
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Happy Thanksgiving!


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My dear friends! Just a quick not to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving, no matter where you are!

I know it’s a US holiday, but I always figure it’s a universal concept – we all have something to be thankful for, every minute, every hour, every day of the year…

Happy Thanksgiving with Embroidery Hoop

Right near the top of my list of Major Things to be Thankful For in my Life is … You.

The extended community around Needle ‘n Thread is one of the greatest blessings in my life – I learn so much from you, I’m constantly inspired by you, and the unbelievable amount of support and friendship from you – these are blessings indeed, beyond value.

Many of you have asked for a personal update lately. Well, Thanksgiving Day is definitely the appropriate day to share this one!

For those just joining us on Needle ‘n Thread, I began a series of personal updates two years ago, Thanksgiving, about a little problem I was having with cancer. I don’t normally write about this type of personal thing directly on the website. Instead, I link to any personal update so that you can read it or not, as you wish. You’ll find a short little note here, then, if you’re interested, to let you know what’s up with me.

To celebrate Thanksgiving today, guess what I’m doing? I’m stitching all day, whenever I want to, for however long I want! Normally, my local family (my sister and brother and their families living in the area, as well as my mom and dad) gather in abundance for any holiday, and on Thanksgiving, there are usually a good 30 or more of us hanging out and doing the Turkey Thing.

This year, everyone fled! So it’s three of us – my mom and dad and I – and we are having a quite Thanksgiving. (And we’re not cooking! We actually ordered the whole Thanksgiving dinner from a local deli. But don’t tell anyone!)

To each of you, Thank You for being a part of my life – not just online, but in my heart, too!

Happy Thanksgiving!



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(115) Comments

  1. Great news! So happy for you and thankful FOR you and all you share with us.
    Wishing you a great Thanksgiving Day!

  2. And we are most thankful for your good news and YOU! You are such an inspiration to everyone who knows about your Website. [[[[HUGS!]]]]

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your parents! I’m so thankful to hear your good health news; lots of wishes for continued good health!

  4. I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving as well. I love the plans you have for the day. Even more to be thankful for: food, family and floss. 🙂 The personal side of your life is shaping up nicely. You often come to mind in my prayers but I hesitate to come out and ask how you’re doing since it seems so intrusive. So your updates are greatly appreciated and the news is another thing to add to my thankful list. Have a day full of smiles.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving to you. You are often in my thoughts and always in my prayers. And thank you for the knowledge you share.

  6. Mary, my best wishes to you this Thanksgiving Day and every day! I was so pleased to read of your good health report (Yay for keeping the spleen!) and wish you many more days of good news on that front. Thank you for keeping us up to date on stitch happenings around the world and on your lovely projects. I look forward to your email each day.

  7. Mary…what good news in your health adventures! And, I give thanks for YOU and this website that I read over and over! You have taught me so many new stitches and shared so many new ideas! I am thankful for all that you do!

  8. Dear Mary I am so thankful that you are so well. Keep it up and please, never stop those followup examinations. Wish you a very happy Thanksgiving and only the best over the festive season. Lots of love, Elza from Cape Town. xxx

  9. Enjoy your quiet Thanksgiving! And thank you for the health update – I’ve been wondering how you were doing. Unfortunately (I’ve been through cancer stuff also), treatment, even successful, is the gift that keeps of giving – but overall, this is great news!

  10. Mary, and a special thank you to you. Very often wonder of your health and am so happy about your results. You’ll be looking to Christmas with a lighter heart, and so will your family.
    Happy days Mary
    Cheers, Kath

  11. Dear Mary

    Firstly a very Happy Thanksgiving to you I do hope you have a quiet stitching thanksgiving with your parents. I wish you every happiness as you continually give us so much, I’ve learnt so much from you and have been amazed at your knowledge and generosity to us and yes there is so much to be grateful for. I’m so glad concerning the update on your illness this is great news and long may it continue.

    A very Happy Thanksgiving enjoy your time.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  12. Mary I am so happy for you with this positive diagnosis. It also relieves my worries about your health. Yes we do worry about you. You have been so generous to your readers with your talents, and your posts are always interesting and stimulating to the imagination. So I am thankful for your blog and am even more thankful that your health outlook is good.

  13. Happy Thanksgiving, enjoy! Thank you for sharing your good news too. Wishing you peace and calm for to your stitching today. Will it be trees? xxx

    1. Oh, yes, Gill – it definitely is trees! I made the mistake of making some new variations that I’m transferring to fabric shortly and adding to the stack! If I’m not careful, I’ll have a rather extensive forest on my work table! Happy Thanksgiving!

  14. Mary,
    I finished my 5 year protocol of tamoxifen on October 31 – it felt like a real milestone. Glad to hear you are doing well.

