Good morning, Happy Friday, and welcome to A Stitcher’s Christmas #2!
Today, I’m going to announce the five winners of Monday’s give-away, A Passion for Needlework, Factoria VII from Inspirations Studios.
Then I’ll introduce you to another gorgeous give-away, courtesy of The Crewel Work Company, and perfect for Christmas!

First, let’s get business out of the way!
Here are the five winners from Monday’s give-away. I will contact you all by email as well, so please look for that email and reply as soon as possible.
The five randomly selected winners, each receiving a copy of A Passion for Needlework, Factoria VII, which I reviewed here, are:
Adrienne Forsyth, Susy Dowers, Michelle Christopherson, Sue Boyd, and Michele Hill!
I’ll send out an email to each of you this morning. I know you’ll love the book!
The favorite stitches of the winners, incidentally, were feather stitch (twice), bullion stitch, stem stitch, and double lazy daisy. If I had time, I’d go through the whole list and count up the favorite stitches to see which stitch is the overall favorite. But… alas!
If you’re looking for A Passion for Needlework, Factoria VII to add to your Christmas list, there’s still time to order it! In Australia, it’s available through Inspirations Studios, here.
Thanks again to the kind folks at Inspirations Studios for offering the books for the give-away!
A Stitcher’s Christmas #2: Crewel Kit!
Today’s prize for A Stitcher’s Christmas is a new kit released this year by The Crewel Work Company called We Three Kings.
We Three Kings is a delightful recreation of a portion of traveling altar frontal from the 17th century. It depicts the Holy Family in 17th century garb, honored by the Magi decked out in court clothes. This is my favorite crewel kit from The Crewel Work Company – I was completely charmed by it the first time I saw it!

The piece is worked entirely in red, in a number of fun stitches: long and short, several variations of buttonhole, double running stitch, French knots, Roumanian stitch, seed stitch, outline stitch, laid and couched work, ermine stitch and spider’s web.

Although We Three Kings is listed as a level 3 kit (advanced), there’s really nothing in the piece that can’t be handled by even an advanced beginner, as long as you’re familiar with the basics of needlework. The kit comes with the pre-printed fabric ready to stitch, stitching instructions, and threads. All you need to provide is a hoop and scissors.

In addition to the kit, the winner will also receive a delightful cotton towel printed with image of the stitched design – a lovely accent to your Christmas decor!
Give-Away Guidelines
This give-away is now ended. Thanks for participating!
To enter today’s give-away, please follow these guidelines:
1. Leave a comment below, in the comment form following this article. You can follow this link directly to the comment form, if you are unsure of where to go. Please do not comment as a reply to someone else’s comment.
2. On the comment form, please fill out the name line with a recognizable name (no anonymous comments) and the email address line. You do not have to fill out the “website” line. You can just leave that blank. Please make certain your email address is entered correctly. In the comment box, answer the question posed below. Please do not leave your email address, mailing address, or phone number in the actual comment box. The comment box is also not the place to advertise your own needlework business, so please do not leave links to other websites in the comment box.
3. In the comment box, answer the following:
Describe your favorite winter stitching spot. Where do you sit? What surrounds you? What do you see and hear? Is it cozy and comfortable or purely functional? I like questions like these – it makes it so fun to moderate the comments!
4. Please leave your comment by Wednesday, December 5th, 5:00 am central time (Kansas, USA). I’ll randomly draw the winner that morning and notify you by email.
5. Please leave only one comment on the give-away. Multiple comments will be deleted. You can enter all the give-aways in the series, but please enter them only once each.
That’s it! Now go forth and comment before the time slips away!
Coming Up on Monday!
Coming up Monday, threads! Beautiful threads arranged for the seasons. Look for the next installment of A Stitcher’s Christmas, 2018 first thing Monday morning.
Do not be alarmed if your comment does not show up immediately. Comments on Needle ‘n Thread are queued for moderation and published only after they are approved, in order to prevent spam. Since I’m not always at my computer, the comments might build up in the queue for a while, but eventually, they will show up!
This article contains an affiliate link to Book Depository, which means that any purchases made through that link result in a tiny commission that helps support Needle ‘n Thread, at no extra expense to you.
I sit on my couch in the living room right next to the largest window for the best light. It also happens to be my cat’s favorite spot so I have a warm, purring, content cat cuddled up next to me all the time. He’s the perfect craft companion since he has no interest in thread, needles, or beads. : )
My favourite place for winter stitching is in my work room listening to a radio play working on my slate frame and trestles. A sunny cold winters day preferably with snow but with the central heating and slippers on!
My favorite spot to stitch is the recliner in my living room.
This is SO beautiful! I don’t think I’ve ever seen single-colour crewel work before. Gorgeous.
My favourite stitching spot is the same all year round: on one end of the sofa, looking out over the garden and hoping that the little robin will come and say hello.
My favourite winter stitching spot is in my family room, sitting in companionable silence with my partner while she spins on her hand spindle. Our cat sits with us and I can glance up to see the snow coming down outside…like a Christmas card!
Describe your favorite winter stitching spot. Where do you sit? What surrounds you? What do you see and hear? Is it cozy and comfortable or purely functional?
I have a deck at the back of my house which manages to capture the winter sun.
I have a comfortable chair and I am surrounded by my garden with hanging pots of geraniums along the roofline.
I hear the lovely songs of maggies, butcher birds and the more raucous sounds of kookaburras. (And unfortunately the sounds of the nearby traffic also).
It isn’t cosy but it is comfortable and functionable.
My stitching area is the same winter or summer, the only difference is the gas heater comes out to keep me warm. It’s in the corner of my living room with everything close at hand. I can either have the tv on or listen to music & my beagle lays next to me, keeping me company.
I love to sit by the wall of windows in my Studio looking out at the birds and squirrels playing in the woods behind our home. I know it may not be the most productive place to stitch – I get distracted by the fat squirrels chasing one another up and down the trees- but It’s such a blessing to be surrounded by nature after living in a huge city for so long that being productive isn’t always my first priority right now!
By fireplace with large window for light, looking out over the snow covered fields.
My favorite place is upstairs overlooking
Our few acres of mixed oak and costal boggy ground, rejoicing in the bird life and imagining beautiful ( as yet unrealized )
Crewel projects!
I sit in my Lazyboy chair, beside a Yunka wood burner, cat on the mat and one above my head on the chair back. I have my LED magnifying lamp beside me. This is my favourite place to stitch.
My favorite winter stitching spot is at my desk by the window in my bedroom. I love to stitch in the afternoons with the excellent natural light and to look out onto the lakeview from my window. There are always lots of ducks, herons, egrets, and limpets swimming and feeding, and of course lots of squirrels running and climbing the cypress and palm trees. It is so cozy and comfortable in my chair, and my stitching time is truly relaxing and joyful.
I am from Canada so it is a little chilly up here between a November and April. I spend my stitching time in my family room by the gas fireplace listening to talking books and stitching. I have done many cross stitch projects but since taking a couple of wonderful needlework tours, I have begun exploring other things such black work, stumpwork, crewel work and Mary’s Christmas trees and Thousand Flowers. Winter should pass quite quickly .
As the cold weather increases my stitching place is a recliner Queen Anne chair near the propane stove insert in a fireplace. It is warm and cozy and I can see out windows to the fields near the house. Best of all one of the cats is always stretched out in front of the fire keeping me company. Stitching this beautiful kit would be a pleasure in such a warm and cozy place.
My winter stitching spot is tucked into the corner windows in my living room for every last bit of sunlight and is close enough to the fireplace to feel cozy when it is in use.
Unfortunately that is also the cat’s favorite nap spot so most of my stitching time is spent giggling at the cat making a big production out of giving me the cold shoulder. I have to know she is ignoring me or what’s the point.
Love the red Work!
I sit in a comfy chair in front of my wood stove sometimes with TV on. I also have quilt on my lap.
I love this beautiful red work pictorial of the Three Kings. I love to stitch, especially in winter with Christmas music on in the background. I’m a recent transplant to beautiful and quieted rural west central Il. from Southern CA. My sewing spot looks out on trees, open fields and a very active bird feeder that the squirrels are trying very hard to access. Retirement from teaching and the move from city to country adds true tranquility and relaxation to my life. I find more time to stitch, relax, and listen to the quiet. My companions are two dedicated mini doxies who cuddle up almost too close while I stitch. If only I didn’t have to do any household chores and could stitch all day…
My favorite winter stitching spot is my recliner in my winter home in Tucson. From my chair I can see the mountains and watch how the light plays on the mountains and changes the view every minute. I usually have an old movie on the TV or listen to a pod cast. I am very cozy and comfortable and enjoy the desert warmth rather than the cold winters in Nebraska.
In the winter time I sit in my the warm cozy den (usually with a fuzzy blanket over my legs). I have a light over my right shoulder. I have access to the window as well. That way, I can see all the animals such as deer and an occasional bear that might stroll by and the beautiful red rocks in our area! Oh, let’s not forget the birds! We have fewer in the winter but it’s such a treat!
Hi Mary. Right now my favorite stitching place is my living room chair. I have a great overhead light and lots of space to spread out my tools on the cedar chest next to the chair. In the winter it’s in front of the fireplace albeit a fake one. Hey I live in Florida. But always have my music going, classical or Christmas this time of year.
I have two chairs. One straight, and one more cozy, both near an uncovered window with northern light. I can listen to music, books or Tv, or visit with family if they happen to be in the kitchen.
My favorite spot to stitch in the winter is in the recliner under the Ott lamp. It is beside a window with the morning sunshine, usually. Our little mixed breed dog is nearby. I like background music or a PBS travel program on if my stitching is not too challenging
is at my feet and my tools and tea cup nearby.
We live in New Hampshire, where it is winter for a long time, and provides the perfect opportunity for stitching. My favorite spot is our sun room. In the winter, it is bright, sunny, and warm – perfect for needlework and for finding light and warmth on a cold winter day.
My favorite winter place to stitch is my family room. It is a couple of steps down from the kitchen on one side, has big windows on two sides and a French door to the yard on the fourth. It’s a sunny space all day — so long as we have sun, that is. Once dinner is in the oven, I will start my stitching and listen to an audible book. It’s a nice break in a hectic life.
I like to sit in the living room recliner. Table next to me with good lighting and a view of birds in a large oak tree. Sometimes the TV will be on with a good movie.
All my stitching takes place in an easy chair with a cup of tea by my side. Sometimes that’s a little dangerous but that’s my comfort. It’s a bit cozy but most of all it’s quiet and relaxing. Great place to de-stress – needlework and tea. Who needs more.
Love the detail of this piece
my favorite winter stitching spot is in the family room near the tv and fireplace. it is very functional with a table and light nearby and comfortable couch to sit on and lay out the various threads. I stitch for hours while watching my favorite tv shows. sometimes i turn off the tv and just listen to music via alexa technology.
marysue c
My year round favorite stitching spot is in a corner of the living room by the window. I stitch very early in the morning. What I like to hear is when the birds start to chirp. My area is functional with almost everything within arm’s reach
My favorite winter stitching spot overlooks my favorite summer stitching spot. I have a small table that I place in front of my dining room window that gives a lovely view of my backyard. Even on a gloomy winter’s day, it is full of light reflecting off the snow filled yard. From there I can look through the trees and watch the daily squirrel races, and enjoy the birds that visit our feeders. If I am lucky, I even get to see the deer that wander out of the fields at dusk.
In my recliner in the den with the TV and my kitty on my lap.
My favorite winter needlework spot is a large upholstered chair in my living room. I turn it so that it is facing two sets of sliding glass doors looking out on my deck and some woods in back of the house. I’ll have the radio on tuned to classical music and I can sit and work there all day. An extra treat is a good snowy day to watch as I work.
There is a two-seat high table tucked in the corner of my kitchen where I can sit and stitch while watching the birds come and go from the feeder on my porch. There is a large sliding glass door, so I have a beautiful view of the trees, both in our yard and of the nature preserve that backs up to our little street. The late afternoon sun is beautifully bright and can make seeing the pattern on my fabric difficult at times, but it is so warm and peaceful… especially if my babies are napping!
I have a wonderful upholstered chair in my family room that I have created a stitching station around. It’s comfortable, positioned so I can out our patio doors into the back yard. I get to see cardinals and squirrels flitting and scampering about surviving the cold and bitter temps in Ohio’s winter. When it snows, it’s an absolute wonderland to behold.
My favourite spot is in my conservatory. It is south facing so even in winter when the sun shines it is lovely and warm. It is even better when my two cats, Honey and Bethany join me and snooze while I stitch. Where I live is very quiet so I usually listen to an audio book. My garden is not large but has a lot of nicely matured shrubs. I confess though I am not a gardener so Rob and Tony come every other week and make it nice. Just putting up my Advent Calendar from DeVere Yarns and I will be getting my tree soon to put in the corner.
My favorite spot to stitch is sitting in my recliner that overlooks the woods where I can hear the birds and listening to the great Christmas carols that are playing on my stereo this time of the year.
My Lazy Boy is my go to stitching spot. I’m not crazy about having to sit at a table with a piece to work on it. A good TV show / movie and a cup of coffee is all I need to accompany me.
Where I stitch depends on what I am stitching. Simple, easy items are stitched in “my” chair in the living room with my husband on the couch and the TV on, preferably tuned to PBS. Involved, difficult items are stitched at a table in my sewing room with my quilts, stitched projects and books all around me. There I can concentrate on my project and easily reference books or Needle n’ Thread when I need help.
M y favourite place to stitch in the winter is in my living room. I have a fire place if it’s chilly, I can glance up and see outside (especially distracting if there is snow) and my cats to keep me company. Quiet music or an audiobook and the time just flies. I have great light in my living room in the winter so that helps as well.
My favorite stitching place in the winter is in the living room with a good movie on the television and a fire in the fireplace! It seems I can easily take up the entire couch and the end table next to me with the “must haves” to work on my projects.
Hi Mary,
My favorite winter stitching spot is at the table in my sewing room. It is in a little building across the barnyard from our back door. I sit and stitch at the table with ott lite and magnifier, and can look out one window at a birdfeeder, and through the other window I can watch the sunset. I love winter sunsets in New England. Classical music provides the sound track. This is making me want to go out there right now! 🙂
Warm Regards,
June House
This one is easy. In the wing chair in front of the wood stove. Fire going, wine at my side.
Thanks for this delightful contest! My favorite spot to stitch is in a room with 5 windows on 3 sides. If it is sunny there is lots of light but if it is stormy there is a good view of the action while still being warm and cozy.
My favorite winter stitching spot is in my living room, with the gas fireplace on for extra warmth, a good bright light over my left shoulder, and room on the couch to spread out threads and charts so everything for my project is easily accessible.
I love to embroidery in my kitchen. It’s warm, there is excellent lighting and I big table where I can spread out whatever I’m working on. sometimes I “listen” to a TV program
I just love stitching! It is so calming, just pushing a needle up and down!Hope I win!!!
Oh my–this kit is absolutely wonderful! Love Red and White –my very favorite combination of colors to work with in embroidery or in fabrics.
I would so this on my special sewing area–which is a wooden church bench. The bench came from the church from my husband’s home town. ( I reminds me to sit up straight as I sew and have reverence for my handwork.) The church now has newer seating. Its just special to sit where others have set in time of prayer and listen to the hymn of needle pulling thread through fabric. This kit captures the meaning of Christmas!
I love to stitch in my sewing/craft room. I have my radio/CD player along with TV (which is handy when I’m learning new stitching through DVD classes). I sit next to a window so I can watch the birds at the feeders and other small animals that come through our yard. My desk is close by for when I am beading or doing paper crafts. My sewing machine and cabinet are under the TV for when making clothes or quilts. All the things that I love!
I’m blessed to have my own stitching room but my favorite place to stitch is on my front porch. In a comfortable chair, I can hear the birds singing and sometimes a bunny will come by or a quail family. It’s very peaceful.
On cold winter days my husband builds a fire in our family room where there is a wall of large windows, and if I’m lucky and have a free afternoon, I’ll either sit at my sewing machine in the window or curl up under a quilt with some hand sewing. At some point there will be either coffee or tea to prevent my dosing off in my blissfulness!
There is a two-seat high table tucked in the corner of my kitchen where I can sit and stitch while watching the birds come and go from the feeder on my porch. There is a good view of the trees, both in our yard and of the nature preserve that backs up to our little street. The late afternoon sun is beautifully bright and can cause it to be a little bit difficult to see the pattern on my fabric at times, but it is so warm and peaceful… especially if my babies are napping!
I always sit where I can look out a window when I’m stitching.
I have two stitching spots, one for daytime stitching and an one for evening. My husband recently finished off an area in my basement where, during the day, I sit in an ergonomic desk chair in front of my JAT frame stand with my latest WIP, usually a reproduction sampler. I listen to audiobooks while I stitch. And my Blue Max light and a little space heater brighten and warm my little corner.
In the evening I sit in the den with my husband of 50 years where we watch TV or listen to books together. I sit in an armchair we purchased right after we first got married. I have redone the cushions 3 times and it has been in homes from New Jersey, California, Texas and now back home again in Indiana and it has seen me through wide range of stitching projects over the years. And it is wide enough to share with my dachshund! I love you Mary!
I love stitching in the afternoon when it is cold outside but the sun is streaming through the living room window. I sit on the chesterfield with my most complicated stitching ,a cup of tea(well maybe a pot) and listen to music or pod casts about stitching whilst I stitch.
I have an Ott light and a magnifier right at hand and room for an embroidery stand if I need to use one, it is simply a perfect winter afternoon activity.
Favorite place to stitch in the winter is the chair near the window in our living room. Decent natural light with a great lamp, window to watching the birds feed and the snow fall and included in all the happenings in the house.
I wanted to put in a photo here, which would just about answer all the above questions, but, alas, it’s not possible. It is a wonderful picture of me sitting in a cozy, oversized chair in the corner of the living room. I have a sliding glass door on my left, from which I can keep an eye on the frozen pond and snowy woods in the back of the house. A cheery fire is in the wood-burning stove, straight in front of me. And on my lap is a project of Japanese counted thread – Kogin embroidery. And it is in red – which would go beautifully with this project from The Crewel Company! Thank you so much for this chance to, perhaps, add another lovely item to our Christmas celebrations!
In the winter, I love to sit in my dining room because you get the beautiful afternoon sunshine.
My dining room is filled with Rhodesian Teak and tapestry chairs, a warm inviting room.
Georgina, our English staffy is usually lying around close to me.
I have a jar of my Favourite South African jelly lollies.
Depending on my mood, a good CD.
Most important, Twinnings Earl grey or Assam tea and homemade cakes or biscuits.
I love to stitch in my all-season porch. It has so much natural light. My dog sleeps on the couch, and I have Christmas music playing.
I enjoy stitching mostly in the evenings when there are few interruptions. I sit in my very comfortable recliner with a light right over my shoulder. My husband sits in the same room with me reading. We are indeed a cozy couple and love being together. We are sometimes quiet and other times very immersed in interesting conversations. We have a television and keep up with CNN and BBC news as well as PBS programming . To me, this is the best part of the day when we wind down together and I’m stitching.
