all share even more with you.
Caroline, a very fascinated but inadequate needlewoman, who will read about it even if she can’t do it !
I would love a copy of the article on Opus Anglicanum! I am very interested in early medieval embroidery and would love to see this.
Great find! Very interested! Hadn’t heard of this one before. 🙂
Thank you this is fascinating. I live in London and note that Little Britain is within the shadow of St Paul’s Cathedral. The Opus Anglicum makes me wonder whether the ‘Litany of Loretto’ exquisite embroidery, now being in the care of The Royal School of Needlework, here at Hampton Court Palace, was in this vein? I viewed them at Ely Cathedral and they were breathtakingly beautifull. Apparently they were given to the RSN when a convent closed and they wished for them to be taken care of. Other than that they have really little history of who designed and executed them. The style was ‘Pre-Raphaelite” But the stitching was truly wonderful.
Hi, Margaret – no, the Loreto embroideries are not really in the style or techniques of Opus Anglicanum. When it comes to the split stitch filling – especially on faces and the like – in OA, the filling was worked in swirls from the cheeks outwards, and then lines following the contours around those and other parts of the face. The eyes in characters typical of OA are kind of those rounder, cartoony eyes that you see in the images above, and the characters certainly have a much more Medieval – almost iconic – cast to them. The pre-Raphaelite style seen in the Loreto embroideries tends more towards a romanticized realistic look. They are absolutely gorgeous, the Loreto embroideries, but definitely not the same style or approach as Opus Anglicanum.
I also have a deep interest in historical needlework and obscure old sewing and textile arts publications. Please do take some time to share what you’ve found. The books available for sale are often facsimiles of such poor quality that you can’t see detail or are such vast and exhaustive reprints (Weldon’s) that they aren’t affordable for most people. This is especially true of books and guides on lacemaking and ecclesiastical embroidery, I think.
This would be a unique addition to your already wonderful, informative web site and newsletters.
Like you I devour all old embroidery books, the middle ages is my favorite time period. I am very interested in getting a copy of this Pearsall’s book. Charlie Jones
Yes please, I would love to see these articles.
I am an ecclesiastical embroiderer, and work commissions for churches I am also an embroiderer at York Minster UK. We use the medieval term for an embroidered, and call ourselves ‘Minster Broderers’. such I would be extremely interested in reading the article on Opus Anglcanum if you are able to make it available.
Yes please Mary I too love old embroidery books and amphlets. It would be good to read the article of opus angelicum as I have often pondered the correct use of split stitch as a filling.
This looks wonderful. I would love a copy if they are available.
Yup, count me in! I, too, love the old publications. There are a lot of information and “tips” buried in them — but are sometimes hard to ferret out. You have to do a lot of reading and then “decipher” the style of the language to figure out what they are talking about! A fun kind of challenge. And the designs. The interpretation of designs. All SO inspiring. It would be fun to hear your reading audience bandy about the ideas and information found.
Yes, please!
Yes please I would love to read the articles.
Such compelling, delicious sketches and descriptions!
Of course I would love to read the articles and some of the design peeks above look unique and personal at the same time.
Thank you in advance for whatever you can share!Charlotte
Hi Mary
I recognise your Pearsalls magazine! However, I have a hardback large format book published by Pearsalls in 1909. I believe it is all the magazine issues bound together into one volume, as the editor, Grace Christie, says in the Preface “The plan of this work, which will appear in successive parts…”
There are 168 pages in total, plus mostly colour plates and some black and white photos, with lots more projects and articles. To give you some idea, your Opus Anglicum article appears on P113, with Part II on P161.
And I’ve just found another copy on Amazon UK, for £16 ($24). It’s one of my favourite books, so I really hope the shipping to the US isn’t too pricey, as I’m sure you’d love it too!!
Good luck and please let me know if you do decide to buy it!
Jane H.
Yes, I am definitely interested..thank you!
I would love to read these articles – feeds two great passions of mine – embroidery and history. Thanks for thinking of us all and making this a possibility!
From wet and soggy Virginia (haven’t seen the sun since Sunday); yes please do make copies available. I love these type of pamphlets. When I lived in Maine in the 80s I used to find some of these free booklets you speak about in old shops. And, they would give them to me because they were old and out of date. I wish I could have kept them all throughout our many US Navy relocations to new duty air stations.
So please make some files available.