  15. Wow, that Thanksgiving picture is so beautiful! Is it a piece of embroidery?did you stitch it? It really is amazing.

    Thanks for the personal update as well! I aS so happy to read it.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  16. I don’t comment often but read every one of your posts. I’m grateful for your awesome cancer-free update. You need to be around for a very long time, as you are such an inspiration to the needleworker community! Happy Thanksgiving to you and enjoy your dinner with your parents.

  17. Happy Thanksgiving, Mary! Congratulations on the good news; that’s so wonderful! Each day is a gift. I’m also celebrating Thanksgiving by spending the day stitching, and then going out to dinner tonight with a dear friend. Have a great day!


  18. Dear Mary; I must add my wishes to you and your family for Thanksgiving and the coming year. My husband, daughter and I always enjoy your articles and are delighted with your health news. All the best from a stitcher in Canada.

  19. Great news Mary!!! Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for sharing your beautiful talent with all of us….Have a wonderful day…

  20. Happy Thanksgiving, Mary! Your Thanksgiving sounds wonderful! I don’t post often but I read every single word you write. Thank you for the personal update. Continued prayers. God bless you and your family.

  21. Absolutely delighted with your personal update, Mary! So thankful you’re doing well. And can’t thank you enough for this website; the encouragement, information, creativity and help are beyond measure! It’s also lovely to be a part of this community of stitchers, from all over the world. More power to your needles, everyone!

  22. Happy Thanksgiving, Mary! I am thankful for all your articles and helpful advice. And I am especially thankful to God for answered prayers in regards to the cancer you’re dealing with.

  23. Happy Thanksgiving to you too Mary Corbet. I enjoy your posts to Facebook and the many ideas and tips you share on Needle&Thread. Since retiring a little over a year ago, my interest in my needlework and knitting has really grown and I am enjoying it so much more. Housework only gets in the way occasionally. Thank you for so much inspiration and thoughtful essays. May you and your parents enjoy today with your deli meal. We dined at Maumee Bay State Park near Toledo, Ohio with a view of the Maumee Bay and Lake Erie. No leftovers for us,but time to indulge in some stitching or knitting for sure.

    1. Sounds like a perfect day, Marianne! Next time I’m in a similar situation, we’re going out to eat. No leftovers, true – but more to the point, no dishes! 🙂

  24. Hurray for ordering out. So glad your news continues to be good. Love the trees you posted. I have made everyone of your Holiday ornaments, perhaps not the same as you intended. I loved the snowflakes and I can tell just by looking, that I’m going to love those trees.

    Lucky you to get to stitch! I’m off to make pie. And then clean up the mess. May many blessings come your way and a very long life in which to enrich us all with your skill and talent.

    1. Hi, Holly! Thanks for your note! I was very lucky to get to stitch quite a bit yesterday! It was a banner day in that regard – 1.5 trees done, and two more designs ready, that I’m going to tackle today. And then I’ll select my favorites and put them together. They’re great fun! You know, I forgot about those snowflakes….. trees and snowflakes. Ut oh. I just had another idea….

  25. *grins* I don’t do much for Thanksgiving either – no local family except for my dog. But have fun chilling out with needle in hand. 🙂

    -Monika in Mobile

  26. Happy Thanksgiving to you too. I am thankful for your good news on the health front and for all the wonderful stuff you share with us on your blog and web site.

  27. Happy Thanksgiving Mary! Thank you for the update. I’m so glad that at long last the news is good. Many of us were silently concerned. I thought that when you were ready you would fill us in. Each time you crossed my mind or whenever I went over the posts, I would say a prayer over your health and well-ness. I am happy that you are recovering.
    About T-Day that idea of ordering take out sounds like a great idea. So many times I wish we had done just that here at my house, but my husband loves to cook and really loves this holiday so I am recruited yearly as the less-than-enthusiastic “sous chef” (serving platter and carving knife washer, potato peeler, and other fun titles).
    But gratitude is what it’s all about so here’s to that!

    1. Thanks, Laura! Yes, the take out thing is great when you don’t want to cook! It’s extremely easy – makes for a relaxing day! But really, nothing beats home cooked!

  28. Dear Mary,
    We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving generally here in Australia, but as you say there are countless reasons to be thankful…so I am sure that all your online friends are celebrating and giving thanks as I do, for your improving health.
    I look forward eagerly to each of your postings. You have brought a whole new dimension to my life as I explore this embroidery craft that you so expertly reveal. So, a very grateful ‘thank you’, and blessings, from ‘Down Under’.

  29. Thanks for the update, Mary. I watch for them! Such good news!! Thank you for enriching my stitching and my life.

  30. I am thankful for your website. If I am unsure or want to learn more of a technique, you are my go to guru. Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving

  31. Mary, thank YOU for sharing your wonderful news.

    As Clare commented, we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Australia. We do have turkeys but we eat them at Christmas, which is the traditional big family get-together day.