My nest in the front room is a haven of natural light from large picture windows and Stella floor lamps for evenings. The seat is an inappropriate recliner love seat, however, I have found that I can stitch longer than if I use a more appropriate upright chair because it’s fluffy seat is kinder to my back and buns. The love seat also has room on the empty side for my cats and dogs to park while I am busy. I use a system 3 stand which reaches deep enough that I can sit up and stitch. An old boom box provides hours of listening to books or music, plus I have to get up to play with it to change discs so I have to get up and move every now and then. I can also turn on the TV and catch a movie if I want to, though mostly it is books. Now, if only I had more time to stitch.
My winter stitching place sitting is my recliner. There I can have the embroidery frame across my lap and one of the kitties across the back of the chair! With the curtains open and all of the lights on it’s bright. An OTT light next to my shoulder adds extra glow. On cold, dreary days the electric fireplace is adds a touch of warmth and cheer. The TV is turned to music videos as I can’t watch TV and stitch. The ducks on the lake outside add a constant hum of quacks.
my stitching spot in the winter time is my sewing desk which overlooks my garden. i sit beside a big sliding door so i can see tropical plants and palm trees. very relaxing.
My favorite stitching spot is anywhere there’s a big beautiful window that lets in a lot of light. The library, my living room, an old historic mansion. The great thing about embroidery is you can take it anywhere and have an excuse to just sit and slowly discover the beautiful sights and sounds of new locations.
Merry Christmas. Sandy D. Love the redwork❤️❤️❤️
I love to sit in my den with a warm fire and watch my favorite shows on tv, love Larkrise to Candleford, esp with everything going on in the news it takes you to a simpler time and place. Happy holidays Pat
My favorite stitching place is in front of the fireplace.
My favorite spot to stitch is in front of the fireplace on the couch where I have plenty of room to spread out. I can also see out the window and watch whatever is going on out there. My trusty light and magnifier are also handy. Thank you, Mary for this opportunity. I love the piece you are giving away❣️
I have a perfect winter stitching spot. I have a new sofa which is upholstered in a tweed fabric which is part cashmere. It is so warm to sit on and is directly opposite the glass door to the outside. When the sun comes through the glass it’s just delightful. To my right is the crate for our new puppy and when he’s in there fast asleep – also in the warmth of the sun – then I can sit and stitch and the world seems a good place.
My dining room table has become my embroidery table, surrounded with my handsewing tools, books, threads, light, and pictures of my (now grown) children. With a north facing window, my piano nearby, my beautiful blue decor, I am absolutely content… even joyful!
You are giving such wonderful items. Thank you for the opportunity!
I have a wing chair that is somewhat worn, but is large and very comfortable. It is upholstered in a large red and white. It sits beside a large window in my living room of an old farmhouse. The light from the window makes stitching more comfortable on my eyes. I do several kinds of needle arts. I crochet, embroider and needlepoint. I learned to embroider as a Brownie in the early 60s and I emboidered everything I could get my hands on. I am not accomplished as many of your followers, but I like simple farmhouse styles and therefore I am really drawn to redwork right now. Thank you for all you do for the embroidery community, especially teaching children how to embroider. I am living proof that something that you learn and enjoy as a child is something that you will enjoy for a lifetime.
My designated sewing room has been dubbed the fiber arts room. I have collected (think estate sales) and/or made numerous projects of different styles and types (needlepoint, cross stitch, boiled wool, petitpoint, etc) which cover the walls. The room makes me happy and inspires me. For long haul stitching, I listen to classical music. For short stints, I just think…about my next project, next technique. All my materials are in this room for convenience. And there are lots of needle-y books for ideas and inspirations. I LOVE my fiber arts”sanctuary”.
Love the crewelwork. I have two favorite spots to stitch. One is an old upholstered chair with a lovely off white damask slipcover. It is exactly the right size and height, it is a rather small chair and charming. Of course I have my Ott Light close my. We shipped this chair to Florida and one might question the Wisdom of spending the money but if I could I would buy another of these perfect little old chairs. The other spot is my family room couch with a floor Ott light. I use the generous arm rest as a pin cushion. Of course before company comes I have to remove the pins.
My favorite winter stitching spot is my sewing room window seat. I can watch the birds and animals outside my window when I need to rest my eyes. Beauty outside my window and beauty in the work of my hands!
My favorite winter embroidery spot is the same as all year. I have an embroidery studio in a building with all kind of creative people. I love to work there, all my fabrics and threads are there. It’s my place of creation. And in the evening I take a small and not complicated piece of embroidery at home to embroider on the couch while watching tv.
Well I live in Florida so winter is relative. However, my favorite winter spot when it’s cold is in my studio chair with a heated blanket and good lighting. It’s cozy and comfortable.
I love redwork! I sew in my sitting room where I have good light
And can watch the birds on the feeders in the garden. I would love to win this project so fingers crossed…
I absolutely love red work. I sit in my oversized ,cushy, rocker chair in my living room to stitch. There are two huge Windows to provide lots of light. I have a table to hold “stuff”. Behind me is a big dresser drawer to hold more stuff. I also have two vintage sewing boxes to hold more needle work and supplies. I could stay for days if I didn’t have to run to the lady’s room. Life is great.
My favorite winter stitching spot is on the beach in St Thomas. I’m sitting in a lounge chair with my feet in the water, which is bath water warm & so soothing. All around me is more beautiful, deep turquoise colored water, the sight & sounds of birds overhead & my grandson’s cheerful laughter is so peaceful as he plays with other children on the beach. This place is very real, but I’m not actually there- just dreaming of one of my favorite spots on earth.
In the living room in front of the Christmas tree would be the place I would sew if I had a all my things set up in there. However it ends up being in the family room in front of the TV next to the fireplace because that is where all my things are set up.
I follow the sun so I have several stitching spots set up.
In the morning I work on a large Crewel frame in my bedroom. The frame sits in front of big picture windows overlooking a small lake. I get the rising sun and look at nature as I work the Glasgow Bedspread . I have a rolling cart filled with all the necessities and wool I am using. There is a lamp for grey days and a magnifier. My Bluetooth Bose speaker is playing – classical opera or podcasts or audio books
In the afternoon I sit in my sunroom looking out through trees onto a lake. Brilliant day light. It is here that I do
High count cross stitch or knit. I have a frame stand holding my hoop with a light and magnifier attached. On a side table sits a small oval shaker box with my knitting tools and a spool scissors holder plus pin cushion filled with needles. My yarns are kept in baskets and my floss in a Floss Inn
In the evening I am at a work table in my library where I can watch TV or listen to audio. It is here that I have set up 2 System 4 table frame holders and is where I embroider or do needlepoint. I also have a floor stand hoop holder for some of my finer embroidery projects. This space has big lights and magnifiers. Trays hold beeswax, rippers, laying tools, tweezers, multiple scissors, magnets, needle minders. I use another metal rolling cart
($30 at Michaels) to hold threads in use,
More tools, reference books, needle books,
Spare hoops.
Friends laugh because everywhere I seem to have pin cushions and scissor stands at the ready.
I look forward to these Give-a-ways even though I have yet to, it is always fun to see who wins.
My favorite winter stiching spot is my sun room. I live in S.C. in the low country and the sun room windows face south and east so I get great lighting and the view out the east windows is wooded so I can watch the birds and wild-life (deer come to visit sometimes!) This room is dedicated to my crafts and my husband has helped me set it up with different craft stations. The couch is where I sit to do my embroidery, I have a great time sitting there and watching the trees and birds while I ‘work’.
Thank you so much for your informative magazine. I refer to it often, I make up my own projects and have yet to use a kit. I think it would be very interesting as well as helpful in improving my direction following skills to use a kit! Aileen
My favorite place to stitch is in my comfy recliner with my small table next to me and all my stitching needs at hand. I can put my feet up off the cold floor, relax, and stitch away. My American Dream lap stand works perfectly for me in this chair.
I love sitting in my big comphy chair across from picture window. I put my feet up & look at the snow on the trees. There is traffic that I ignore( it doesn’t really bother me). I have a little table next to me holding my tools and a big diet coke. Sometimes I watch a Hallmark movie, I’m addicted to them this time of year. Stitching realxes me, and makes me feel grateful that I have so many people that enjoy my gifting.
Wow, how beautiful!
During the first part of winter in south Alabama,the pines still have green leaves. The oaks,depending on the type,may still have lingering leaves and acorns clinging to the branches. Sitting in my lounge chair looking out the french doors watching squirrels looking for acorns and seed pods to carry to they’re nests is my favorite place to stitch,quilt or sew.
My Winter sewing spot is my sofa. My little supply box sits next to me. There’s a window in front of my spot with a view of the Empire State Building (now blocked by a Christmas tree). Throughout the day I hear traffic, horns and sirens.
In this warm climate of Florida, my favorite stitching spot is on the 7th Floor balcony with direct daylight.
My favorite (and really only) place to stitch is in MY chair, which sits beside my fireplace. My chair has an ottoman too which helps tremendously to keep my feet and legs comfortable. Behind me is a long window which looks out on to the patio so I have a lot of natural light. I also have an Ott light overhead for additional lighting. My 14 year old tea cup poodle is usually asleep by my side.
My favorite spot to stitch or knit or read is in one corner of my red leather sofa next to a wall of windows, looking out at the creek that runs by my house. Squirrels run across the deck, and the creek is home to ducks and geese and a river otter who lives under the bridge. Snuggled next to me is my Basset-Lab mix dog Fannie, who makes a cozy pastime even warmer – literally!
Describe your favorite winter stitching spot. Where do you sit? What surrounds you? What do you see and hear? Is it cozy and comfortable or purely functional?
I have a small house.. a bungalow under 1000 sq feet. I have my son and his wife and kids upstairs and i have the cozy dry basement (listening to the pitter patter of little feet makes my heart glow). I have a living area with a very cute recliner chair (given to my by my sister). I have my computer near by as well as my tv and dvd player to watch adorable Hallmark movies i borrow from my library where i work. I have a small table to the left which has my secretary swing arm thing that holds my chart. it also has my lighted magnifier attached to it. There is also a tall lamp with an attachment light that i can position to light my work and chart. To my right is another table that has a ipod player for music i have previously selected. this table also holds my cup of french vanilla, my various parts of my stitching (threads, scissors, etc), as well as a beautiful scented Scentsy burner with violets and lavender as the scent of choice. I have a comfy blankie to cover my knees/feet when i need it. i LOVE my stitchy nest. All is nearby and i am in HEAVEN!!!
I LOVE your newsletters and am thrilled to know you through them.
Lynn in Canada
My favorite winter stitching spot is my Florida room ,with a blanket over my legs and my needlework on my lap ,with a view of the sun,sky and my cat and dog either beside me or on my lap as well as my stitching, or and yes a hot cup of tea
My favourite winter stitching spot is my conservatory, sitting on my soft sofa. It’s a cosy room with my chosen soft furnishings, carpeted, curtains and cushions made by me. I can see into the garden, hear the birds and the wind chimes, see the sky and the changing weather, feels good to be inside on cold days. Beside me Evie, my lovely tortie and white cat, who often holds up stitching progress to help! with my threads.
I have a great recliner, large enough to be comfortable. The large window over my let shoulder gives great light during the day and the fireplace is to the right to keep my feet warm.
My favorite stitching chair is in a spare bedroom in front of a window for natural light. I then put on soothing satellite radio channel. No tv but I do like to “watch” tv while I stitch.
I sit in the adjustable office chair, not really cozy but comfortable, and listen (half watch) the recorded shows on my tv. I don’t think this is as romantic as your description.
Aún no he logrado un lugar especial para el bordado, pero lo disfruto mucho de todos modos. Esta oportunidad es muy apreciada! Alba
Hi, Mary,
My favorite winter stitching spot is the soft armchair near our fire. I have windows beside me and behind me, so I am surrounded by natural light. I can see our Christmas tree and hear the preschoolers playing in the snow next door.
My stitching spot is equally practical and comfortable.
I love to stitch in what we call our “piano room” where our children have practiced piano for years. It’s right off the kitchen so I can keep an eye on the cooktop and also engage anyone who might be eating. This room is in the front of our home and is the current residence of our Christmas tree so it’s a very cozy place!!
I have three favorite stitching areas! One in the living room for those cold winter days that need a fireplace. The second one is in our River Room overlooking the White River in Arkansas. It is nice to look up from stitching to see the calming river go by! The third space is down in my stitching room. This is where I stitch and watch all those TV shows and movies that a husband just doesn’t want to watch! Yes, each area has a comfortable chair, stitching light, and stitching supplies. One area just wasn’t enough! I decided that after retiring from working in a stressful environment that I would give myself a gift – it is wonderful!!
My favorite space to stitch is practically anywhere. I usually travel with a small project that i can pull out while waiting for an appointment or meeting.
My favorite place to stitch is on the beside two large windows. Plus I sometimes use a crafting light. I can see and hear the birds in the forest next to us, and hear the wind blow the the trees. All comforting signs to me.
As I live in the southern hemisphere and Christmas is at the beginning of our summer, I love to sit outside in my shady garden listening to the birds. Sometimes I take Christmas music with me and play it.
Perfect spot I like to crewel is on living room couch with a cup of tea.
My favorite winter stitching spot is in my chair in our family room. I call it my stitching nest because it is beside a table where rests most of my stitching tools and a cup of tea. A basket sits on the floor right beside it with other tools that might suddenly be needed. During Christmas season our Christmas tree is right beside me decorated by our grandchildren with all my stitched ornaments plus ornaments made by them and our three daughters over the years. It just makes me feel warm and cozy and relaxed while I stitch.
Living in northern Illinois, my favourite winter time stitching spot is on a comfy sofa, in the warmth, with the sun shining outside on the white, white, pristine snow!
My winter ‘happy place’ to stitch is a south facing picture window in our living room. Right now I can enjoy our Xmas tree and decor inside, but later on I will focus on the back yard landscape and wildlife in all its winter glory as I tackle more challenging projects like goldwork or blackwork during the winter months.
With my friends on Sat afternoon in a local needlepoint shop.
Listening to the conversation and supporting each other to try new things.
My favorite stitching spot is my glider and rocking ottoman in the corner of my bedroom. It’s comfortable and functional. Of course there’s a blanky of some sort to keep me warm! I’m surrounded by all my tools, materials and accessories. I’ll either listen to some music (classical, comtemporary/P&W Christian, or classical rock/pop) or, better, the sound of silence. Just me and my needlework. Ahhh!!!
My stitching space is more functional than cosy. It is a spare room converted to my sewing room. I have a big table, my sewing machine and banks of shelving baskets and drawers that hold sewing, knitting snd needlework tools, fabrics and yarns. It also has the best lighting and magnifying lamps, so rather than move them I opt for the straight backed chair at my sewing table. However, I have the radio and my tablet at hand to listen to radio shows, podcasts and audio books. It’s warm and friendly and makes me happy. Thanks for asking. Adele
On a sunny day in the winter, I like to sit in my front room, in a comfy chair, so that the sun shines in, gives me some light to sew by and warms my heart! Also, it means that I can see people passing by.
I love to sit in my glider by our wood stove, with a roaring fire. I am surrounded by photos of my children, grandchildren and extended family. I will have music playing softly or watching a favorite movie. Sitting quietly, stitching, surrounded by family photos always puts a smile on my face and love in my heart.
in the great room! I have the wood table that mom made pulled up to the French doors-there is room for the 4 cats to sprawl on it as I claim the center seat to better watch the birds. the embroidery frame leans on the edge of the table so I can reach both sides. tools and threads to the right, hot tea to the left, feet in the heated foot warmer
I sit on my couch which is in front of the window. I like looking outside once in awhile while I have a blanket on my lap, and the only sounds are my dog snoring and the clock ticking on the mantel. All relaxing to me….
I have worked on a quilt and cross stitch Nativity but not crewel. This is a lovely piece of work. I have two favorite places. In the afternoon I work in my craft house with country 80’s music with my pom. In the evening I sit in my recliner visiting hubby and watching tv. We have a view of the messa. Merry Christmas!
I love to sit in my comfy chair out in my quilt cottage and stitch. I have all my needs on a side table at arms reach so I don’t have to get up. My favorites is Christmas red work and the preprinted is so much easier on the eyes. Thanks for all the giveaways. Merry Christmas!
In winter, you will find me on the couch in our living room, shifting my gaze between the cheery fireplace and the tv. I will have a jumble of stitching stuff on the coffee table in front of me and my magnifying light beside me. On the rare occasion it is snowing my stretch breaks will take me to the window to enjoy the dogs frolicking in the dog park and the lovely bay beyond. If it is a usual grey, rainy day I’ll stretch elsewhere. By the way, my hubby will be cooking in the kitchen so I’ll be enjoying the heavenly smells coming from there.
Good morning Mary! My favourite stitching spot is my very bright breakfast room. With 6 widows there is plenty of good light, even on those gloomy winter days. I put on my favourite music, have my cup of coffee and stitch away. What more could I ask for!
Sitting in my grandmother’s recliner with the corner windows putting sun over my shoulder helps relax me as I stitch. In the evening I have a strong light to help out. It is so quiet.
In the winter I enjoy stitching at one of our 1st floor windows where the light is good, looking out onto Salisbury Cathedral. In the evening though I curl up on the sofa beneath a strong light!
Bullion flowers on my Monet book!
I like to stitch in my recliner chair watching the hummingbirds at dawn get their day started.
Good morning Mary – what a fantastic prize. I love Phillipa’s kits (and Phillipa too – she’s a lovely lady), they are well put together and of the best quality.
To the question – my winter stitching place is my kitchen table. I live in a teeny place and the kitchen table is my best option. It’s totally functional, certainly not cozy – and I have to put everything away each time I’m done – but the light is excellent, I have lots of room to spread out, and I’m close to the kettle…so it’s better than it sounds.
A few years ago after my last kid moved out, I hurried to take over his bedroom. (Now there is no coming back) This particular room has a beautiful view of my garden. So I designed my sewing room around it. Tasks that I do while sitting face the calming happenings outside. Also I surround myself with found treasures that give me inspiration and a connection to sewists of yesteryear. As far as sound, Silence is Golden. I love the quiet mornings along with the wonderful light coming in from the east. It’s my happy place.
My ultimate favorite place for stitching in the cold winter months is in my chair by the deck window. My blanket all snuggly and warm tucked around me, my feet propped up on the footstool and the winters view out the window. The lack of leaves allows me to watch the mountains and the sky, the position of the chair keeps the kidlets from bouncing into my lap. I love to watch as they play all around me (none of them like the chill by the window!). They will ask to see what I am doing or what I have gotten done, all around a crafting win for me and complete projects, sometimes for them.
This is beautiful! There is a piece of similar (but not Christmas ) redwork at the Met in NYC that I’ve taken multiple photos of so that I can look at it again on demand…
My place to work this time of year is the recliner in my 17th century bedroom, with my magnified DAZOR light on a stand. The room has a lovely fireplace, and is furnished in the 17th C style (except for the recliner), with a four poster high bed, the canopy is all in crewel. Very inspiring to the period of needlework I like to work.