How charming! My father was four years old at the time of this magazine’s printing, and my mother would not be born until one year later. As I read your analysis and description, I imagined my grandmothers enjoying those types of publications as much as I do your blog and instruction 🙂 Count me among those who would love to see more.
Yes please! That would be incredibly interesting.
I would be very interested in being able to read articles from old Pearsall’s magazines. Thanks very much for thinking of this!
I would love to have access to the pearsalls magazine
Yes, I am very interested reading about Opus Anglicum and would love if you would make it available.
Bonsoir Marie,
Je sais très bien que ce que vous nous proposez à un coût, à combien estimeriez-vous une participation à l’édition de ces articles?. Je connais en français ce même article et je le posséde en imprimerie libre en France, mais ce n’est pas possible pour tout le monde, j’ai pu l’observer, déjà il faut savoir où chercher. Je ne connais pas ce vieux magazine et je serais stupide si je ne le lisais pas, qu’il vienne du vieux monde comme l’Angleterre ou du nouveau monde comme l’Amérique. Oui, c’est vrai j’ai un côté assez vieillot. Merci beaucoup Marie de me répondre et comme pour l’engouement pour votre nouveau livre, les vieillleries sont toujours à l’honneur. Je suis donc prête à payer mon dû.
Oh, yes, please, Mary! This sounds fascinating. I would love to read the articles.
Well, Glenis seems to have located the magazine. There it is in all its glory, available to view online or download as PDF. Thank you Glenis!
I would love to be able to read this! Thank you for all you do!
I also revel in old needlework magazines and have collected quite a few. I would love to see the articles in this issue of Pearsall’s, as I don’t have any of that particular company.
It sounds fascinating. I’d love an e-file of it.
I have done a couple of the (modern) Pearsalls kits – lovely designs. And wonderful silk thread.
This looks very interesting! Yes would love to see more.
Thank you,
Please include me on your list of those people interested in old articles/patterns about embroidery. Thank you for your continued dedication and sharing of all things related to embroidery.
Mary, I just got my hands on the exact same issue a few weeks ago and loved flipping through it (although gingerly as it was falling apart) was so nice to hear your thoughts on it as well. I do wonder how many issues of this were published and how many are still around. I’m always amazed that the things you post are so relevant to what I’m doing or wondering about in my own little embroidery bubble 🙂
I agree with you – I adore old publications on embroidery. While they may not be as easy to read as current articles are; they do think that the reader is capable of so much more than the writers published today – they dumb things down. It drives me crazy. I want my work to be as good as I can possibly make it, I want it to be heirloom quality. So, yes, please, I would love to see this publication in complete form.
I think it a wonderful idea to share/purchase older publications/journals. They contain a wealth of inspiration and information.
If you decide to share, I would love to purchase a copy of the Pearsalls Embroidery magazine.
I enjoy reading your daily blog – it helps keep me motivated and I am seeing progress on my long term projects!
Thanks – Phyllis
Yes please Mary! I too love old books on embroidery and this one sounds wonderful. The snippets you’ve shown have whet my appetite to see more. Thanks for sharing this treasure with us all.
I too love old magazines, but have not seen Pearsall’s. I would love to read any of the articles. I hope you will be able to share this gem.
Enjoyed todays article. I also collect old magazines on needlework. So would enjoy hearing more about your collection.
Thanks for sharing. jeanie
Just an aside to the article on Pearsalls – my father, who was born in 1902, used to tell us about going to the pictures, they got 3d each (three pennies), two and a half for the picture and a halfpenny worth of chips on the way home. Translated into today’s money the price of the publication would be two children into the movies and a light meal on the way home, probably $NZ25. Love your daily articles. Thank you so much. ttfn
Hi my name is Juliet I am a sucker for old needlework books, histories, and tales. I will I will let enjoy seeing this publication in a serial form on the site. Even though I drifted into knitting now I still live you site hoping one day to start doing needlework again.
Mary, I am very interested in some of the older types of embroidery that we no longer use today – and would love to see some of the illustrations to try and reproduce some of those type stitches. The articles are really good in the history you get from them. Yes, I would love to be part of the group wanting copies of this book – or its articles.
Any thing from the Middle Ages. I enjoy the craft, the history, and institutions. I would enjoy the publications.
Dear Mary,
Please add me to your list for receiving Opus Anglicanum.
Thank you, Nick
I would love to see it! Please do! Where on earth do you find these treasures?
Mary I would love for you to share whatever you can. I love looking at old embroidery books also. Leslie
I am very interested in the articles in this magazine. Thanks
I am interested in a cy of the book you refer to today.