    1. Thanks, Mary! It did end up being a good way to do it! No pressure, really easy. Next time I’m in a similar situation, though, I’m thinking we should just go out to dinner. Imagine – no dishes to wash!!

    1. Yes, my eyes are full of tears too. So pleased to hear your +ve news. I love your posts and have been hoping that on the health side things will be on the up.

      Happy (belated) Thanksgiving. It’s the thanks and giving that’s the thing, we – give thanks for your giving of your fabulous stitching.

      All the best from the UK!

  32. Mary, Thank you so much for sharing your update. Like so many others , I have wondered how you are doing but haven’t felt it was right to intrude. I am so grateful that you have encouraging news on the cancer front…but I know sarcoidosis has its own struggles. It has been a privilege to pray for you and I will continue! I hope your weekend is peaceful and stitch-ful. You are one of the blessings in my life! May blessings abundant be on you!

  33. And we’re thankful for YOU! I’m sorry I’ve been remiss in commenting lately but it seems that Santa needs just a little bit of help around here and I’ve been busy and not on the computer as much as normal. I just wanted to say that I’m so glad you’re doing well. Prayer is an amazing thing (along with a good medical team). Hugs!

  34. Dear Mary, Wonderful news re your cancer – our prayers and love did the trick eh. May you and your family have a joyous Thanksgiving and have fun stitching all day. I am stitching little angels for Christmas tree decorations and the one I am working on at the moment is a pregnant angel. My niece is pregnant and due around the 20th and I thought a pregnant angel would be nice – I am sure this is OK with the powers to be, He created them and us after all. So, I am getting in early and wishing you a healthy, peaceful and family-filled day of love and good cheer for Christmas. God Bless, Helen from Australia

  35. Dear Mary, Happy Thanksgiving to you too! I’m so grateful to you for all your words of instruction and inspiration that you so freely share with us!! Your great talent has trely blessed those of us who read your blog. Thanks for all the beauty that you give to the world!!! Hugs, H

  36. Dear Mary,
    It is wonderful to hear your good news. You are in our payers and a huge inspiration to many. I like your thanks giving, and idea to have an indulgent quiet day of embroidery in the company of your parents ……. and with no cooking. That sounds like the perfect day.

    Thank you for all that you do for us!

    We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here in Australia but perhaps we should, we have much to be thankful for.

    Happy Thanksgiving Mary!

  37. Happy Thanksgiving, what a lovely tradition (we don’t have that in Australia), it should really be a worldwide concept don’t you think?. Glad to hear you had positive results. Have a wonderful and carefree day and enjoy the “no cooking”, wonderful idea.

    1. Thanks, Guida! Yes, Thanksgiving is a nice tradition! I always equate it with the beginning of winter weather, and the beginning of Christmas stuff – unfortunately! It really is too early to get Christmas on. But yesterday was a beautiful day here – and 82 degrees. So much for my notion of equating the holiday with winter!

  38. Always happy to read your posts (front France) and to get GOOD news from you ! Behind the fabulons embroiderer, always ready to share and help, there’s (no doubt !) e wonderful human being. And without the personnality of the Human Being in you, the embroiderer wouldn’t be the same !

  39. Thanks God you got good news regarding your health.
    We lost a fellow embroiderer who was also a bobbin lace maker ( and a teacher) to cancer a few months ago. Too young, only 63.
    Long live to you Mary. You are a treasure for us all.

  40. Thank you for your personal update. I had been wondering how you were doing. You are a person who would put a positive spin on anything, but I’m very happy to hear that you are doing so well! I am inspired by your faith and witness, as well as by your embroidery and embroidery knowledge. Thank you.

  41. J’ai un coin broderie dans mon salon face à la porte patio et je broderie toujours sur le même fauteuil. C’est aussi l’endroit où je lis votre blog.
    Merci pour toutes ces belles recherches.

  42. I’m late to respond here as I didn’t get to the email until today. Busy weekend. 🙂 And not even because of Thanksgiving! Actually ours will be next Friday when daughter and family arrive. Other irons in the fire. Just wanted to say thank you for the update and the wonderful news. So very happy to hear it. You will continue in my prayers. Your holiday sounded like a lovely one, by the way. 🙂

  43. Love the turkey, he really is a handsome chap.
    Mary is there a pattern for him?
    That wattle he has is gorgeous, and with the rest of his colours he is too good to pass up.
    Cheers to you and all

    1. Hi, Martha – this guy is from a vintage image collection. He’s not actually embroidered – I altered the image and added the layers – including the hoop – to make him a little more needlework-friendly! 🙂

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