I’m very lucky that I can stitch in my favorite recliner, in front of my window. I love listening to the rain with a heating pad on my back. Just love to stitch. Thanks for all the wonderful giveaways and for you great
My favorite place to stitch in the winter is by my large window, seated in my comfy chair. Sunshine or cloudy you will find me here in the late morning into afternoon. Kitty on my lap, puppy at my feet and music or movie in the background. It’s my restful place.
My favorite winter stitching spot is in our living room. During the day I can keep an ear, and maybe an eye, on what my kiddos are up to and in the evening it’s a nice space to enjoy the quiet that sleeping children brings.
I love my rocking chair. I have a low.window in the lounge and when the winter sun is shining through. I feel so much at peace with my needle and thread.
My happy place for embroidery is in front of the window in our bedroom. We recently moved to a retirement community. We had to downsize considerable to fit into these 2 rooms. But I made sure that I had a space for my sewing table with a place to store my supplies. In the morning I watch the community walk by the window and pray for them and embroider . Then I join them. Love it here. I am content.
When I moved into our home 3 years ago I was blessed to get my very own sewing room. It is on the lower level aka basement. Basement sounds dismal with spiders and gloom and it was! But because of flooding damage this Fall with water pouring through the window, I was forced to rip up the nasty looking and smelling carpet, repaint the walls, lay new flooring and take the security plastic off the window. It is now a beautiful shade of pearly white, dark plank floors, with a teal and gold tapestry looking area rug and I can now see outside to the green of one of my gardens. This is my haven…
I have a cozy, yet functional, spot at my dining room table. I live alone, so I can live large at the table. My project supplies can be spread out and I have my perfect tuffet aka needlepoint footstool handy! I can gaze out the nearby French doors and stitch away!
My favourite winter stitching spot is in my conservatory, in my comfy chair, from which I can see a garden full of colourful winter pansies and listen to the birds singing as I wait for the daily visits of a robin redbreast and a very inquisitive grey squirrel.
I sit on my settee, on the right hand side with my daylight lamp shining over my shoulder and on to my hands. My embroidery is placed before me, the frame firmly clamped into the stand. I the left seat of the settee, next to me, are my silks or cotton thread or ribbons. The sitting room is warm and comfy despite the fact that we can’t have fires in our little retirement cottage. My husband sits in his armchair reading his book or we might watch something on the television but nothing stops the steady rhythm of my stitching.
My favorite winter work area is my recliner! TV going with a movie or series, Ott floor lamp, small side table with drawers filled with sewing stuff & coffee brewing behind me @ my coffee station by the kitchen! Great spot for all my crafting inspiration! Thank you, Susan
My favorite winter stitching spot is in my living room- it’s darker and cozier and warmer than my studio and perfect for early dark nights. It has a gas fire and tv and two very snuggly dogs.
I sew, knit, embroider in our living room. I have good lighting and enjoy the comings and goings of our front yard and driveway. This is a lovely Christmas piece. Thank you Mary for your give-aways.
Karole in Texas
Hi Mary
My sewing chair is by the window, and the radiator!
I’m working my way thru the Harry Potter books for the umpteenth time and am embroidering my design of a Jacobean Casket. I save this for the colder weather and love watching the winter sun drop down thru the bare trees. I know our winters are not as cold as yours but it’s still a lovely feeling being warm in doors, and doing something I love
Lucky me! I get to stitch comfortably in a rocker overlooking the Gulf of Mexico near Port St. Joe, Florida. We have spent time there each winter for twelve years. 2019 will be different since Hurricane Michael brought such devastation to the area, but we look forward to enjoying time away from winter and to supporting the full-time residents who are working hard to rebuild their community and their lives. The eagles nesting nearby, the shorebirds, the dolphins and the occasional visiting bear are just bonuses.
My work space is a recliner by a large north facing window. I live on the fourth floor of a senior residence and this window overlooks an elementary school playground so I can glance out and enjoy the ebb and flow of children during the day. With a side table for my tools and a glass of water nearby , it is my happy place.
Not as much fun to stitch as a project full of colours, I do however love the look of mono coloured stitching, especially red and black. Year round I stitch in my sewing room because I live in a small house. It’s cozy and functional. I have a daybed covered in a sashiko stitched indigo quilt that I made, where I sometimes take a nap. One wall holds my own stitching as well as ones done by others in various techniques, including a needlepoint desert scene that was stitched by my mother. I have alot of art up as well, including a pen and ink drawing of an apple tree in winter done by my late father in law. The functional stuff is the usual, sewing machine table, office chair, my desk, book cases, cutting/ironing table, frame stand, lighting, storage cabinets, tv etc. It’s my favourite place, not just in my house, but in the whole world. Every February a friend stay at a spa out in the country. I bring a small project or two, and when I stitch on them, it’s in front of the fireplace in our room overlooking snow covered fields all the way to lake Ontario. I just booked our next stay 🙂
For winter stitching my favorite spot is on my sofa, in front of the fireplace, with a pot of tea on the table beside me and all my needlework tools, threads, etc., on the table in front of me. There may be music in the background – or a favorite mystery series on the television — or sometimes just enjoying the quiet is a good thing.
I enjoy stitching in my comfy chair in the sunroom with a table to the right for my supplies and a drink, and a magnifying lamp to my left. It’s a small room but cozy with a fireplace to warm me and several windows that provide a view of my winter gardens – it’s the perfect arrangement for hours of enjoyable stitching!
I like to stich in a cozy chair with a hot drink on the table by my side. There is a west facing window behind me and a loom to my right. The cat usually lays across my weaving and watches me as I embroider.
My favorite stitching spot – winter or summer – is a chair in the corner of my great room. The chair is very special to me because it was made to measure by my father who was a first rate upholsterer as a gift for my 16th birthday. My feet are flat on the floor with my back fitting nicely against the back. Since I am all of 5 feet tall, it’s almost impossible to find a chair that is that comfortable for one of my size. I have a magnifying lamp on one side and an small antique multi shelved table on the other. And my CD player and radio are nearby so my beloved classical music is pretty much always on. No better place in the world for me!
There is a glider in a corner of my sewing studio. It faces the french doors with a great view of my yard. This is my go-to place for embroidery work. I can hear the birds, watch the squirrels rummaging through the leaves, searching for acorns, and let the world slip away.
For me, there is solace in needlework; hours pass like minutes. It is my most peaceful time of the day.
I love this pattern and would love to be one of the winners! My favorite spot to stitch in the winter is in the “den” of our house in front of the fire. I sit on the sofa with my legs propped up and a good light. I usually have a cat seemingly attached to my right hip, and I stitch away in warmth and comfort.
I sit on the couch in the den, with my second cup of coffee. The window faces the street, and especially in winter, it’s the coziest spot in the house. The whole morning flies by. In summer i wait until afternoon when I can watch the neighbourhood children play while their parents visit
To do my stitching in the winter I like to sit by a window that overlooks our bird feeder so that as I stitch merrily along I can enjoy watching the cardinals & chicadees that land on the feeder. I enjoy listening to their chatter. It’s a cozy & comfortable spot I created for my needlework.
I sit on my sofa with two cats close by. The sofa has lots of natural light, supplemented by a Blue Max light when necessary. I have a stand and supplies close by, and can relieve my eyes from the close work by looking out our bay window at the neighborhood.
Because we live in a wee little apartment, my stitching post is the same all year round, though maybe with a few extra layers. Our couch let’s me spread out and change position easily, and next to the windows for lovely natural light.
I enjoy sitting on the chaise lounge in my sewing room. My view is of my framed favorite album covers at the top of the wall. I have my CD player right by me and special lighting surrounding me and if I need anything, it’s somewhere close by. I can close the door and hide. Eventually, my husband will come in and just stand there and say, “Whatca’ doin’??” Then it’s explanation time.
I love to sit in the living room to do my winter stitching. Our sofa sits within a bay and having the surrounding natural light is perfect for working on my projects. It’s a cozy spot with a wool hooked rug that I made on the floor and my handmade afghans and wool hooked sofa pillows surrounding me. Sometimes I listen to an audio book or slip a well watched dvd into the player (always a cozy British mystery!). A coffee table sits in front of me to hold my tools and supplies as well as a pot of tea or a steaming mug of chai or chocolate. I can’t imagine a better spot!
Thank you for offering this charming give-away!
I love to sit in my oversized gray recliner to sew. I like the big arms to surround me and make me feel cozy. I have classical music surrounding me and when a favorite piece comes on, I stop sewing and direct. Because I don’t live in Kansas anymore, I don’t usually need to be in warm clothes but I do want oversized comfort caftans on. I also have an oversized cat in the way but I love him and just work around him.
My favorite winter space to embroider is on a small couch, very comfortable in my room, on my back I have 5 pillows that help me keep my back straight, it is next to a floor to ceiling window with a balcony full of poinsettia (for this season) and the vie is a golf course nearby with the beautiful green lawn. Next to me a handy bottle of water, my computer playing praises to God and our dog Zack (a westie)on the bed or out in the balcony. This is my special place to embroider, to get inspiration, to work and read
In the winter is my favorite time to stitch because it is cold outside and nice and cozy warm inside. My favorite place to sit in in our family room. We are getting a nice new leather sofa, and I cannot wait to break it in. I sit on the end of the sofa closest to the fire place – I love sitting and stitching in front of the fire. I have a Stella Light and I also have a Natural Light flexible led floor light with magnifying glass that I love to use. (NOTE – I bought this after reading the good review you gave it on your website a few years ago.) I have a large basket with all my sewing and stitching supplies and projects in progress that sits next to the sofa. Typically I have the television on to something like HGTV or Animal Planet. Oh, and next to me on the sofa are a couple of soft, cuddly cat pads so that one or more of our cats can join me – without sitting on my stitching project. So, there you go – nice and comfy and cozy – me, my stitching, the fire, the nice new leather sofa, my Stella and Natural Lights, my cats, and my stitching projects. OOPPSS – almost forgot – and the husband, too!
I love that kit too!! My favorite winter stitching spot is the Lazyboy by the woodstove, with snow falling outside. But if I’m working on Japanese embroidery, or something on the slate frame I’m in my dedicated stitching corner in the bedroom, with a view of the bird feeders. Either way I’m happy. 🙂
Thank you Mary for another great giveaway!
My favorite stitching spot happens to be all year and not just in the winter time. It is at my various quilting groups I go to during the month. I am always working on embroidery stitching and the the love and friendship that flows through out the room is so uplifting. I do this about four times a month. Plus I get to stitch all day long.
Stitcher’s Christmas 2018 #2:
In winter, I am usually stitching in preparation of the holidays. I hunker down on the sofa in our family room near the glow of the fireplace, switch on the Hallmark Channel, and listen to Christmas movies while I stitch. Those days pass too quickly!
Sitting next to the kitchen window, occasionally glancing outside to the snow covered yard, listening to the radio in deafness, smelling the food that is being cooked on wood stove by grandma. Wishing I could do this right now. 🙂
I have one spot for stitching, in the living room. My 16-month-old granddaughter knows it as “Nana’s chair.” It’s a lovely, red fabric lazy boy recliner and is very dangerous if I have any kind of to do list. A side table holds my task lamp, sewing boxes, project bag and a spot for morning coffee or afternoon tea. Coziness and comfort all the way!
My favourite winter stitching spot is the same in every season its my couch that has my butt imprint and my tray with the supplies all laid out for easy access. The winter accessories include a cozy blanket and slippers and usually a cup of tea. These days the T.V. is playing a cheesy Christmas movie and will be through January and maybe even February ( I buy every Christmas movie I see).
I sit near the stove in a sofa, usually hearing music, sometimes tv – it is more cosy than functional!
My favourite spot is the same all year round – our second guest bedroom, which I have appropriated as my sewing room. All my supplies for both quilting and embroidery are in there, and it looks out on to a field which sometimes has an owl hunting in it! It’s warm and cosy and I have a speaker for my audiobooks. What more could I ask?
Happy Day, everybody!
My favorite spot to stitch is in my recliner, in front of the fireplace with an old movie running on the TV. Usually there is a warm little white dog on my lap – until she gets bonked a few times with the fabric being embroidered, then she moves to her spot next to me.
In winter I stitch in a comfortable chair next to my living room window. Here I can keep track if what’s happening outside- the postman, the neighbor kids playing in the snow. Also, my cats like to sit on the heat register for warmth and watch the outdoors too. I’m all about comfort in my stitching location.
My favorite stitching spot is on the couch with the television across from me. I mostly listen not look. The light is on a table to my right and the large slider overlooking a valley is to my left. Oh, the fireplace (gas) is below the tv. The nearby kitchen hopefully has a pot of stew, chili or soup lending a wonderful aroma to my home.
Describe your favorite winter stitching spot. Where do you sit? What surrounds you? What do you see and hear? Is it cozy and comfortable or purely functional?
I like stitching with my EGA stitching group – sitting in a warm window with the sun shining in. There are always some type of flower outside (since we are in Texas). The people are conversing and catching up with each other. It is more functional (since it is in a church activity room) and the tables and chairs are functional for the church.
I sit in a ratan chair next to my window in the living room under my great aunt hanging light cozy next to a radiator heat. Love your blog thanks for the chance merry Xmas to you
Hi Mary,
Thanks for the giveaway. My favorite spot is my trusty armchair, which is very cozy. A lot of times my cat will be sitting there also. Usually I am watching TV in the evening as I work during the day. I could use a better light but it is a good place to sew!
My favorite spot is in my craft room with the sun streaming in the window. I enjoy the peaceful quiet with no tv or radio. If I listen closely I may hear a bird or a child’s laughter as they play outside. Sitting in my comfy chair surrounded by the things I enjoy most.
My favorite place to stitch in the winter is the same as in the summer…..a wing chair next to the wall of windows, overlooking my semi-wild back yard and bird feeders on the deck! I usually have a cat behind my head watching “bird tv”, and in the winter, the fireplace is usually lit, and the older cat loves to snooze in front of it!
My favorite place to stitch is a corner of my great room, with a southeastern exposure to the porch and woods. The morning light through the French doors is perfect there, and sometimes the wren comes and twitters at me. As the seasons change, so does my inspiration. From laurel blooming in May to summer roses on the porch rail, to all the autumn colors I see now, it’s always changing and bring wildlife into view. When winter brings us snow, I’ve been known to make myself a snowwoman to keep me company. A cushy office chair, frame stand and large round glass top on a sewing machine treadle keep me comfortable and give me lots of space to pile all the tools and threads I need. When evening closes in, my spot is still close to the center of activity, yet set aside enough for me to concentrate.
“We Three Kings” from The Crewel Work Company is a great beginning for a Christmas Cabinet of Curiosities! Merry Christmas! That’s what it’s all about!
My favorite spot to embroider is a sofa next to a window, besde a lamp. In this time of the year, in Brazil where I live, it is really warm, so the window is generally open and I can hear the birds and get full natural light. When night comes, the lamp keeps the spot still very attractive because of the light. Time flyies when I sit there with my work. Thanks Mary for the gifts and good time we spend together….
I stitch on the love seat in the family room-cozy, but with really good light, a must for ageing stitchers!
I am fortunate to have an all-seasons stitching spot at the right end of my sofa (I’m left-handed). An adjustable Daylight lamp with magnifier sits on the end table. An organizer draped over the sofa arm holds necessary tools. A chart stand and drink coaster wait on the coffee table. In winter, I wrap myself in warm clothes and stitch away, perhaps turning on TV or radio by remote control.
I love this piece!!
There is a comfortable chair in a corner of our living room that I sit in when embroidering. It backs on a bay window, is near a gas fireplace and is in direct line of vision to a tall stand of trees in the backyard. Comfortable seating, natural light, warmth and inspiration!
I sit in my living room on the couch by the window. I have natural light coming in and the view from the window is serene and peaceful. Needlework is therapy, it idles and calms a busy mind. I was taught by my grandmother and mother and most recently introduced my sons girl friend to needlepoint and she loves it. Sincerely stitching, Tammy
I love this kit. It is my new Holiday favorite.
My favorite stitching spot in the winter is in my family room. My table top Stella light is to my left and my floor dazor is there f I need magnification. Stands, floor, lap or q-snaps, are easily accessible, as required for a given project. I can either watch TV or listen to music. But, most importantly I can spend time with my husband as I enjoy my favorite pastime.
My favorite winter stitching spot would be at my sister in laws home in Arkansas, comfy chair, fire going, and gorgeous view of town and the lake and mountains from their mountaintop retreat. Was lucky enough to just be there for Thanksgiving but in Florida, I have my favorite Stressless chair next to a window that provides lots of light and bird watching as I stitch.
Hi Mary,
my favourite spot to embroider is the living room, I make myself comfy on the sofa next to the window overlooking the garden. When I take a break from stitching I sometimes watch the birds on the feeder. The robin is King of the castle at the moment, he has fought all the other birds off and is in the little bird house taking his pick of the feast.
My sunroom is my favorite winter stitching room. The sunlight is great, but when the shades are up on a snowy day, I feel as if I am surrounded by falling snow, yet my stitching spot is warm and cozy. It is absolute heaven in my beloved Minnesota.
I sit on the couch in the family room which gives me a lovely view of the bird feeders
we have. It is a nice peaceful spot. I really enjoy the birds feeding.
I luv my stitching studio when it is not in disarray. That happens several times a year. At those times, I like stitching in the rec room (so I can listen to a sappy movie while I stitch) or in the sunny parlor where I can watch the birds and cars while I stitch.
I have been blessed to have a room within my home where I do my stitching and I must say that it is my favorite place to be when stitching. I can put on music or an audio tape while stitching, which I enjoy. As I enter my room it feels as though all else around me outside that room no longer exist; it just me, the piece I’m working on, and needle and thread. My chair is waiting for just me and the audio tape or music is ready to be played What more can I ask for…
My favourite winter stitching spot is where I’m sitting right now: in the living room of my home, facing out the back windows onto the snow-covered back yard. It is very comfortable, and functional as well because I have a low table for my supplies and another side table with a coaster for my tea, all within close reach. I can see squirrels running around in the yard, and watch them and the birds visit the feeders. We put out mixed seed, sunflower seed, peanuts and suet in a wire cage feeder (squirrel proof? you gotta be kidding!) Right now I can hear the washing machine, but mostly I put some music on at low volume, or just stitch in meditative silence. When dinner is in the oven, the aroma of a wonderful winter meal surrounds me too. Stitching is a very sensual activity. Peace and good health to all. Pat
I sit in my chair in the living room with a lovely view overlooking our frozen lake and with all our trees lavished in winter white. Yes I live in the woods! The fireplace is blazing and a pot of tea resting on my table beside me works well. I also usually have music on but once in awhile if there’s a good movie on I watch that as I stitch. Thank you for your generosity.
My favourite stitching spot is at a table in a north facing bay window. I can look outside to rest my eyes, the heating outlet is right by my feet, the light from the window enables me to see better and it is quiet!