Thank you!
I love to read historical references in all of my hobbies as well as in my professional interest of nursing. Sometimes the language can be difficult, but still interesting. thanks for researching this.—-Robin from HOT and sunny Florida.
Mary, count me among the interested! This is fascinating and I’d welcome the opportunity to learn more about these techniques and their history. Thanks!
I am interested to see this article. way cool.
yes please Mary
Would love to be able to read this. Lease let me know if you go ahead with this idea. Gaynor
I love to read about the history of embroidery and different techniques. This publication looks like a really wonderful “find”!
This book looks pretty interesting. I would like to read the articles.
There is definitely an interest for me. I would love to read it. Thank you Mary for the lovely idea.
I love embroidery from times passed, reading and working is so enjoyable. Therefore I would be very interested in this article.
I love antique embroidery
Hi Mary, Like you I am a collector of patterns, especially Vintage books and magazines.
If you can manage to get this into an electronic format, I would love a copy,
Many blessings,
I would love to have access to this old publication.
Thank you so much for all you do.
I would love to read anything on embroidery (especially on older techniques).
I would love to read the articles from the old publication! one of my favourite parts of the new Inspirations magazines has been the historical in depth discussion of old pieces of embroidery. So yes please! I would love you to share. 🙂
I would love to read the articles!
I am very intrested and also love old embroidery and patterns
Thanke u so much
yes please, share if you can. i too love the old information.
Would love to read more info from the Pearsalls magazine. I am always on the lookout for things like this. A friend of mine just gave me 3 books on Huck Weaving Towels from the late 1930’s and early 1940’s.
Thanks for all you do.
Oh my yes, very interested. Where do you find these publications? I say the older, the better. I think they are fascinating.
Shelia in Oklahoma
I love old magazines and catalogs too and this one sounds like it would be very interesting. If you can get a file to share, I would be interested.
Thanks for the offer.
I’d love to see these! I’ve been into really old knitting magazines from the 1850’s and embroidery books from around 1910 (Jacobean crewel). I love your site, even though I’ve been an avid stitcher since childhood. The prose and comments you make are fun and personal, making it feel like I’m hanging out with a friend!
Sooooo very interested! If these articles are available to share, I would love to gobble them up!
Thanks, Mary!
would love to read this. Happy to buy a copy of you reprints/copters if possible.
Oh yes yes yes please – I’d love to be able to read the articles from the Pearsall’s publication. I have a few hanks of Pearsall silk that I treasure – I love just having them and looking at them, but haven’t had the heart (or found the right project) to actually stitch with them yet.
Thanks for all your wonderful work!
Thanks to Glenis, #5, I found the book and quickly scanned through it. I found eight pages I thought were interesting. In Windows, I right clicked on the image I wanted, copied it, and pasted it into a Word document. I’m also downloading the book. I’ve saved several old books you mentioned this way.
Hi Mary, yes, I would love to be able to read this issue! Thank you for asking.
Hi Mary I am interested in reading articles from old embroidery publications
Thank you
Yes. Please share the embroidery articles. Thank you.
Very interested in anything from Pearsalls please
Would absolutely love to read these articles. Please let us know if/when copies become available.
Hi Mary, there is an article about Louis de Farcy, the gentleman who wrote the article for Pearsalls at this site. A translation is available.
Like you I am fortunate to have this book.
Hi Wendy,
Thank you very much,it is amazing this web. I love it.
Absolutely wonderful. I would love to see and read more.
I spend quite a lot of time looking through charity shop/second hand bookshops for old book on embroidery and other textile crafts. I have found some great pattern books and a brilliant ‘encyclopedia’ of surface embroidery stitches which has become my bible. I haven’t found much on opus anglicanum, which is surprising as it is a large part of England’s embroider heritage. I would also be very interested in reading that article if you have the time to make it available.
Ella from Southampton, UK
Yes please, I should love to read about Opus Anglicanum. Like you, I am drawn to these old periodicals. I love the style of them, the way they talk directly to the reader, and they are a rich source of hints and tips.
Many, many thanks for all your work and generosity in sharing so much with us. I love reading your articles.
By all means yes, please do share! It would be perfectly lovely and thank you for the offer, I hope you can do this.
A copy of these would be fantastic! Thanks for thinking of us, Mary!
Really interested to read the Opus Anglicanum article and the others. Best wishes Chris.