My favorite spot yearlong is my wonderful cozy stitching room surrounded by all things needleworks. I sit at a window with two bird feeders just outside so I have company coming in off and on all day long. It’s amazing to see and hear the beautiful creatures of nature. All while enjoying my my passion. This is my happy place.
I usually work on projects while sitting on my couch, not really anything special. I spend time keeping my three curious cats from helping me with threads and other interesting tidbits that I have handy. Natural light is much appreciated, however I have some good lighting sources to use as needed.
a beautiful kit!
My favorite winter stitching spot, was also my favorite summer stitching spot.
In our living room we have a couple of lazy boy recliners and in the spring I purchased a really good LED lamp to augment the light [it has an adjustable head and you can select different light settings and best of all it remembers the last setting that was used!] These chairs get natural sun during the day and the lamp fills in at night or on gloomy days. The radio in the TV is tuned to the CBC,national radio in Canada that has a lot of interesting programs that can be listened to while you stitch or I can also pull up audio books on my laptop. this spot is an excellent nest, the recliners allow me to elevate my legs if I wish as well as providing good support. I tested this location out this summer as I spent 2 months sitting there while my broken ankle healed.
That kit is darling!
My winter stitching spot is in the living room. I have an antique Morris style recliner (one of the first recliners!). My Just a Thought trestle sits nicely in front of it (or off to the side when I’m not stitching). I have an antique wood music stand to my right that holds my charts, gear (nice deep ledge on it) etc.
The only thing I’d like to change is that I wish there was a place on my stand to clamp a light/magnifiter. My Dublin light has a clamp, but there’s nowhere good to clamp it on. So it sits in the floor lamp configuration off to the left – ugly as sin, but giving great light.
I stitch in our great room/living room. We live in a cluster home with our great room facing a small lake. In the late fall, as now, I see the ducks and geese swimming. We are visited by deer. All this can be seen from our patio doors and from my chair. As I am stitching I look out and feel a double dose of relaxation. In full winter, the lake is covered by snow and ice. The sun sparkles off the snow during the day and at night the moon casts light across the drifts. Truly a great view while stitching.
My favorite place is in my cozy little conservatory with a rug over my knees stitching crewel or tapestry pieces looking out sometimes at the birds, especially my two visiting robins.
The kit is gorgeous. I only have one stitching spot, so it has to be my favorite. I sit on the bed in my bedroom, where I have my light, and supplies stashed in my bedside table, and I have a TV to watch stuff in the background! I usually stitch at night, so there’s no point in trying to find a spot with good natural light!
My favorite winter stitching spot varies by time of day – if it’s during the day I like to sit in my sewing spot on the family room couch, where I can see birds feeding at the bird feeder and hear neighborhood sounds. The natural light is good enough to stitch by since the window is large directly behind me. If it’s the evening, I prefer stitching in the living room right next to the fireplace where we often have a fire…no distractions from the TV and it’s definitely warm and cozy, and a good time to let my mind wander.
I sit in the left corner of my couch, usually with my two dogs lying close. The room is currently all Christmassy, so it’s a cozy place to stitch.
Good morning Mary
I have a wing back chair with a high stool (done in crewel work) to stretch out the legs and lift the feet.
Both are in a position that receives sunlight from 0900 to about 1030. A great incentive to get up and move when the sun is shining! If sun is not shining I have a floor Blue Max lamp I could not stitch or knit without.
I have a cozy little place in my living/family room. It’s quiet, peaceful comfortable and warm (In the winter). The lighting is good. I live alone so there isn’t anyone around to bother me and I can get involved in my stitching and sit there all day, if I want to. 🙂
My favorite spot is an easy chair in my living room, next to fireplace. Lots of windows for natural light.
My favourite winter stitching spot is a smallish south-facing first-floor room where I keep my books on sewing, several pairs of scissors hanging on coat hooks and various boxes containing sewing threads and tapestry and crewel wool. I can see occasional farm traffic, even sheep, passing along the country lane where I live and a tree-covered hill which is the site of an ancient British camp two miles away. It is very peaceful.
Winter – Summer – Spring – Fall — it’s all the same here (okay, maybe summer is a little extreme here — highest 115 this past year). Just now starting to get “cold” – 62 degrees today. But I love being in my studio, usually sitting on my cane chairs and either listening to the playlist my husband and daughter put together for me, or watching some repeat movie on Netflix. No pets to keep me company, but now and again a customer will stop by to drop off sewing and we take time to chat a little or explore the various items I have hanging in the studio, whether stitching is complete or in progress. Thanks Mary.
My favourite stitching spot in winter is by the fire, listening to nothing but its soothing crackling. A bright artificial light makes it the perfect spot
My favourite winter stitching spot is on the sofa with a cat on each side of me ‘helping’ to sort out the threads!
I’m in my comfy recliner with the Ott light on and a quilt to keep extra warm while I stitch another embroidery project!
I like to do my stitching while sitting on my comfortable couch, in view of the photos of all my grandchildren. It’s my favorite seat in the house – my happy place. I usually play upbeat, but not distracting, music while I stitch and sip on a cup of herbal tea. Can’t get much better than that!
Winters can be long and snowy high in the Colorado Rockies and I spend much time in my “needlework nest” surrounded by things that make me happy – my books, my computer, my collections and my needlework framed on the walls. Alice the cat keeps me company as she watches every stitch just waiting for an opportunity to snatch the moving thread.
Hi Mary, My favourite stitching place in the winter is sitting in my comply rocking chair..fits me like a glove…next to the fireplace heater . I have great light and can see out the window as the snow is falling and the little birds are nestling in the cedars! Cheers !
I live in Southern California, so a cold winter’s day is rare. However, I have a desk in the living room where I am able to work on
my crafts under a good lamp. I listen to audio books on my PC while I work. It’s my favorite stitching and listening spot! This is all done in the living room so that I can be with my husband while he watches TV.
I love my lounge chair, floor lamps on each side of me . Must have the hot tea in thermos to keep it hot and I am ready to go. Like it because of the big window behind me lets in lots of light. I f there is not a football game on will listen to books on tape.
Sandi Vadset
I love to sit anywhere As long as there is a radio, a cat and a kettle
I have a dedicated room to sew in and window overlooks my garden. My two cats are always with me either on the window sill or the scratcher barrel which is table height; here they can see and be with me without always helping. An untidy room with all I need within reach. Just toooooo many projects on the go at once.
My favorite stitching spot is my living room chair with my floor light. i can stitch while my husband channel surfs. probably more functional than cozy, but works well.
Merry Christmas, Mary! Thank you for your many years of stitching guidance, Hope you are feeling mighty fine and full of energy!
My favorite winter stitching spot is out on the enclosed back porch with carpet, bamboo walls and plexiglass windows. Time and again, in Washington State, there is a sound of raindrops on plastic roof.
The pellet stove is keeping us toasty warm with an electric throw over our feet and legs, sitting on a Lazy Boy loveseat recliner. A decorative box accommodates my current project, hoop, embroidery thread, needles, scissors and magnifier with an Ott Lite over my right shoulder. There is a “Thankful” sign sitting on the ledge. I enjoy the quiet, but keep my headphones close by to watch your instruction videos as needed. My husband comes out, makes coffee and watches Christmas movies on the television. We routinely eat our lunch and dinner out there served on a tray. Now the Christmas tree and decorations are up. Merry Christmas and happy stitching! P.S. We are happily retired.
I’ll pass on this giveaway, but I love to stitch in a comfy recliner next the natural light from my living room window. There is a light over my right shoulder for darker days and a floor stand for frames. A table to my left to hold do-dads. Sometimes a TV tray for extra table space. Outside the window I watch neighbors walking their dogs and in the background there is a farm on the hillside. Beyond that, I see the Olympic mountains, specifically, snow covered Greywolf Peak. We are in a rain shadow so the sky is often blue and the climate is mild.
My favorite place to sit is in my recliner with my feet up and watching my favorite tv shows. I have everything around me I need and I never have to put it away. Good lighting, a magnifier, scissors, needles, threads and my project. Love it!!!
What a charming piece! I love it!
I like to stitch on my couch in the living room, where I have a bright lamp placed to look over my shoulder (so it’s also a good reading spot). It can be quite cozy if I get a blanket. I watch TV, or lately I’ve had my tablet out and have been watching a series of videos from Westminster Abbey about the preservation and cleaning of the great pavement.
I sit in a comfy chair in my living room. A cup of tea beside me, Tessa and Stormy snoozing on the floor or sofa. The tv on an English mystery program to listen to.
It rains a lot here on the west coast so I need my good lights.
I do my winter stitching sitting on the couch, with one of my dogs curled up beside me. Out the window, I see a snowy landscape and several cardinals at the feeder. All too often these days, I hear the droning of the TV as I stitch, but that’s about to change to Christmas music. Not a bad life!
Dear Mary
My favourite winter stitching spot is the one I use throughout the year in all seasons and is comfortably situated near my computer, needlework draws, needlework accessory tray which are on my computer table, near by are my stands and lighting I have a swivel chair so I can twist and turn when the need arises and opposite is the phone, television so I can watch while I stitch and research easily on my computer and access my accessories when needed. The kitchen is directly near my stitching spot so if I want to make myself a drink or something to eat that is also easily accessible. Near the television is the window looking out on our lovely green gounds and watching the seasons as they change. Although a small place everything is conveniently situated.
Regards Anita Simmance
My favorite winter stitching spot is in my big overstuffed chair with my feet up. Beside me is a cup of (coffee, tea, or something that makes me smile). I have wonderful lighting beside me. On the TV I would like a old Christmas movie or just some christmas music playing. With a cat or two on my lap this is the purrfect place to be. My project in my hands and nowhere to go. Sigh…
My usual place is an armchair in my living room, because I like to watch TV while I work. Usually period dramas, so I don’t miss too much by not looking at the screen the whole time. I got through all of Downton Abbey on my last big project!
My favorite winter spot to embroidery is the corner of the couch, next to a lamp (of course), the spot has a great view of the Christmas tree, fireplace, and television. It’s also next to a table where my orange tabby cat always comes to investigate what I’m doing. He sits in fascination of the thread going in and out, in and out. It’s cozy and comforting and relaxing.
My favorite stitching spot, year round, is my lovely rust colored velvet bucket arm chair. I love the way it wraps around me. It’s in the TV room just off from the kitchen. It’s in the far corner of the room next to a window with another window directly in front that looks out on my backyard. I keep various needlework supplies in one of those little ottoman cubes so they are near and contained. There is also a lamp right next to me and I can pull over a wooden tray table as needed. Cozy. Thank you for this opportunity and that you also to the kit providers.
In the winter, I have a favorite spot on my loveseat in our sitting room. Before me is a cozy wood fire. I’m left-handed, so on my right is a table bearing my current project(s), Ott magnifying light and basket of tools, a cup of coffee or tea, and my idea sketch book. On the right outside wall is my embroidery 4-drawer cabinet with all my flosses, threads, needles and the various items I use. On top of the cabinet is my 20-year-old fuschia Christmas cactus which has just begun blooming. Public radio, an audio book or Pandora are always with me as I stitch.
My favourite spot for winter sewing during the day it is in my conservatory as it is so light and warm. In the evening I like to snuggle up under my quilt and stitch away on the sofa.
I sit in my recliner in my living room. I have a cart at my side to hold all needed supplies. Fireplace may or may not be on. I have an ott light on a stand to better see my work. I may be listening to an audio book or watching a favorite series on my iPad.
Favorite stitching spot- in my grandmother’s comfy rocking chair across from the fireplace with a view out three directions of either busy highway and large pine tree with many birds, bushy remains of lilac bush ( more birds), or across the large room to other windows facing major mountain range. So I have a choice of bird song, traffic, and tv or radio/record-cd music. Both cozy and functional!
I usually sit at the living room couch and watch TV while I’m stitching. My dog usually sits by me.
I sit in my “ magic” chair with a sliding glass door to the immediate right that looks out into my yard filled with trees, squirrels, birds and flowers. The fireplace in front of the chair may be lit in the winter. My dogs are usually curled up at my feet.
My favorite winter stitching spot is in the corner of my living room, right by the fireplace. It’s cozy, and with my stitching lamp has plenty of light. =)
In the fall and winter I sit and stitch in a brown leather overstuffed chair that sits in the bay window of my warm kitchen. It is a small sunny spot with a little table and a small red oriental rug. It looks out into the heavily treed backyard which is full of life with birds and squirrels. I listen to classical music and feel the warmth of my tiny toy poodle laying by my side. I am happy in that spot embroidering and trying to learn cross-stitching.
I like to stitch in my sunroom. In the winter, I am surrounded by trees and snow, but warm and toasty in a heated glass room. I also have a rocking chair, and access to my tea pot as well as my stitching tools. I am blessed to have this space and would be glad to share.
I live in a studio apartment, so my cozy, comfortable stitching spot is the same year round. I’m seated on a large stool in front of a standing hoop or a slate frame clamped to a Just-a Thought needlework stand with all my supplies around me, illuminated by an Ultralux floor lamp.. I’m always listening to NPR or podcasts. Liquids are always relegated to a sewing chest at least an arm’s length away — coffee spills are a constant concern!
My very favorite spot happens to be in our family room Stitching is so much more enjoyable with a little background music softly playing while I am curled up in a nice my comfy chair. I have finally gotten a proper light to add to the ease of stitching. I snagged a second hand nine drawer trolley in which I keep all my necessities for my current project beside me. I am surrounded by plants, beautiful sunshine in daytime and in evening the warmth of a gas fireplace, (previous to this it was the smell and warmth of a wood burning insert ) I very often get so into my wok that I lose all concept of time and before I know it , its time for beddy! And I also enjoy sipping a nice cuppa tea from my very favorite blue willow cup and saucer (my Mothers) with a full pot beside me while I proudly admire my lastest stitches wondering who I should gift it to What can be more enjoyable than this!.
Enjoy this lovely day
My favorite winter place to stitch is in my recliner in front of the window with the day light to stitch by.
My Favorite Winter Stitching Spot… Winter can be so dark, but if I sit in my front room, the corner windows seem to magnify the winter light. I have music playing on the stereo system. An old Emmylou Harris record spins, and I hum or sing along. I’ve only brought one project from my supply closet, and its threads are spread out on the table in front of me. I can hear the girls talking and joking in the other room. I can hear my husband making coffee in the kitchen. My feet are propped up on the ottoman, dressed in my favorite fuzzy, warm socks, and I’m stitching in threads of red, bringing to life a 17th century design that another woman once stitched many, many years ago. I’m thinking about her now, and also of the many other people today who might be participating, like me, in the recreation of a piece of art that may outlive us all. Winter can be so dark, but seasons change, time advances all things, the needle goes in and out, and the world spins on and on.
My winter stitching spot is upstairs in the supposedly spare bedroom. It’s full of my husband’s DIY supplies and the washing! I make sure I have my back to all of that and sit at my worktable looking out into the yard with either Radio Sweden (I’m learning) or BBC Radio 4 (I live in UK) on in the background. Once I’m happy listening, I start stitching!
Everything is at my fingertips in the drawers of the table and all should be well except for our Siamese kitten Ragnar…He will be walking over the table, sitting on my needlework, playing with the threads etc. I can’t be angry with him because he will reach out his little paw to stroke my face and start purring. Happy days!
I sit by my fireplace and window that looks out onto our winter’s landscape. It is ever changing and provides a magical view of the beauty of this season. The cold outside is offset by the warmth of the flames, and these moments take creativity to a whole new level. I find my stitches become one with the fabric and my mind is at total peace. Of course, I find that the aroma of fresh bread baking in the kitchen and a hot chocolate by my side is what is needed to create my pure needlework utopia! Oh I love these days!!
My favorite winter stitching spot is at the desk with its task light and magnifying light, a little drawer filled with very important stitching tools that are not currently being used, my straight back chair (with plenty of seat padding!) and footstool. I’ve got a floor stand on one end and a table-mounted stand on the other. I really can’t stitch anywhere else…
I stitch in our second floor sitting room. There is lots of light, particularly on a sunny day. From one window, I see a stone barn and trees. From the other window, I enjoy my neighbor’s garden. In the winter the sunset is beautiful through the bare trees. I can stay there for hours stitching and enjoying cups of hot cinnamon spice tea. Happy Holidays to all of you.
My favorite winter stitching spot is in my very crowded & crafty studio in my home where I sit next to my computer with headphones on and listen to podcasts of my favorite radio programs. I am surrounded by materials of the various crafts that I make. A large window is right next to me so that I can look out at the dark sky for I always stitch at night. J’aime tellement broder!
My favourite winter stitching place is in my parents kitchen in the evenings. Its warm because there is an Aga cooking range on all the time, the lighting is bright, the chair is the right height, there’s enough space and its quiet with just the bubbling of the old range in the background.
Stitching is the best for me; calms my thoughts and provides the opportunity to be creative and productive.
My favorite place to stitch is in my living room. We live in a craftsman bungalow, so my living room is small, but cozy. I curl up in my husband’s mission chair next to the stone fireplace with candles and Christmas lights serving in place of a fire and stitch by the light from the window and a lamp and listen to my daughter practice piano (Debussy, Bach, Chopin, Ravel), or in the evenings, a classical music CD. It’s almost like a vacation. 🙂 I’m excited to see a nativity themed project!
Hi Mary:
My favorite spot for doing any kind of handwork is in my nice highback chair with wings. I love sitting there because the “wings” make me feel like my family that taught me all I know about sewing, embroidery etc is all around me. It’s a very secure and loving feeling. I live in a small apartment so lighting can be an issue sometimes so I have multiple lights I have to set up when I’m working there, despite a large glass door to a small patio right across from where I sit. And I’m usually surrounded there by boxes or ziplock bags that containing projects is some form of “work in progress”. My apartment is on the 5th floor so I look out over the neighborhood homes and this time of year with the snow and the neighbors Christmas lighting it’s sometime like looking at a Currier and Ives Christmas Card.
My favourite spot is not comfortable or functional, but cozy, very cozy: in winter I most enjoy stitching by the fire.
the red crewel work looks perfect for the holidays.
My favorite stitching spot winter and summer is in our bedroom. I have good lighting over my shoulder, a comfortable chair, cd player handy, and a view of the bird feeders outside our windows when I look up to ease my neck and shoulders.
I like to sit in a chair near a window in the daytime and in the evening I use a bright light next to my chair. My favorite companion, my kitty Alani, is usually cuddled on my lap while I stitch. Mostly she ignores the needle and thread but sometimes needs a gentle reminder!
My favorite stitching spot is in my rocker/recliner in the living room. I have bright daylight that comes through three windows, and in the evening I have a wonderful Ott lite to the left of my rocker. My kitty likes to join me for stitching, and prefers to stretch out by my legs, or sit like the sphinx on the arm of my rocker. I have little electric fireplace that provides both warmth and ambience. I usually have a nice candle burning – right now it is peppermint, and prefer listening to soothing music or listening to an audio book over watching television. With a cup of tea, by day, or a warm brandy, by night, I couldn’t ask for anything more cozy and comfortable.
My favorite spot to stitch is in my sewing room. I have floor heat, a comfortable chair, good lighting and it is quiet, but I could have music or tv if I choose. I wish I could spend more time in there… 🙂
Well, Mary, I’m disappointed I didn’t win one of the books. I’m even more disappointed that even Book Depository says “currently unavailable.” I’ll have to get on the internet earlier in the day to beat out the stitchers around here. 🙂
But I absolutely love this kit! I don’t normally do kits, preferring to make my own designs. My brain is always saying, “oh, I could embroider this, or “what stitch would I use for that?” But this kit just takes my breath away, and not having to choose colors or stitches might be relaxing.
And where would I stitch it? Where I do almost everything. In my recliner, with an Ottlite over my shoulder, a small table at my side to hold my stitching stuff, and – are you ready? – with either one, two, or, – yes – three cats on my lap and legs! All from the same stray litter, born in our outhouse nine years ago. They’ve obviously adapted well to being house cats.
This does present some logistical problems, and I’m always picking cat hair off my projects, but honestly? I wouldn’t know how to keep them away.
My favourite stitching spot is right here in my sitting room. Comfy chair, laptop for music – or most often – audiobook on small table to my right, underneath a lamp with an uplighter and a small adjustable spotlight for fine work. Room for a beverage of choice beside the laptop of course. To my left my husband’s footstool holds all the sewing necessities not actually in use at any given moment(he doesn’t need sewing paraphernalia anyway!). I am ensconced in a corner with a radiator on the wall to my left and a fire on the wall to my right so am always cosy. Peace and serenity – who could ask for more?
I have recently moved my favorite stitching spot (my easy chair) to the sofa. This gives me sooo much more room to spread out and find things at a glance. It is also comfortable and has improved lighting. Win Win!
My favorite winter stitching spot is in my bedroom. I sit in a comfy swivel chair by the windows where I can look out at the BlueRidge mountains and trees and sky while I stitch. I can watch the snow fall and see the moon at night over the tree line. I have two antique Scottish samplers in my stitching corner in the bedroom, and have talked to the girls who stitched them in the 1820s, Elizabeth and Mary Ann, when I removing and redoing stitches! I sometimes listen to audio books or watch mystery shows on TV while I stitch. Occasionally listen to music. It is a cozy and comfortable place to stitch, especially with a cup of tea.
I do most of my stitching in my stitching/TV room which is on the SW corner of my condo, and has windows on two adjoining walls. I have a comfortable chair with a footstool and good lighting to work under. It also contains my TV and I watch a fair amount of Netflix while I’m stitching. During the day I open the draperies and stitch in natural light which is abundant. It is a cozy setting in which to stitch, but is also functional as it has a small closet in which I keep many of my stitching supplies.
Bullion flowers, on my Monrt!
My favorite stitching spot – year round – is my comfy living room chair (can put my legs up). I have a large table beside it that I manage to clutter up with sewing paraphernalia. It has a nice view of the TV and a spectacular view out the window of trees, lake and birdfeeder.
My favorite stitching spot is my seat by the window. I can watch the snow falling, the birds at the feeder, and the warm glow from the neighbors windows. With my blanket on my lap, and my cat curled up with me, a steaming cup of coffee or tea…well it just doesn’t get much better than that.
My ideal spot would be sitting in a big, overstuffed chair looking out of a large picture window watching the snow fall. There would be Christmas tunes playing, hot chocolate by my side and our bulldog at my feet.
What a great giveaway! I follow the sun around our house in Winter! Start in the study & move from room to room ending in a chair looking onto the deck as the sun goes down!
Anywhere with good light that’s warm, as tosounds they will be supplied by my ipod – generally so. Etching in the alternative / rock genre.
My favorite winter stitching place is a comfortable chair in front of a big window. Beside the chair is an end table to put my stuff on, so everything is handy. I also make sure I have more lighting. I can look out and see a pond and a large redwood tree blowing in the wind. Sometimes, but more seldom these days I see the rain falling in the pond.
In a chair by the fire, surrounded by my dogs, a light and a table with essential oil diffuser. No where better to stitch for the Winter.
My favorite stitching spot is my comfortable chair by the window in my office while listening to a book on tape.
Thank you.
My favorite winter stitching spot is my year round spot, my newly renovated basement. I do have one window, so I do get a little natural light. I love it because I’m surrounded by all of my stitching threads, projects and tools. I take my iPad down and listen to you tube or movies. I have a traditional table set up as well as a living room type set up so whatever my mood or project, I’m cozy and productive.
This is a beautiful kit that will make me pick up crewel work again. Who ever wins will have a lovely kit. And many thanks to all the people who are perserving our history of needlework. Thank you Mary.
Juliet Voebel
Our home is heated by an old woodstove. I love to sit on the couch with my feet up and soak in the warmth from the stove while it is blizzarding outside. I have a coffee table next to the couch that hold all my stitching necessities. I listen to TV Christmas shows or to music. Of course, I do not exhibit perfect posture while stitching, but I’m not perfect.
Favorite winter place to stitch (other then while stitching with stitching friends over mugs of tea): in the corner chair in my south-facing sewing room. Right now there is a small herd of elk grazing in the field across the street. (yes, I am in the middle of nowhere!) It is peaceful and beautiful. With stitching in my hand: perfect!!!
I don’t currently have a stitching spot, for winter or otherwise. I like to sit in the living room and listen to tv while stitching, but the way the room is currently laid out, I don’t have good light by my favorite chair. I would figure something out for this kit, though!
I stitch in my she-shed that my husband converted from an old chicken coop. The windows look down on a Montana valley and closer at hand are chickadees and nuthatches gorging at the bird feeder.
My favourite winter stitching spot is in my kitchen with my coke fired Rayburn (a cast iron very old range) on, sitting at my pine table with all my beautiful threads around me bringing joy to a cold grey winters day.
My winter stitching spot is the same spot I use all year. On the couch. It’s a winner of a view (at least usually). It faces sliding glass doors that look out over the patio and pool and back yard. My camellias should start blooming shortly. I can also watch tv from my spot, and I usually have a cat snoozing in my lap. My side table holds necessary stitching supplies, so I’m all set to go.
I like to sit in my living room in my over stuffed chair late at night when there’s nothing but silence or some quiet classical music (or at this time of year Christmas music). I’llhave a cuddly quilt and a cup of hot chocolate and just enough light to see what I’m stitching.
My favourite winter stitching spot is under a palapa, on the beach, in Mexico! I can stitch the entire day away, enjoying the ocean breeze and the sounds of the waves. Plus, I multitask! I’m on Pirate Patrol, watching for any incoming, marauding pirates. I’m proud to announce that I have a 100% success rate and that NO pirates have ever tried to break my defences and invade while I have been on duty!
…’re welcome! 😀
My favorite winter stitching place is on the back of a yacht in Sydney Harbor
Ah, crewel work! That’s what I always wanted to try – maybe this time?
My stitching spot in winter (as in summer) is a sofa near the window in my “studio” (which isn’t a real studio yet, actually). I would call it comfortably functional, as it’s just a temporary makeshift of old items of furniture until moving to my own flat.
So well, I sit on an old sofa, my legs propped up on a chair, the magnifier lamp right under my nose, my side table with the tools and threads on it to my right, a stool with a clock and the telephone to the left. I see: among others my lucky bamboo on top of my 103 years old sewing machine, and the ashes in the backyard, leafless now in late autumn, with the sky above showing ever changing cloud formations … I hear: the quiet.
It’s peace.
Oh boy, the beauty of winter is just outside my bay windows and the best light reflects off that snow onto my table. This is my living room and I enjoy the fire crackling, my audio books or podcasts, and my stitching right here – the birds at the feeder outside and the picture filling in on my current piece – all is right with the world when I am here!
Season’s Greetings to you!
My house now being “infested” with kittens, very charming, very bad kittens, all my old favorite spaces are out of bounds for stitching. I think my new favorite place will be in the bedroom, looking out over the river. The door is shut, the light is good, I just need a chair.
When my husband died 2 years ago, I found him in his favorite chair, watching TV, and eating a dish of chocolate ice cream. My favorite spot for stitching is in that chair, surrounded by memories. He was always my greatest critic, liking everything I did, even if I didn’t. Sometimes I watch TV, looking up when there’s a new voice or the music exclaims something going to, happen. I must admit I don’t eat the ice cream, as my hands are busy. Being alone in the house, his chair brings me comfort, and stitching is my greatest joy.
We have two recliners in the living room. We also have a cat. So I sit in whichever recliner the cat isn’t! I put my floor Ottlite on an extension cord so it can be easily moved beside either chair for lighting. I have two tables and an etagere with shelves for placing scissors, yarn or floss, instruction charts, etc. I also keep my projects in flat baskets so they can be moved, taken up or put aside, and stay intact. The baskets can even be stacked if they aren’t overflowing, so that’s nice to keep the sewing room from having every horizontal surface covered. It’s pretty cozy as I can put my feet up. I can see my computer monitor and TV although we don’t have the TV on constantly, mainly just for Jeopardy which is on twice here. Woo! 😀
I generally stitch on the couch or at the dining room table depending on the project.
I may watch TV or listen to the radio. It is just functional. Ideally, I would like a sun room so I can see outside and watch the birds or snow during the winter.
I love hand sewing – my favourite place to sit is in the conservatory – during the summer it is very pleasant looking out onto the garden – not hot – and in the winter watching our robins and blue tits cold outside but snug as a bug in the conservatory sewing at hand what more could one want
My winter stitching is done on my bed, necessary gear spread out around me, and an empty shelf beside me to store everything in between stitching times.
I have a recliner in front of a wood stove. Fill the stove with wood and flame and it does not get any better. I can be distracted by watching it though!
My favourite spot to sit-and-stitch is located in the livingroom. I have a mid-century modern chair beside an antique arts and crafts table that belonged to my Great Grandmother. I feel surrounded by beautiful things sitting there. During the daylight hours I can see through the large glass doors that overlook the street across to the mountains and the river. It is comfortable, beautiful, relaxing, and a very productive spot to be in.
I sit at my sitting room window with the low sun at my back and the radio on. If it is not sunny my sewing room is cosy.
My favourite spot? In an ideal world it would be in a comfortable armchair, with a footstool, a side table covered in an unlimited supply of embroidery fabrics, patterns , etc. in a sunny spot with a view of Windermere in the Lake District, with non fattening chocolate.
In the real world, I make do with my sofa, a coffee table and the tv or radio. and no chocolate.
I stitch in winter with a blanket, a cat, a cup of tea — what’s life without a little risk? 🙂
My favourite spot is a spot on the couch with hubby next to me with our hexie quilt covering us. I stitch and listen to whatever dvd he chooses to watch while I stitch. As he works a lot, it is my absolute favourite time to spend with him on a cold day.
My favorite spot is my recliner by a large window so I can watch the birds at the feeder when I need a break from stitching. Very comfy.
My favourite stitching spot is in my Lazy Boy recliner, next to our wood stove with the glass door so we can watch the flames. An east window looks over my shoulder so I have lots of light to stitch by. On my left are my needlework tools (ort container, tacks for the stretcher bars, awl, extra laying tools, scissors for metallic threads, Thread Zapper, small hair straightener, pens, pencils, basting threads, etc) along with my Lowery stand with the magnifying glass with 24 LED’s. On my right on the end table are the threads for the projects I’m working on and a couple of magazines. In front of that is the footstool with my laptop on it. I load the stitching instructions onto the laptop so I can enlarge them as needed. With the a remote mouse so I can adjust the laptop without moving. Behind the end table is a higher table that often has a drink (wine at night) and another light for night stitching.
I do many needlearts and when I do them I sit in front of the TV and listen while I am stitching. I have three lights surrounding me and boxes separating my projects. I am in my recliner. Hard to admit but that is where I stitch.
My needle work hide-a-way ..
I have a living room bay window that overlooks the front yard where I have apple and spruce trees. During the day, the natural light for doing embroidery is amazing. I watch red and black squirrels and little chick-a-dee birds. I have a small wood stove, with a few plants, such as aloe and Christmas cactus. I sit in a glider rocker and use an antique parlour chair to hold the scissors and needles that I sort and pre-thread for the area I would be working on. Last but not least, I sort blankets on the floor around the chair, for my toy poodles to keep me company. When the sun starts to go down, I will make a hot chocolate to top off my relaxation time, before preparing the evening meal.
My favorite stitching spot is my sunroom on the 4th floor of my apartment building. I sit on an inherited Chippendale sofa covered in a beautiful floral linen. I am surrounded by pillows, afghans and my precious Yorkie. I can look out my windows and see the Tulsa skyline, trees and close neighborhoods. Sometimes I like silence. This time of year I play my Christmas CDs and sing along. I usually have a candle burning. I have a very cozy and comfortable spot for stitching, reading or napping!
I live in South Central Texas where we have mild winters so not much changes here by way of daily living. My favorite spot to stitch is in my ‘creative room’. I took over one of the bedrooms and turned it into what I call my creative room since I actually have a lot of hobbies! The room is painted a very light green walls with a very light yellow ceiling, and decorated with things I have made plus lots of Tinkerbell as I love Tinkerbell and fairies in general. A couple of years ago I came upon a Fuschia casual chair that I fell in love with so that is where I sit and stitch! The chair sits under a window so I have plenty of natural light to stitch in and have a light/magnifier close by when I need it. I also have a small tv mounted on the opposite wall (sewing machine and tables sit below the tv) so I can watch tv while I stitch. This time of year I have Hallmark Christmas movies on while stitching of course!
My favorite place to stitch year round is on my sofa in my family room. I stitch in hand so I do not need a frame although I do use magnification. I can listen to TV while stitching although I am not the best at concentrating on the programs. I sit across from a large 3 paneled sliding glass door and I have an LED Ott Lite near my stitching spot so there is plenty of light. I am also surrounded by family members, which is important to me.
I sit in my comfy chair with my puppy at my feet, listening to classical music.
I stitch in the corner of a leather couch. There’s a picture window behind me, a floor lamp to my left and 2 cats on top of me.
That’s the same set up for summer or winter. I keep telling the cats that they should provide seasonal airconditioning, but so far, their furry little thermostats seem to be stuck on heat.
That’s easy. Stitching by the fire, audio book playing and occasionally gazing out the window at the wind whipping up the waves onto the rocks in our bay.
I love to sit in our sunroom next to the fire, looking across the room to the windows overlooking our woods. Occasionally something moving outside catches my eye while I’m working – a woodpecker, a nuthatch, a squirrel, or of course a deer. There’s always at least one cat nearby, and they seem to like to sit in my lap while I’m trying to work.
My favorite winter stitching spot (and just about always) is in my leather recliner in the living room, with a roaring and crackling fire. Usually the TV is on, mostly for some background noise. Next to me I have an end table as well as a portable table, and my light on which I can (with magnets) put my scissors and a hook for threads. Both cozy and functional. ~Liz
Me gusta sentarme en mi sillón favorito, de piel color rojo, estilo años 50. Estoy en el salón, con una lámpara encima del bordado. A mi lado suele estar mi marido y en mi regazo mi gatita dormida, tanto si estoy una hora como si estoy cinco; es viejita y no hace otra cosa. Y mientras tanto, “oigo” series en televisión. Apenas las veo, estando concentrada en el bordado, pero me entero muy bien. Sólo es un problema cuando están subtituladas!
Un saludo con cariño.
Hi Mary
My sewing room is the best room in the house as it is cosy and comfortable whilst being functional at the same time. It is a large room built onto the back of our house and has floor to ceiling windows on two sides which open out onto our garden where I get inspiration from watching the flowers and birds and the occasional insects (including our pet blue tongue lizard). The chirping of the birds is a great relaxer! The light is perfect and I sit in an armchair where I have my embroidery tools at easy reach. Bliss!
My favorite place to stitch is leaned against plenty of cozy pillows against the wall, while sitting on my bed while watching Netflix or a favorite movie. Plus, I always have the company of my two dogs and one cat.
My favorite place to stitch is my couch with a not-so-good movie on (if the movie is good, I don’t pay attention to my stitching). The beauty of using a lap frame is that there is room for a cat under the stitching.
My embroidery frame is in one corner of my living room. My back is to the radiator so I’m nice and warm. Just to my left is a window where I can look out at the snow covered bushes and watch the rabbits and birds. To my right is a table for my tea and threads. At my feet is Harley, my dog, dreaming of our next walk.
My favorite spot to stitch is in my comfortable chair. It is next to a window so I can look out T the day and right next to the fireplace so I can keep warm.
My favourite spot is next to my large living room window. I also have a bright lamp in case the sun goes behind the clouds. I get natural light most of the day and can watch out the window. A cup of tea is next to me, and this time of year I have all sorts of Christmas movies playing.
I have a crochet afghan nearby, and my 6 yr old beagle mix either on the floor or sitting next to me, and my daughter’s kitten sitting in the window.
I really enjoy sitting in my rocking chair close to the large glass door and working on my many embroidery and quilting projects. Occasionally, one of my cats will join me by jumping on my lap.
My favorite spot for winter stitching is the back porch because it means we are having a warm day! I can see the yard and hear the fountain. It is both functional (natural light!) and charming.
I have a very cozy black couch. I keep an afghan on it that my Grandmother made me. It’s white with purple and green flowers. I’ve done a fair bit of traveling, so my walls are covered with art work that I’ve collected from the various countries I’ve been to. When I married my husband, my African mask collection joined his African mask collection and they are all displayed across from the couch. I have a couple of bookshelves overflowing with books, and I usually have documentary playing on my tv for a bit of background noise. If there’s a cup of tea, all the better. I keep a crocheted basket next to me when I’m working to keep various scissors and thread. Ideally I’d still have my reclaimed wood coffee table to prop my feet up on, but as I have a little crawler who’s working on standing and walking… I’ll just have to pine for it a bit longer.
My Winter stitching “nest” is my favorite. I am surrounded by my projects (always more than one ) . I usually don’t stitch until late in the day. I love dark afternoons that are snowy and windy. For some reason that kind of weather is cozy to me as I sit in our warm house.
In the evenings my husband sits in his chair by me and reads or watches TV. Lucky are we to still be together after 54 yrs.
I guess I don’t have a specific winter stitching spot, but I tend to prefer my bed (which is in front of the tv) or a coffee bar, where I can’t get distracted. Because I distract easily 🙁
I enjoy stitching on my small dining table after diner, while my husband watches TV and we discuss the news, the last family event or the next vacation; anything that may be of importance to us. He prepares tea or a shake, and we continue enjoying the drink and the conversation. The TV does not really matter. It is just part of the scenario. I share the development of my work with my husband and he marvels with the slightest changes! He enjoys telling others about the “amazing” things that I do “with a simple needle and a single colored thread”. He proudly invites them to see the finished projects. I just love this oasis of tranquility at the end of each day. With my needle as a magical miniature wand and my husband by my side.