Count me in too. Thank you!
Yes, please!
I also vote for you giving the scanned copy to the Antique Pattern Library
They have a ton of things, but no Pearsalls so yours would be a good addition.
I also vote for this.
Yes!! Yes! I remember my grandmother having those kinds of magazines stashed away in her attic….wish I had known then how much embroidery was going to mean to me.
I would love to read the publication!
would LOVE to see them!
Dear Mary,
Oh yes! yess! YES! Please do scan this article. Opus anglicanum is one of the most fascinating embroidery styles. The underside gold thread couching in particular is the technique unique to this style. Because the gold thread had tiny “hinges” created by the underside couching, the surface remained supple and pliant instead of being stiff like it is with felt pads covered in gold thread. Which was the reason for its popularity.
I would love to red the entire magazine. Tailor’s buttonhole stitch, indeed! And knotwork… what’s not to like?
Oh never mind Mary, I downloaded the book from the link given in the first comments. Great book!
And let me correct my spelling, it’s the first time I realize it’s Anglicum and no “Anglicanum”. (Slaps wrist.)
I love all your blog newsletters and frequently refer to your site. I have just returned from the Pomegranate Guild biennial where I took a class on Huck Embroidery (Swedish Weaving) with Debbie Katchko-Gray. For needlework this comes under the heading of instant gratification I Debbie is a cantor at Temple Shearith Israel in CT. and has published a book on the subject
BUT to reply to your Pearsall’s question – I love reading historic articles
Many thanks for all your work
I love old embroidery books and magazines. I also going to check the download in one of the comments
I would love to see old articles!
Would love to read more of tge articles.
Yes please, I just love the old books. Always beautiful illustrations.
I love this blog post and if possible would absolutely want to read the full article on Opus Anglicanum. Thank you for sharing!!
Yes and yes please. I love these old publications and their patterns too. I already have some that I have been able to find on the web and download for free, but more will always be welcome.
I’m from Brazil. Embroiderer always researching on old points like to see your site and have interest on this items. thank Amalia
your post was such an interesting read, as usual!
thank you for the opportunity, I would love to see more of your volume.
have a great weekend too! (what is left of it, anyways)
Mary, yes, please and thank you!
I would love a copy of this article.
This is right up my alley!!
Oh yes please, I love vintage articles like this, it’s like taking a peek back in time =)
Hi Mary
I would love to have some / all copied pages from the Embroidery Magazine, please let me know the cost involved xoxoxo Cheri in Dubai
I have been a member of the Richard III Society for nearly 30 years. Richard III lived in medieval times, so this era that is described in this edition of Pearsall’s — the Opus Anglicanum — is of particular interest to me. I have read about it, but can never know enough! Please share this content! Thank you!
Depending on the cost I would be interested in an electronic copy.
Deb in TN
Count me in!
Dear Mary,
I would be interested in reading the articles pictured and the other articles in the magazine as suggested in your introduction.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Dear Mary,
I really appreciated this post. I like to read the old magazines that you have made available to us or to which you have referred us.
would like copy/electronic or otherwise of Pearsall’s publication
I am currently a quilt shop owner but in the past I was a passionate needle worker and collector of embroidery books. Your blog feeds a need in my soul since there is seldom time to pick up needle and thread. I would be delighted to see and purchase a copy of the magazine.
YES PLEASE I would love to read any and all
I had some of them but they unfortunately went up in flames with everything else. I tell my grandkids the angels are using them now!!
Dear Mary, Thank you so much for the follow up. I have not stopped thinking about this beautiful embroidery and its history. I came across references in the Victoria and Albert Museum, which I am sure you know of, and I see they are having an Exhibition in Autumn 2016……… “The Opus Anglicanum project has several strands. Most importantly, the team is organising a major international exhibition for Autumn 2016, the first to concentrate on this material in 50 years. The exhibition will be accompanied by a multi-author publication, which it is hoped will become the standard introduction to this fascinating topic. Secondly, there is a wider desire to produce a gazetteer of all surviving examples of this material up to the Reformation. To this end, the project has collaborated with the Princeton Index of Christian Art, which has launched a web resource on English embroideries. A collection of essays emerging from a Symposium held at the V&A in February 2013 will be published in late 2014. The team has also instituted an AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Partnership PhD Studentship to research the relationship between English embroidered vestments and their liturgical use, a collaboration between the V&A and the University of Glasgow”…Forgive me if you know about this already. Thank you again for your fascinating posts.