I sit in an old 1950s rocking armchair at the sunroom end of my kitchen which is the best room for the sun in winter. I live in a surburban valley in a small city in New Zealand. My house is a wee way up from the valley floor so from my seat I have a 180 degree view looking over the valley without being able to see the houses below. As I look around, I see the sheep grazing on the slope opposite me, as the farm land comes almost into the city. That view is framed by two enormous evergreen trees that are planted on neighbouring properties. At 90 degrees, I see the old quarry that is now planted with a variety of native and exotic trees so it changes colour with the seasons. It’s where I will go to take a break and walk the dogs. I also see in my room , my grandmothers scrub board table, that reminds me of her sewing and embroidery achievements. As I keep turning, I see the church spire about 100 metres away that reminds me to keep my cool when I make a mistake. Finally, I can see the nectar bird feeder which attracts the tui and korimako ( parson and bell birds)to our garden. Their song is incredibly beautiful. It’s almost like being in a tree house. It is very peaceful and contemplative and I feel incredibly privileged.
Winter finds me stitching in the cozy chair in my sewing room under a magnifying lamp with a cuppa nearby- not within spilling range.
Sitting on my back veranda, with some views of our river listening to birds in the trees also the occasional kookaburra with a hot cup of tea.
My favorite winter stitching spot is an oversized chair and ottoman in our basement family room, I keep my floor lamp/magnifier by it to stitch. I can sit and stitch in this chair and be with my husband, son and grand daughter while they watch television. It is cozy and comfortable and even nicer when the fire is lit in the gas stove:)
My favorite spot is on the living room sofa in front of the tv. My tray that holds everything is on the sofa with me while my drink is on the end table next to me along with my led lamps.
Sitting warm and cozy with my dogs on the sofa
Upstairs in my loft.
How boring….I sit in the same chair year round to stitch! The TV is on with recorded Jeopardy shows or a PBS something or maybe just quiet so that I can dream of being in a cabin in the snowy woods in front of a roaring fire.
Thank you for the give-a-ways, Mary!
I have 2 favourite spots. In the morning I have a couch in my bedroom with big sliding doors that face east so the morning sun comes streaming in. It does get in my eyes thou so I should probably wear a cap or something
At night we have a large open fire in the living room so I sit near that with a good light and the TV playing in the background.
But for today… It’s the first day of summer so all that is 6 months away ☀
My favourite place to stitch is in the summer, sitting on my daughter’s balcony. I love the light, indirect sun and wind, the hum of traffic below, the city of Vancouver and Coastal Mountains before me.
I actually have two spots…for relaxed embroidery projects I prefer a large recliner in the library room, good light from the large window/door and a good floor lamp. For detailed or difficult stitches I sit at my desk with good work lighting. I always have some music playing or National Public Radio keeping me informed and entertained. A nice hot cup of tea and I am set!!
My stitching spot is on my sofa next to my Ott Lite. I have a table at hand with all my stitching supplies. Windows are across from “my spot” so I can look up occasionally to rest my eyes. So hoping I win this beautiful project
My favorite spot to stitch in the winter is in my club chair over the heating vent Sometimes I hear the wind blowing and that makes me glad I’m inside. Sometimes I put on music. And sometimes I just enjoy the silence. If I look up from my stitching, I see a mess of threads and materials. So it is better to focus on what is in my hand. Yes, I feel cozy.
I like the corner spot on my sofa. It’s firm and has nice plushy fabric. My apartment is small but has nice windows i can easily see out of from my sofa. I like to stitch when it’s rainy outside like it has been these last few days. I love the sound of rain and my home feels extra cozy.
I live in central Florida so our winters are quite warm. My winter stitching spot is my year round spot – a comfortable chair with good lighting, a table to hold my supplies – and in recognition that it is winter – a cup of my favorite tea or even a cup of cocoa!
As always, the most difficult part of stitching is persuading my 2 small dogs that they are not welcome in my lap when there’s a needle in my hand!
My favorite winter stitchy place is in my TV room, as I call it. It is a very small third bedroom on the main floor of my house. The room is primarily used for, you guessed it, watching TV.
My mother and I live together and have for a number of years. After my father passed, my mother needed someone else to care for her due to being a very brittle type 1 diabetic. It just made it easier that two could live together cheaper than apart and we were always together anyway. She also needs someone more st night than during the day so thereyou go. I say all this to explain my cozy spot more. I stitch/ live in one of the two big wingback recliner chairs that is a suedes banana yellow color. The chair color was not my choice but my mothers and that is a story for another time. I have basically everything I need there and my mother also does embroidery hand work too. We each have sewing/stitching floor lights over our respective shoulder and often spend hours on end just enjoying the space together. I have a small over the arm tray that I purchased from a online designer/vendor and it holds my scissors, a ruler and a fabric phone cradle I made that allows me to watch floss-tube, you tube or surf the web as I stitch away the hours. Also I The room is a small electric room heater that looks like a small BenFranklin type stove that has a realistic flame feature it it. Needless to say, it often amazes me that in a 5 bedroom house I can spend most of my time in the smallest room stitching by a “fire” and letting the world outside wiz by my window.
Sit and stitch looking out at the woods
During our subtropical winter sitting on the back verandah stitching with like minded friends.
There’s a spot in my living room that lets me enjoy winter sun from the warm side of big glass doors. My two cavalier spaniels climb into my lap for a snuggle and snooze, and there’s a table beside me for my cuppa and stitching bits. I may or may not join the puppers for a snooze in the sun momentarily 😉
Right now we are living in a small single wide trailer, hoping to build house on our property next year. We have a giant big screen tv in the living room. It’s like the front row at the movies. My favorite stitching place is on the sofa, in front of tv. No where else to sit. Thunder basketball or football playing. With my stand ott light and magnifier next to a vintage TV tray with needles and thread. It’s crowded with dogs and cats and a husband but retirement is Grand.
I like to stitch on the couch in my living room which backs up against a large south-facing window. So, I have the sun behind me providing practically perfect lighting and it keeps me warm as well. In addition, the cats like to snuggle up against me while I’m stitching. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Favorite Winter stitch spot – in my comfy chair beside the window with a large ledge, upon which I place my scissors, threads, things box (wax, needle threader, extra needles, cheaters), & mobile. Beside the chair is my lighted magnifier. On the other side of the chair is my hot plate for my cuppa & my orts box. The lighting overhead is good, but gets better when the afternoon sun creeps around the corner.
My favorite winter stitching spot is the chair in front of my south-facing front window. The little dogs sit on the window seat in the actual sunshine, but there is still plenty of light. Our new recliner is much more comfortable than the old couch. Out the front window I can see trees and birds, and people walking by (prompting dog barking). It is definitely cozy!!
Describe your favorite winter stitching spot. Where do you sit? What surrounds you? What do you see and hear? Is it cozy and comfortable or purely functional?
I like to stitch while sitting on my couch with a fire in the woodstove and the TV on a not-very-interesting show. I can see out the widows to both the front and back yards.
My favorite place to stitch in winter is in my dining room – I follow the sun around the table – keeps me cosy and funtional!
I sit in my conservatory to stitch . In the winter it gives great light even in the darker days. I have everything to hand and I can look out on my winter garden. By the way I fell in love with this kit just as you did.
Wow! Utterly charming! And a great companion piece to my just finished FolkArt
Nativity(with 3 Kings)
I sit in a wingback chair near a small table with a lamp for good lighting. This chair is in my family room and it has a lovely view to my backyard with large trees…very pretty right now with the color changes of the leaves.
My favourite place to stitch in the winter is in our family room in a comfy chair near the fireplace. I have a little table nearby where I have my light and put my supplies along with something hot to drink.
I like to sew upstairs where I can watch the birds and the weather. There are big windows and lots of light.
Oh my goodness! Is anyone else swooning over that crewel kit?? It would be SO FUN to embark upon that size of fabric. It is just wonderful! What a broadening of the mind to remember that crewel work (and needle arts in general) are not all lap-size pieces. Going to the website sure gives a good idea of scale. Just beautiful! I see why you were captured by this design, Mary. Good luck to all!
My favorite stitching spot is in the spare room (which has also become my favorite sleeping place when my husband’s snoring drives me from the bedroom). I have good lighting overhead and I often put on PBS, a movie, or a book on tape to listen to as I stitch. It’s very quiet in our neighborhood after 9 p.m., so it’s always a peaceful place to stitch. It’s a small, cozy room, so it’s perfect for stitching space.
My stitching corner is cozy, quiet and away from all distractions. A comfortable, small chair with arms at just the right height and a foot stool…perfect! Most days I’m able to stitch without additional lights because of natural light..northern and western exposure…but when nature interferes Dazor has been a reliable source for many years.
The best part of my stitching corner is the fact that the perfect chair belonged to my Grandmother, my Grandfather gave me the Dazor Lamp and the walls are covered with family photos and framed stitching from two generations.
My favorite winter spot is in my Mom’s den, sitting on the sofa, looking out her big glass windows at the cardinals feeding at the bird feeders, seeing deer meander thru the backyard, watching the squirrels guarding their acorns, and conversing with my 95 yr old Mom. I got my creative genes from this angel lady who sewed all my clothes, createdbeautiful needlework, and celebrated each and every holiday.
I basically stitch at the same place at home any season – my kitchen table. Our studio is right behind it, but since the change in TVs we can no longer turn ours around to be seen in the studio (which is how the setup was designed). The table is well lit and my supplies are just beyond in the studio.
I wish that I could stitch at our reenactment unit’s winter event which is in a house built in 1740 at night at the end of December, but since it is night and the house is lit only by candles, it is too dark. It would be a lovely addition to our interpretation of the house and so much fun for me.
Wow, what a lovely kit, and in Redwork. I love Manger scenes and try to have one in every room during the holidays through January 7th. There are times when I just do not want to take my stuff down! Am I the only one?
My grown (and gone) son’s bedroom has become my stitching studio. His queen-sized bed has been replaced by a beautiful sofa bed that naturally collects fabric and threads and other stitching paraphernalia. The room has wonderful light during the day and at night I have it well-illuminated with a work light and lamps all around. It faces south and overlooks our front yard where I enjoy two large crimson maples and occasionally spot a bluebird. I also have an excellent Bose speaker that ensures that I have great sound for the music and many books that I listen to while I stitch. I can often look at completed embroidery pieces and recall the books that I “read” while stitching it.
I sit in my recliner near my sliding glass door. This way I can use whatever daylight is available, but still use my Stella lamp once it gets dark or if the foul weather requires warm blanket snuggles and the extra help. My favourite time is when I can get together with my friends and we all stitch together in one’s livingroom with a fire going,coffee, and chat. Then life is awesome!
My husband and I have chairs in front of the fireplace, and there I have an excellent LED lamp with magnification, a lap stand, and my stitching basket – he practices the guitar while I stitch – pure bliss!
My family and I moved this year. So, my new home is ripe for winter stitching spot possibilities.
We have a master bedroom now, complete with a little comfy corner chair looking out at the backyard. I’ve yet to find the perfect task lamp, but i think this will be my favorite winter stitching spot!
These are beautiful! Would love to win and then finish one! My favorite spot to stitch is in my living room, on my couch nearvthevfireplace with my beautiful, sweet cat, Shadow purring even when I grouse. Lover blog. Thanks for sharing these wonderful gifts.
I sit in an old wing chair with an ottoman that is by a window. The chair faces a fireplace and has a table with a fine lamp to stitch by. If I turn around, there is the whole world outside – I’ve seen many deer including young fawns with their spots, rabbits, chipmunks galore, and once a beautiful fox wandered by. There is not much noise because there’s old growth woods behind us. One springtime, I saw a pink spot in the distance which turned out to be a Lady Slipper. It makes for a warm feeling when I have the beauty of nature behind me and then turn and stitch calmly in my chair.
I sit in my favorite living room chair. I know that sounds so ordinary but it is so comfortable. My light is over my left shoulder and my end table on my right. It is just prefect for me.
Our winters are not freezing but, can still be cold: I love to sit in my lounge room surrounded by antique style furniture in front of the wood heater sharing the space with the dogs. The soft winter sun filters through the windows behind me. to add to the glow. It is my haven.
I live in a very small apartment so I really only have one place to stitch year round. TV is always on for noise and I like to say ” only butt room on the couch my embroidery , knitting ,and reading surrounding me”. I like it that way. And in the Winter I an see it snowing out of my window on the end wall. Even see Cardinals sometime.
Hi Mary, I love sitting in my wingback chair with my little table beside me…….scissors, thread and needles at the ready. As time goes on, I remind myself more and more of my grandmother. She always had her “floss” as she called it and snips, right beside her. She was a rabid crocheter. LOL If she got a package, she had her scissors beside her for any ribbon or anything that needed cutting. I miss her so much. I digress!
I had my little Louis (Shih Tzu) beside me, up until a month ago, when he passed away. He was 19 1/2yrs old. Times change and we must continue to move forward. Have a wonderful holiday, Mary. Hugs to you and yours. xo
I have a dedicated sewing chair & foot stool in my studio. It’s used all year round with views of the gum trees that change with the seasons. In Winter I am usually under a quilt with Cleo the cat and in summer (today is the first day of the Australian summer), Cleo and I are under the air con vent trying to keep cool. I much prefer stitching in Winter with the quilt over Cleo so my projects are safe from kitty claws!
My favourite stitching spot is my dining which faces south. It has French doors that open out onto our garden which has an orchard at the end of it full of birds . I hear their songs all day long. That part of the house is protected from the prevailing wind and as a result it is always warm and catches any sunshine around. We still have geraniums in flower outside the windows and the room looks out across the geraniums towards the orchard.
My favorite stitching place does not change with the season. I have a sunroom and I have a comfortable chair, a footstool, good natural and auxiliary light and 2 cats to bug me. I can see my neighbors houses, but I am surrounded by greenery, birds, squirrels and my favorite, chipmunks.I sometimes listen to music, sometimes books, but often I stitch in silence (unless a cat is being vocal). A low chest of drawers and an Ikea 3 drawer rolly stand hold all the necessities. The kitchen is only a few steps away when my teacup needs refreshed. I am blessed!
My favourite chair is made of leather,
It hugs me tight in colder weather.
Upon the sea I often gaze,
as I stitch in rhythm to the waves.
I sit on an overstuffed love seat in the living room, which has a big widow to my right. I have a light over my left shoulder. Usually there’s a cat somewhere about in the room. I’ll have the tv on listening to a baseball or hockey game, and look up to see the replay. Or I’ll have a movie or or listen to music. I have my threads on the seat to my right and scissors and other tools on a table to the left. That’s my happy space. 😉
Usually I stitch in the corner of my sectional sofa, feet up & pillows for support. There is a direct overhead hanging light & it’s placed beside a window so it’s nice & bright. I’m usually stitching in front of the television. Am hoping to move in the next few months & then have plans to dedicate a room to stitching & books.
Well….my place to sit is in our family room in my comfy recliner with my nice light while my husband watches TV with the volume too loud. lol Our wood stove keeps the room nice and cozy even if it isn’t quiet and peaceful. I must say though that he does appreciate the things that I make and enjoys helping me decide on the best colors when I’m having trouble deciding.
My favourite stitching spot is my shed! All year round, often with the air conditioner on (powered by solar panels). We have no winter here – a wet and a dry season and the sticky bits in between with sunshine and warmth the constants.
It’s wonderful the work that you, Mary, and the Crewel Work Company do, to keep the stitching tradiitions alive for our and future generations ‘benefit. Thank you so much!!
My favorite spot for hand work is in an easy chair in the living room by a large window (for lots of light).
Sometimes the T.V. is on and sometimes just music. Right now it is Christmas music.
I have always loved this particular piece of crewel work, having seen it illustrated in various publications, and also seen it in real life in the UK Embroiderers’ Guild collection. Redwork has also always appealed for its simplicity and clarity. The design and the subject can always shine, without any distractions.
A fitting prize for sharing at this time of year!
Oh. My. Gosh. I love stitching all red samplers and this beautiful crewel piece would look beautiful with my other pieces. Love it and would be ecstatic to win it!
In winter I stitch by the big, north-facing, picture window in my lounge room where, with heater on, teapot at the ready and a pair of gently snoring spaniels at my feet, I stitch the brightest, happiest things in my stash.
I have a very comfortable chair beside a picture window. If you watch news video of the White House (no matter who is President) they show yellowish Washington Lolling chairs…. that is what my comfortable chair is. I use a lap stand which adds to my comfort. Directly outside the window is a Cedar tree…. I have several types of birds and the usual assortment of squirrels to add to the entertainment.
Hi Mary,
I have a spot where the all the essentials are at hand – warm air to keep me comfy, power to keep my work well lit and the endless cups of tea come from the nearby kitchen. The family passes by so I feel I am always still in the midst of things and my gorgeous doggie is on guard to ensure I stay safe, just right!
Happy stitching
I have always loved this particular piece of crewel work, having seen it illustrated in various publications, and also seen it in real life in the UK Embroiderers’ Guild collection. Redwork has also always appealed for its simplicity and clarity. The design and the subject can always shine, without any distractions.
A fitting prize for sharing at this time of year!
I have a workroom which faces north (great if you live in the southern hemisphere for natural light!). I am surrounded by my library of needlework and general reference books and listen to audio books as I design and stitch, looking out over the foliage of the neighbouring gardens.
Needlework has brought me many wonderful friends over the years and continues to intrigue and stimulate.
I stitch on our screened in porch. We live in Southern CA, so it never gets too cold, and I get to enjoy the outdoors without the glare of the sun on my fabric. There is also a nice bit table out there, so the kids can join me with their crafts too. I love this design!
Winter is an excuse to sit in my special armed chair near the heater with my magnifying lamp beside me and just embroider . Sheer bliss.
Sofa in the living room. It’s very comfortable and has a nice view to the back yard and the fireplace. I get frequent visits from my 3 cats.
In the Australian winter I prefer to sit in my comfy chair in front of the combustion fire, listening to my classical music station and the cat in the chair next to me. Oh, and, yes, a hot coffee! I would certainly be stitching on my favourite project at the time.
Not so much a spot as a nest of soft polar fleece. Preferably with a cat nestled in there somewhere too. Winter weekend afternoons, maybe with snow falling are a favorite. Put on a favorite movie, or binge Midsomers on Netflix and I am good.
I like to sit in my workroom, close to my desk. The TV is across the room, my MP3 player is close by. I can reach the computer easily, so I can look something up or listen to music on Pandora. I have three bookshelves filled with reference materials and one set of shelves with threads, threads, threads. There are two large windows to look at the garden and a little alcove that has a tall table with a cutting mat and all kinds of tools (definitely not gadgets!). I spend a lot of time here, so it is as comfortable and cozy as I can make it. Right now, the room is a little bit of a mess, but I am hoping to get everything ship shape next week. After all, Santa is coming and I don’t want him to think I’ve been naughty.
I want to win. Love the kit!
What a beautiful pattern, I just love anything red and white. We just moved into our new home, a log cabin and had to do a few things before sending for our belongings in storage. We are down sizing and I am planning on a small corner in the guest bedroom. Right now I am doing some stitching in my chair in front of the fireplace and looking out of our french doors at the beautiful trees and the smoky mountains of North Carolina—–perfect!
My favorite spot is a comfy warm armchair in my bedroom (the warmest room in the house!) under the brightest light I have.
I love to stitch sitting in my bed, my duvet around me and threads/beads/pins and needles etc strewn all across the top, and often down the sides of the bed! It’s warm, I have my excellent light and a stand for if I’m using a frame…I basically have everything I could ever want there with me! It’s quiet, peaceful, and i can lose hours there…. Assuming I’m not interrupted!
My best winter stitching spot is the same as every season, with the addition of a space heater! I stitch at a table in our basement set up in front of our projection TV screen (it came with the house and it’s ridiculously fun to watch supersized TV!). I do have to run an extension cord for my light, so it’s not a perfect setup but it’s close.
My favorite is so sit on the sofa in front of the fire while my husband reads Dickens and the children play board games at our feet. Purely fictional. It’s more like… On the sofa while breaking up the children’s’ squabbles until my husband comes home from work. Then he breaks up the squabbles. No fire place. My clamp lamp sends a mighty glare on the TV though! Thanks for everything you do Mary!
I like to stitch in my sewing room. The reason is because there is a three panel window and I can watch the birds flitter around and see the leaves changing. I sit in a very comfy recliner, with a lap quilt near by if needed. My sewing room is my peaceful place. It brings me peace , comfort and solis to sit and stitch . Sometimes the radio is on low, playing Christmas songs that bring back sweet memories of my childhood.
My favorite place to stitch is my comfy chair in our family room. Winter is also the season I catch up on movies while stitching.
Love doing red work. My eyes are not as good as they were, red work is easier to see. Being in Florida we have very little cold weather. I do have an enclosed lanai air conditioned and 3 very large windows,it is like sitting outside. I gather my threads sit in my comfy chair and work away.
My favorite winter stitching spot is my recliner in the spare room. This is a small room and very cozy. I sit across from a window that looks out onto the street. There is very little traffic but I see the field across the street and once in a while deer or a snow plow. I listen to books on tape or my favorite PBS radio programs while I stitch.
Winter in Queensland is a lovely time of year with my window looking out into the blue sky, green trees but no winter browns, oranges or reds.
My favorite winter stitching spot is in my comfy chair with a view of the snowy backyard. Frequent visits by bunnies, squirrels and birds at the bird feeders keep the landscape interesting. All I need for stitching is within my reach so I am set for hours of stitching fun. My family is nearby so they are what I hear. A very comforting environment to relax and stitch.
The screened patio in my home is my favorite winter (dry season) stitching spot. As I occupy my easy chair, I look out across a tropical garden scene with banana palms in the foreground; across different trees to the sky with small puffy clouds hovering in the wild blue yonder. The cooing of doves break the silence as butterflies flit by. Geckos are frolicking across the screen as I listen to the gurgling of the fountain and waterfall in the fish ponds while sipping iced tea. Another day in paradise. Someone has to live here on this tropical
island and I’m glad it’s me.
My favorite winter stitching place, in fact my only stitching place, is sitting in my comfy Lazy-Boy recliner in my living room! I can watch my TV programs or listen to books on tape. I am surrounded by my loving family and have my tools close at hand.
Nothing is more relaxing than sitting and engaging in craft and conversation!
I have two favorite winter stitching spots; one is my old fashioned bird upholstered arm chair, just my size, (I can sit with my feet flat on the ground! not dangling an inch or two above the floor;) all other furniture I sit perched upon tailor/or indian style for any appreciable length of time;) This chair is strategically placed left of the fireplace in the main living room, I can easily keep an eye on the children, my work basket is near, and I have a view of our back woods, often snow filled. Very cozy with a fire smoldering in the grate:)
For a quieter and more intense work session, I will sit in my upstairs work area, at a long beech table next to the window seat overlooking the strip of woods in the front yard. I can see downy woodpeckers, nuthatches, and goldfinches in winter plumage. A good place to watch the snow falling thick and fast . . .
I have a chair in the corner of the Living Room, near the television and a window nearby. Next to my chair on the right is a small end table that holds my chair pincushion, needles, scissors, the pattern I’m using for my current project, lots of threads, and a sewing basket or two that holds other supplies and a few of the next projects I’d like to work on. This is very comfortable and because I have all of these supplies near me, and it saves me time from having to get up and go to another room to get something.
My favorite winter stitching spot is at a small table by the window in my apartment living room where I can fit in my standing lamp and sit in a straight back chair while having my project on the table. My needlework books for stitch reference surround me. I have a view of the garden of the building I live in. I sometimes stitch in quiet but sometimes play music. To me it is cozy and comfortable but also functional.
Here in Western Australia, we don’t get really very cold, our lowest temperature is about 13 degrees centigrade. Although, we think that is quite cold enough, he he. I sit in my lovely fake velvety finished single lazy boy type chair which is very cozy, with my hand knitted throw over my knees, and my wooden stand at the side with my trusty tools in a carry all, on another chair next to me. I am in the family room which has a lovely wrought iron enclosed wood fire, nearby and a full length window next to the other chair. I love having the blind up, so I can see the gray sky and rain falling down outside and thinking how cold it is outside while I am in here gorgeous and toasty warm. It is so cozy and comfortable, I loose track of time and never want to get up from my warm spot. There are not usually any smells, only if it is the late afternoons, when my husband is getting Dinner organised for us. Thank you for the opportunities that you always provide us lucky people. Regards and best wishes, Julie Piggott
I love to stitch in my den with my Christmas tree lights on, fireplace going and a glass of wine! My perfect evening!
My favorite winter stitching spot is the corner of my couch, with my magnifying light. I usually have a cat on one side or both, and maybe one on my lap. If the piece I’m stitching is not too difficult I may have a Christmas movie on or some Christmas music playing. I may be thinking about what I’ll do with the piece once it’s finished and who will get it.
Same as the summer spot – on the couch with a lamp behind me and my stand in front of me! And a dog nearby for company!
My favorite winter stitching spot is on my bed. Because I have lymphadema in my legs that requires me not to sit in any type of chair for extended periods of time. I have arranged my room with a TV along side of my bed and I have to raise my legs several times a day so they don’t swell and hurt. But I can cover them with an comforter, throw on a good long series of movies and stitch until my hearts content and nod off to sleep. I keep a cup of tea on a warmer nearby and it’s very cozy and warm to watch the rest of the world combat the winters I once did when I went to work. I do miss my last kitty companion, but these days are no longer convenient for me. The “We Three Kings” would be an welcomed gift for me as my church has been asking that I do some garment and altar pieces for them. Would love to receive this as my only family Christmas gift. Thank you and Seasons Greetings to all.
I have a glider rocker in my living room that when I sit in it, I immediately relax. It is where I love doing all my needlework. I can watch TV from this rocker and with the holidays coming up, I have also been listening to Christmas music.
My favorite winter stitching spot is in a straight chair, if you can believe it, because it is easier on my hips. I must have my Dazor lamp. Then a good feel good movie is playing. It is best to be one that I have seen many times, so I can stitch and still “see” the TV in my mind’s eye.
My happy place has a comfortable chair parked in front of a big window for good light. I have lots of storage within easy reach, and a crackling fire to keep my toes warm. I can choose to listen to music or an audio book, or just the silence. The only problem comes when my little dog thinks he needs to sit on my lap while I stitch.
My favorite stitching spot is on my loveseat in the family room .
I make sure I have everything I need for the project I’m working on.Get a drink , turn on my light and the tv and get to work with a smile on my face .
My favorite winter stitching place is in my living room. I sit in a recliner with an Ott light over my shoulder. The best thing about this place is my 12 year old yellow Labrador sleeps at my feet. She’s blind and needs reassurance that I am nearby.
My favorite stitching spot is in a wonderful bright corner in my family room right by a window. It has a wonderful light, my sewing basket, perfect spot to watch tv or a movie and close enough to the kitchen to get a delicious cup of tea. Out the window I can watch the birds go around the bird feeders, the bird bath, or the bushes along the house. It is my happy place.
I like to sit in front of my picture window that faces south. It’s nice and warm and the sunshine helps me see better.
I love to sit on our sun porch in a comfortable chair. i then can stitch and watch all of the many kinds of birds. love looking at the water.
I have a small table besides my fireplace and next to a window. I love to sit in the warm room and watch the blusters of winter as I sew !
My favorite winter stitching spot is actually the floor! Though the couch sounds nicer, most comfy and conventional sitting arrangements do murder on my hips. So I stitch seated “burmese style” on a cushion. Next to me is usually a faithful pup, as I’ve long since given up the idea of the immaculate work space. With a throw and a coffee at hand I find it to be as comfy as I can be without taking an accidental nap. If I’m concentrating very hard I’ll usually just have some ambient sound in the background but if it’s less taxing I’m all for streaming the shows I’d never get to otherwise. Though it’s probably an odd arrangement I havent lost another needle to the vast foamy depths of the couch cushions lol.
I have transformed my garage into a beautiful bright sewing room now that I have retired. My view is of the spectacular landscape of the Long Mynd hills in Shropshire, England. The happiness that I feel in this haven as I embroider and listen to the radio has been life changing.
I stitch sitting on my sofa chair where I can see out a large window at nature or watch television. I get great natural light from the window. I also have a Bluetooth speaker nearby to listen to audio books or music.
I live in Florida so in the winter, I stitch on my screened in porch. The moderate temperatures, low humidity and gentle breeze makes for a perfect time to be grateful for nature and delight in the time to stitch.
My favorite winter stitching spot is in my recliner with all my stitching equipment at hand. Buddy, my miniature poodle, is at my feet sleeping and Ruby, husband’s toy poodle, is watching a movie with my husband. As I look out the window at the cold Florida weather in the low 40’s I enjoy a sip of hot chocolate. All is well as I stitch another project for one of my children. And I pray with each stitch all is well with them.
I stitch in front of my fireplace because it is the warmest place in the house. My dogs are asleep on the sofa and I sit close to them in a straight back chair. I have back issues and a straight back chair works best. My Ott light is to my left and I usually listen to an audio book while I work. Some times my grandaughters watch and one of them is starting to stitch with me. I don’t get much work done on my project but I love working with her.
Thank you for sharing your experience so freely.
Good evening, Mary! I love these questions. I contemplate each time because no one every asks me them in real time. So here goes:
In our bedroom, I have a wonderful ladies’ bridge chair from the ’40s and a standing lamp that reminds me of Aladdin for some reason. My husband has a comfortable chair from the same era. We have a gas fireplace and a great stereo. Right now Christmas or jazz plays or Christmasy jazz (Yoyo Ma). Sometimes it is a book on DVD from the library. It is calm. Ahh…….
What a lovely design!
In the winter I enjoy stitching in my sewing room, it has a west-facing window with great light, especially in the afternoon. Supplies are close at hand. Music, podcasts or tv available. In addition to the project at hand I am also have plenty of ufo projects to make progress on. There’s plenty of room on my desk for a visiting (or supervising?) cat. I can get totally lost in needle and thread for hours!
I just returned from a short visit to Catalina Island and found I love stitching in my hotel room watching the much needed rain come down. The room was cozy and warm and the sound of rain was so soothing. Catalina Island has been in dought conditions and the rain is a holiday blessing for all.
My favorite winter stitching spot is at a large table in the dining room where there’s plenty of room to spread myself out. The fire is alight and the sun streams through the window but I know that it’s still really cold out there. Never-the-less I can see my garden through the window and the magpie sitting on the fence hoping that I will feed him. My two dogs are asleep at my feet and one of them, Dora I think, is snoring gently. There is a vase of flowers on the table spreading soft perfume and looking bright and cheerful. So I have a combination of comfort and practicality and I am happy. I am doing what I want, where I want and have two loving dogs keeping me company.
Thank you for asking me this. Pat
My favourite stitching spot in the winter is a big squishy armchair in the corner of my library area… i have a lamp behind, the sun comes in through the window, and I can watch the birds in the garden.
I often sit in my sewing room with music playing, stiching and relaxing with a hot cup of tea.
I really like to stitch in the dining room – it’s warm because it’s close to the kitchen, it’s close for me to get another cup of tea or coffee, the light is wonderful. I can look out and see the sidewalk, see who’s walking their dog, or watch the hummingbirds on the flowering bush right outside. It’s the perfect combination of cozy, convenient and functional!
I am very comfortable in my soft chair covered by a crocheted afghan, during the day there is a large window to my left and at night I use the Stella lamp recommended by you.
My favourite stitching place in the winter is in the lounge room, in front of the TV, under a good light and with the sun coming through the window. I sometimes put on an opera DVD and just listen to the music while I stitch.
While it’s winter in the Northern hemisphere we celebrate Xmas in hot weather here in South Australia. I like to sit and stitch on my recliner chair in the lounge room under my light with the air conditioner on watching ibis looking for insects on the oval in front of our house.
I love to stitch sitting in my favourite chair, under my cosy warm blanket, and, if needed, with my handy magnifier lamp at my side, with my cat Fudgie on my knee.
I like to sit at my desk in my tiny den. I have my lighting all set up, and I use a table clamp for my hoop. I can adjust my chair depending on the day. Since I have my computer there, I can listen / watch whatever I like while I stitch away. I have spent many happy hours doing exactly that so far.
My favourite winter stitching place is in the front room. I have a big comfy sofa, a large square coffee table, holds tons of my stitching stuff, and the fireplace. My windows face the ocean so I can see all the goingings on there. The California and Stellar sea lions come every November and stay for several months. They are huge and noisy, growling, barking and even purring. Two tug boats make daily runs with log booms into our bay, I love watching other people at work. Usually I listen to pod casts on CBC radio or my favourite classical music. My little red tea pot holds two cups and is covered in a woolen cosy I made several years ago. My favourite cup is a tall bone China tea cup with a large comfortable handle. At the moment I have several projects on the go, all very different techniques, all unfolding in their due time. Thank you so much for putting this question out there. I’m looking forward to reading what other stitchers favourite stitching spot is.
My favorite winter stitching spot is my reading chair in the nook off our kitchen. It’s next to our fireplace and looks out onto the woods in our back yard. I can keep an eye on the birds at the feeders and watch the fat squirrels chase each other through the snow. If I’m lucky I’ll spot a deer in the morning. It’s cozy and comfortable.
I sit in my wing chair with threads on the end table next to it. The TV is usually on and I can hear it or look up as needed! The purring cat will try to find a place on my lap so there’s always a little distraction to the work at hand.
My favorite winter stitching spot is in on the sofa in my family room. I’m close to the fireplace and the room is bright a sunny most days. The dog sits at my feet and I can observe the activities of the rest of the family.
Oh Mary, this crewel piece is fabulous & so you—RED & WOW! I am on a 1400+ mile journey to my new home. My new winter stitching spot will be sunny & warm & only a bike ride to the beach. Now if I can just keep the sand out of my needlework it will all be good. As to sights & sounds, bougainvilleas, gardenias & orchids plus hawks, mockingbirds & jays. Sort of like Eden if I do say so myself. BTW—I visited the Crewel Company site & would love to have more info on the original piece. Could this be a future post? Is it in a museum or privately held? How was it acquired etc? Would they do a guest post or allow you to share with your readers? Hope so! Thank you for offering this terrific project.
Love to stitch on my couch. Great light and I can keep my supplies under the couch.
I have a studio that is part of the garden of our house, a re-modeled garage with a wall of windows to the south and three more facing north-west. The room is painted white, and I have a rather motley accumulation of old and somewhat-old cabinets on one wall, which overflow with fabric, thread, beads, buttons, and a lot of vintage linen that I recycle into my stitching. The fourth wall is bookcases, to the ceiling. In the center of the room are two tables that are parallel to one another and to the two north-west-facing windows. I have a rolling chair there between these two tables where I sit and stitch for hours at a time. I have a Daylight lamp on the embroidery table (Old Dining Table #1), and my DMC Thread cases are stacked on the narrower table behind (Old Dining Table #2). This is my bliss. The rolling chair is perfectly ergonomic, the light can be adjusted, and with pincushions, scissors and bowls of little scraps of fabric and others of thread (much of which I dyed in the basement of the house), stitching here is much like coming to a feast of texture and color, settling in for a long, satisfying visit with all my favorite things. When I need a reference book, it is at hand. My orts are collected in a tall clear jar that is an archeological record of my stitching. If I need to zig-zag an edge of the cloth, the sewing machine is always up and only waits turning on to be ready to work. There is a clock in this lovely place, but I work facing away from it. Eventually I will go back to the house. But not just yet, please . . .
My favorite stitching spot is in the family room near the fireplace with a good light. I always have a couple of projects there. Crewel work was the first embroidery I learned so this red kit would be a lovely addition
My favorite place to do my needlework is seated in the living room, next to a wall of windows, overlooking the forested conservation area behind our property. In addition to a myriad of birds, at the feeders, we are often host to deer, rabbits and ground hogs. Needless to say, the antics of the squirrels always provide much entertainment. I enjoy listening to soft music and, of course, the warm softness of our dog nestled at my side. Oh, and a cup of tea is the ‘topping on the cake’!
My favorite winter spot is the same as my summer spot! I have my footstool and throw, with all my stuff sitting next to me. I would prefer my chair rather than the love seat I currently sit on but alas it needs to be reupholstered and not fit to be in the living room. One day I will take that task on but until then here I sit!
My favorite spot to stitch is in circular chair in my bedroom. I like to be cozy, so I’ll usually cuddle up with a blanket and a cup of something warm. My bedroom is in the basement and I have just window to see the snow fall. There is no better stress reliever!
My favorite stitching spot is the upstairs room at my church where we have our monthly stitch-in. It’s functional, not a bit of glamor, but the fellowship of other stitchers, makes the time fly.
My favorite spot is a rocking chair in the living room. I can see out the windows of my enclosed porch to trees and birds outside. There is usually a dog sitting on my feet and another dog sleeping nearby. I have a table beside me with all my supplies and a good light overhead. It is a perfect way to spend time!
I stitch in a beautiful, airy sunroom just off the kitchen. This room has 3 walls of large windows and is perfect for stitching. I enjoy the natural light and the view of our small farm.
My winter stitching spot is right next to the wood burning stove (cuisiniere) in my kitchen, It is warm and cosy, I have the table ,
a comfortable chair and a good light. I can hear the wood cracking and sometimes I listen to a podcast but mostly I work in silence as the rhythm of the stitching helps me to relax after a busy day and prepare for the next. I find this piece utterly charming and the idea of using only one colour intriguing. I love the colour of course as I dyed it!
I sit on my loveseat with my sweet companion Joey, a little rescue mixed breed adult dog. I leave the wood door open and light pours in through the storm door and windows.Its very quite here in the country and I can hear the song birds that overwinter here.Ocassionaly a courious young Roadrunner comes up on the front porch and peeks in. We are at the top of a heavily treed hill overlooking the Brazos river, and lots of wild life. Deer come up and graze,little foxes stop by for some left over snacks and squirrels chatter when Joey goes out to lay in the sun. I really enjoy needle work and making gifts for family and friends.