Mary the Finder,
I would love to read this Pearsall’s magazine
that you’ve acquired. Thank you for thinking of sharing it.
I would like to read the articles from the antique hand embroidery magazine. So very kind of you to make them available.
Hi Mary, I would LOVE to have a copy of Pearsall’s Embroidery Magazine, for personal reasons. My maternal Grandmother’s maiden name was Pearsall (from MI, NY, UK). I would not only love to read it but put it in my family’s genealogy collection. She married a man from KS,Frank Dalton McKinney, and the next 3 generations lived in/around Ark City. I know that there is a Pearsall’s embroidery thread business started in 1795 and still operating in the UK today but never thought to contact them to see if there were any old books, etc around. Thank you. Let me know how much to repay you for any reproduction costs. You and Trish Burr are my super heros of embroidery. MOPincus
I love the history side of embroidery and laces. I would gratefully enjoy any articles you could present. That one page with the Celtic knot – was that a lattice on the same page? Wouldn’t that be a project to tackle!
Lots of rainy days and evenings in Colorado, having a copy of Pearsall’s to read
would be perfect.
It is always such a pleasure stopping by to visit with you. You offer so much and all your posts are wonderful. I too love the history of all needlework and love to see how it was all done. Thank you for all that you do.
I would *love, love, love* to have access to old embroidery books in PDF format!!!
yes I would love to read more on Opus Anglicum and techniques. Thank you
If I’m not to late I would love to see a copy of your old embroidery publication. Thanks
Hi, Mary,
I just read your post about the Pearsall’s magazine in which you mentioned that you may be taking it to be scanned and saved in an electronic format. You had said that if we interested in having a copy we should contact you. So here I am!
I’d love to have a copy of the magazine and hope you’ll be kind enough to add me to the (probably by now extremely long) list of those requesting one.
Thank you so very much for all you do to promote the love of needlework!
Hi, Ellen – You’ll find links to the book in this article: https://needlenthread.wpengine.com/2015/06/opus-anglicanum-pearsalls-and-mrs-christie.html
And an explanation of my mistake in writing about it – I’ve written about the complete volume before, and just didn’t realize it!
Interested in reading ‘Old Treasures – Pearsall’s Embroidery Magazine
Only just got to read the Pearsall/ Opus Anglicanum article now. I am very interested, if anything were to be made available….
Hello, Mary,
Recently I read your post about Wessex Stitcher written a few years back. I looked about for the book and finally found it. The book arrived a couple of days ago, and I’ve been perusing it. Love the designs (and the names as I lived in England for several years and visited many of the sites).
Is the magazine listed in the bibliography, Embroidery, the Pearsall’s magazine? I am very interested in the scanned copies you were planning to make available. Please tell me where to find them if you have made them available.
Many thanks for your informative newsletter.
Hi, Anne – there’s a follow up to this article here: https://needlenthread.wpengine.com/2015/06/opus-anglicanum-pearsalls-and-mrs-christie.html with links to the online version of the magazine.
Hi, Mary,
Where might I be able to download a copy or purchase one of the Pearsall’s Embroidery book you discussed recently? I would like to read the entire booklet and try out some of the techniques included in it.
Thank you, and thank you as well for all you do to preserve the traditional needlework skills that seem to be quickly disappearing from our modern and technology obsessed world.
Hi, Ellen – I followed up on this article a couple days later, with this post: https://needlenthread.wpengine.com/2015/06/opus-anglicanum-pearsalls-and-mrs-christie.html You’ll find links in there to the downloadable edition of the whole book.
Yes I am interested kin more from Persall’s
Interested in articles from Pearsall’s Embroidery magazine; did you ever make copies to put on your website, to read, see?
Your June 2015 page
Dear Mary
Thank you for this very interesting and, as ever, informative post. I have been lucky enough to visit the current exhibition at the Victoria Museum here in London of the wonderful collection of Opus Anglicanum, gathered from all over the world. It is breathtaking, I’m going again very soon before it ends of 5th Feb. I also hope to persuade family to help me buy the beautiful accompanying book! I have you to thank for introducing Opus Anglican to me on one of your posts. Very best wishes Margaret. p.s. Would be very interested in reading the publication.
If you had them scanned, I’d love to see about getting a copy.
I’m currently looking for another Pearsall’s published starting in 1914. It was started by Grace Christie. There’s an article in the 1914 issue on floral embroidery I’m hunting for.