I like to stitch while sitting on my sofa with a cup of coffee. I can look out the window and usually have a kitty snoozing beside me. I love it when I can hear my wind chimes softly ringing as well.
I have a comfy chair, a quilt if it’s chilly and an ottoman in my sewing room. I am located near a corner of my fabric shelves…surrounded by fabric stored by color and style. A radio is nearby and a TV straight ahead, I love the news and old movies. My family passes by my door and chats or drops in for a visit when they are home. It’s my get-away spot and my pleasure. I am presently working on a kit of the Bayeau Tapestry and some redwork when I want something more relaxing. Obviously this kit would be right up my alley! Thanks for the opportunity and your articles. Happy Holidays, Maryann
Hi Mary –
My favorite spot to stitch in my home is my cozy little library. Two walls are lined floor to ceiling with books of all sorts and there is just enough room left for two comfy chairs with a table between them, and an antique secretary desk. The walls are hung with paintings of landscapes, one a stormy Ireland, the other of the Oregon coast. My stitching supplies are snugged up in an antique pedestal sewing box, within easy reach for whatever I may need. A large window is just beyond which provides a view of my garden, and the birdbath that sits under my maple tree. I can rest my eyes from long hours of stitching by watching the birds play and the flowers sway in the breezes!
Ronna DeLaVergne
This is my first winter stitching in a spot. I’ve recently moved from a larger place with two story windows that put bright sunlike blinding me by my only place to sit and try to get some stitching done — not too bright, wobbly light fixture, or nothing at all. Now I have a smaller place, but with a great place to stitch. I have one whole room! I have a long table and chair, two book shelves, closet, a chest for finished things — wow! I’m no longer alone, either. The cat takes one end of the table or my really comfortable chair right next to the table. There is plenty of room on the table for my baskets with things I need at hand. The comfortable chair is right next to a fairly tall window — where the sun doesn’t shine straight into my eyes, but I can see everything well. I’m also not still a hermit any longer. There’s a narrow walkway with a hand hold to go up and down right beside my window — kids going to school and coming back, the man next door playing with his dog, women going shopping — all waving. There is a lot of green outside, too — green and yellow where the sun hits the grass and bushes. It was really a show a month ago with birds and butterflies everywhere. I’ve talked about lots of things that have kept me from stitching for quite a while, but not now they don’t. There are quick waves or a word and it pulls me into the world and brings what I’m doing in my pretty little room to my friends outside. Nuala has watched every thing I wrote and is still sitting next to me, so I guess she approves what I said. She stood on the paper — proof that she approved.
My favourite winter stitching spot is the same as my summer one – my cosy chair by the window, where my light and magnifier are set up in just the right place, and where I can look up from time to time to see what’s going on in the workd outside!
My husband and I live in a small bungalow attached to a large ranch. Our sitting room is small and welcoming. I have a favorite armchair and to my left, my threads, on-going crotchet projects and projects I want to start. This room has two walls full of books including my project books. We spend most of our day here and while he watches the news I provide company, my hands busy with needles,scissors and patterns. As I get up to prepare meals and other domestic tasks, my creative corner awaits and beckons me during all seasons.
Raised in a Hispanic home, for the first 15 years of my life, only the Three Kings brought presents. We awaited for the Baby Jesus to appear on Noche Buena -December 24th. This is why this kit appeals to me.
Tracy, a woman in my crewel class at the SF School of Needlework came back from one of Phillipa Turnbull’s trips and showed us a gorgeous Glamis Rose and Thistle project that she’d begun. It really was stunning. I’m so glad they’ve begun selling the pre-marked linen.
I normally stitch upstairs. My favorite place in the winter is to move to the living room, overlooking the creek. The leaves are falling, occasional showers drip, clouds come and go, and in the background my husband is playing classical music, while sweeping the porch. Now, if I could just get that dratted cat from taking my spot every time I get up to get another cuppa, I’d get more stitching done!
My favorite stitching spot is in our garden room. The room is one we added onto the house, and it grew from a screened in area to tall casement windows on three sides, heated tile floor, and white-wash type peaked ceiling. The entrance is a set of French doors we leave open year round to our family room. We have a small, but pretty private backyard, so there are no window coverings at all. I have a comfy rocking chair in one corner and we put our Christmas tree in the center of the far wall. I love stitching with the natural light, warm and cozy toes and looking at our tree, day or night. Occasionally I am blessed to watch squirrels, birds and bunnies playing outside. While our tree doesn’t have as many stitched ornaments as I would like, I keep working to remedy that.
I also love Nativities! I organize a Nativity Walk at our church every two years, and love to see the beautiful depictions of our Savior’s birth. Since the Nativities on display come from our church families, we have all kinds including needlepoint, red work banners, quilted banners and plastic canvas.
Mary, thank you for doing this blog. I began as in needlepointer, but you have re-introduced me to more modern surface work through you amazing projects! I have even gone so far as to try some of them!! (And I enjoyed it!) I look forward to reading and seeing all you have to share. You are a blessing in my life.
My favorite winter stitch place is a chair in the corner of a spare bedroom. I have a dresser with my threads, fabric,etc. next to my chair. I have a floor lamp and a basket for my projects. I also have a tv for binge watching Netflix while stitching.
My favourite place to stitch on a cold and snowy day is in my living room with the fireplace crackling away ( actually the only crackling is the metal heating up as it’s a gas fireplace) and the stereo playing softly in the background.
Winter is the time my husband likes to watch sports on TV so to keep him company I move whatever I am stitching on into the family room. Pretty soon my chair is surrounded by threads, scissors, diagrams, needles and other paraphernalia so that it is worth one’s life to walk away from the project at hand. I don’t feel guilty that I’m not out in the garden so all is good.
My favorite winter stitching spot is on the living room couch near the bay window where I get the best natural light. Usually the radio is tuned to a local college station that plays a variety of eclectic music.
I do my stitching at our old mountain house. My back is to the glass windows where the light flows in, Its very cosy as the sun streams in through the windows, it’s my free solar heating, it is quiet and peaceful. My cane chair is very comfortable even though it was found on a throw out with a hole in the seat, now mended.
There is plenty of outside space with lots of native vegetation on the boundaries and ornamental flower beds around the house. If I take a break from stitching there is a mountain in the far distance that changes colour depending on the light.
Sometimes animals come and take a look, wallabies, foxes, rabbits and SNAKES.
The birds are identifiable from their various calls, though some get up too early for my liking.
Not many options as to where to sit means going right next to the window to get more light, heater not to far away to keep the fingers warm, and listening to a good talk.
The couch – with my husband next to me as we watch something – usually a British drama or period piece!
Carrie PlaneNut in GA
My favorite place to stitch in winter is sitting in my comfortable armchair by a lovely fire listening to my music. I don’t turn on the TV as it is much nicer this way. I am accompanied by at least one cat or dog sitting either on the floor beside me or on the couch. I am surrounded by books & my stitch work framed on the walls. As the evening draws in I turn on the lamp beside me & a few more around the room. To me this is so very beautiful & why would I want to be anywhere else. I am absolutely at my ease.
I have a special small recliner chair with a small side table. It is in a corner of my office and is caddy corner from my west-facing window. I look out on a wooded section of my yard, the trees are full of birds and I do have feeders. There is a small deck off my garage and this window is over the deck so I can hear my wind chimes, too. I have my L-shaped desk and computers in the adjoining corner so I can listen to audiobooks, watch movies – even live TV if I want to. The side table holds my sewing lamp, an ORT jar, a small tray with needle threader, needles, sissors, pencil, and a copyholder that keeps the design right where I can see it. Comfortable and dedicated to stitching.
My favourite winter stitching spot is my comfortable chair in my workroom surrounded by all my supplies. I sit next to a big window for lots of good natural light. I enjoy listening to music while I am stitching and also listening to all the birds singing outside.
My favorite stitching place is my recliner where my dogs can be close and we can all relax and I can stitch. In reality, I mostly stitch in the car when traveling (not driving!) and in doctor offices while waiting! I am raising 2 grandchildren so I spend time waiting. Stitching while waiting makes me look forward to those moments of waiting.
My favorite winter stitching spot at home is in a chair in my bedroom. It’s has good afternoon light when I’m working with metallic threads or beds that have glare. But my most favorite spot is only available for a long weekend when our EGA region has a stitching retreat. The lightning isn’t always the best but the company is.
My favourite stitching place doesn’t change with the seasons, year round I sit on the couch with my feet up and all my supplies close to hand, with my Ott light! and usually the tv is on, I usually stitch in the evening and once sat down I can usually stitch undisturbed for the whole night 🙂
Although it’s summer where I live, the stitching spot I use the most, winter or summer, is a living room chair. I have my light beside me and access to my threads. The best spot is the dining room for serious stuff but my chihuahua is very determined to sit with me when I stitch so I get more relaxation working on the sofa. Dog hair is an optional extra in my stitching.
Hi Mary,
As I am in Australia, my favorite winter stitching spot is six months away! I have a comfy chair in my “parlour”, with the window behind me, so that the light during the day is very good. I listen to music on the radio while I am stitching, and have a shelf nearby to hold a cup of tea. I use either a lap frame or a floor stand to hold my work, and have a good floor lamp for night-time stitching.
My year round favourite spot to sit and stitch at home is in my recliner rocker in my family room. I have a delightful view of the garden. Next to me, on my right
is a small side table full of all the things I can’t do without-Embroidery wise, my pincushion, ort bag, scissors, needles, threads,pins , mug rug and also beads if using and possibly numerous other related things. On my left is my LED magnifying light on a stand. Maybe also a box of bits on the floor, like now,because I am making Christmas Decorations. Sometimes I listen to a Podcast but prefer peace and quiet
I sit in my recliner chair which is in the corner of my living room. I have a standing Daylight magnifier lamp and a standing stitching frame beside me, plus a side table to rest my coffee on. Across the room my CD player is playing soft music. I can look out the big window and watch the magpies flit through the tall frost covered pine trees.
I love this. Love redwork, love nativities, love the early look to it! I moved back home 2 years ago (my husband and I lived in 2 different states for the first 6 years of our marriage) and went from stitching all the time to not at all. But I am likely to stitch this in our living room using a folding tv table as my work surface, not elegant, but it gets the job done!
My favourite spot to stitch is on the sofa, with the large south facing window behind for as much light as possible. Our winter days are dark by about 4pm now so a good light is also important. A cup of tea and the radio playing classical music, a stitching project in hand and the time glides by peacefully.
My favorite spot is the recliner under blankets and with a heating pad. Next to me is an end table with hot chocolate or coffee. All my supplies are in front of the end table. Behind the end table is a floor lamp with light directed onto my work.
My favorite place to stitch in winter is in my cozy soft chair that reclines. When my eyes get tired, I just lean back and shut my eyes for a short rest. I can look out the window to watch the bird feeder, which also rests my eyes and changes my sitting position. All I need is my comforter and a nice cup of something warm to keep me going. I will be there in a minute. Happy stitching to all and to all a good night.
My favorite stitching place is the same year round (not really bad winters here in SC anyway). I sit in an old antique wing back chair in our family room next to an end table that holds my basic supplies. The family (husband and two teenaged children) are usually in this family room with me. If it is very cold, we do heat our home with a wood burning stove and above that is the mounted tv on the wall. Our family spends a lot of time together in this family room and they have come accustomed to watching my projects come together.
I have a corner of my parlor, near my pellet stove set up for embroidering. I have a comfortable chair, light, magnifying light, and small book shelf. On the shelf are baskets filled with projects, thread and all my supplies. I also have a quilted pocket hanging over the lamp that has supplies that are used constantly with a magnet that holds my scissors , thimble, and needles. My favorite place any time of the year.
My favorite winter stitching spot is beside my living room sliding patio door looking out on my garden. I get to see the garden in all of it’s snowy winter beauty. There is plenty of light and a wonderful old wood stove next to me if things get too cold. It is a perfect inspirational “corner” in which to work. I get some of my best ideas there besides lots of stitching progress made in that location. I sit there and stitch and try not to think about having to go out and shovel more snow.
I love to stitch in my lounge where it is warm and cosy. I have a very comfortable couch with my goodies all within reach. Top that off with nice mug of strong tea and I am a happy person!
My stitching spot is always a work in progress. I keep refining it as time goes on. Currently, I have a platform rocker in the den with a table on one side and a light/magnifier on the other. I can look outside or I can watch at TV if I need a break from removing a stitch(s) for the umpteenth time. The table is a re-purposed printer table. I have the open side of the table facing the side of my chair. I store any tools or materials that may be needed for the project I am working on the top shelf and future projects on the bottom. On the top I have a shallow plastic box that I keep tools like scissors, needles, etc. that are common to every project. The light is a light/magnifier which comes in handy when stitching on stitching on high count fabrics.
One of my favorites places to be is in front of the big window in my sewing room on a snowy day. Watching the flakes come down while I stitch (and maybe listen to an e-book) makes me happy and grateful. Add the presence of my cat perched on my sewing machine table by the window, a warm beverage, and who could ask for more?
I do physical therapy on my ankle every morning, and I use the 20 minutes of heat before stretching and strengthening, and the 20 minutes of ice afterward, to stitch. I’m ensconced on our very comfy love seat, with my feet elevated on a steam trunk; one cat on my lap, another between my feet, and sometimes, the 3rd beside my head on the back of the seat. It’s very lovely to know that I have this definite, scheduled stitching time, every single day!
My favourite winter stitching spot is my creative room. I sit beside the window, where I can hear all kinds of sounds from the neighbourhood: children playing, cars driving, dogs barking and, sometimes, small aircraft overhead. I am surrounded by a sewing machine, which sits on an extension table, an ironing board, a desk, a wall of stored threads, beads & other goodies, fabric, and a bookcase filled with useful items. My creative space is cozy & comfortable, for sure.
My favourite winter stitching spot is on a Willian Morris loveseat in my living room. There are big windows behind and to the left and a wood-burning fireplace (rarely lit 🙂 to my right. Any one of several throw pillows placed on top of the coffee table gives me just the right height and angle for my stitching frame.
Thanks for all of the wonderful advice and inspiration you provide us Mary. Love your site.
my living room, next to a window with curtains open and sun shining. on dull days my light is right beside me and I listen to t.v. or radio or book.
My favourite spot to stitch is my bedroom window. It’s deep, and cozy on a sunny day. Though not so much when it’s icy. On a good day the light streams in until sun down. There’s nothing like sunshine to see what you’re working on. Although we stay in a street full of apartment blocks, my window faces onto an intersecting road, so no flats across from us, just love hills above the river. When schools are out, you hear the children walking home excitedly talking and running. Our village is in the country. So there are many scents throughout the year, but not all good. You always know when the sheep have been moved into the near fields!
My favorite place to stitch in the winter is on the couch in the living room. I can see the back yard through the window and usually have a fire in the fireplace. I’m snuggled in the corner of the couch. It’s not a good place to work with a stand or even a largish slate frame – I’m usually using a hoop on a small project.
My favorite winter stitching spot is next to the fireplace. This spot is nice and warm! However, I add that I can ONLY sit here if I have my trusty Ott light near at hand. The two dogs, Duke and George, are curled up on my feet. I think they are close to me because of I am their “mother”, but I think it is really the fire that appeals to them. This spot is comfortable and functional!
When I do my stitching I sit in the “office” which has become MY room! I sit with my back to the window so the sun comes in over my shoulder. Everything is within reach when I’m in my comfortable chair, listening to soft music and drinking herb tea.
I use to hate the room because it had the computer and this is where I paid bills and manage the household accounts. YUCK! But, since I have turned it into my stitching room, it has been a lot easier to pay bills :-). I still house the computer and office in the room BUT I no longer have anxiety about the room, the room has become much more “friendly.”
My favourite stitching spot in winter is my big chair in the lounge, with the sun pouring in through the ranch slider window, no matter how cold it is outside I need no other heating.
I have all the stuff I need around me, often projects in various stages of completion on the other chairs. As I live on my own, the lounge doesn’t need to be ‘tidied’ all that often!
I don’t currently have a favorite spot. I’m moving soon and hoping to build a dedicated cozy area for my stitching! Ideally, it will be by a sunny window, surrounded by my houseplants.
My favorite stitching spot doesn’t really exist, haha! I stitch where I have more light, usually. Other times, I stitch in places where I can easily change my position – say on the couch, for instance. I also try NOT to have the cats all over me, the thread or the item I work on.
It usually provides a comfortable position, though.
Good luck everyone! Thank you for this give-away, and Happy Holidays to everyone reading this!
Love sitting on the sofa with a fire in the fireplace and the Christmas tree decorated with handmade ornaments while stitching.
My favorite spot is my chair in the corner of the lounge room, facing north looking out across Bass Strait. I have my floor magnifying light, my little work table and embroidery basket of all my odds and ends beside me. Usually the floor around my chair will be scattered with books, magazines and the odd box of beads, ribbons and other little necessities. Sometimes I’ll have my favorite blanket, now very old as it was embroidered for me by the great aunt who encouraged my addiction when I was a little girl over 60 years ago, on my knee.
I so wanted to complete Phillipa’s class on the project when she was in New Zealand, but wasn’t able to attend! I am about to move house, so I will need to find a new winter’s stitching spot! No doubt the cat will find it soon after I have!
My favorite winter stitching place is in my guest bedroom. The room is very small and very cozy. It has built in bookshelves which I have filled with skeins of yarn for knitting, various in process projects, and all kinds of books that provide me with constant inspiration; books about early American samplers, history of clothing, and embroidery technique. I sit near the window where I can keep one eye on my stitching, and one eye on the Coopers Hawks that live in the woods behind my house.
I stitch in the same place pretty much year-round: my Ekorness Stressless recliner in front of the TV. (My husband’s almost always got it on, whether he’s paying any attention to it or not – often playing BridgeBaron at the same time.) Usually I have the sweetest dog in the world asleep (or sort-of asleep) at my feet. If it’s chilly — as it is today — I may have a nice warm cup of tea to sip on….and maybe a cookie or two when I stop to stretch. (Have you seen the picture of the ADHD fish Dorie from Finding Nemo? “I should really work off that Thanksgiving meal…Oh look! Christmas cookies!” 🙂
My favourite place to stitch year round is at the dining room. I can attach the frame to the table, the light is good and I can spread my work out. So a purely functional place but works for me.
My favorite stitching spot is the same in summer or winter… the end of the sofa, next to my husband’s recliner. We get to spend time together every evening watching TV and stitching.
My favorite stitching place is my arm chair in the living room. It’s not got the best lighting, but it’s cozy and I can see the bird feeder through the picture window.
My favorite winter place to stitch is in the sunroom at the farm. The light is good, and I can look out over the back field and watch the wildlife that wanders through, various birds, deer, and different colored fox squirrels, along with grey squirrels often show up.
I sit at a glass table on a wicker chair. It isn’t as comfortable as the couch in front of the fire, but the light and the wildlife make it worth it.
I’m usually listening to an audio book, at the moment I’m listening to Not Forgotten by Kenneth Bae.
I have a lovely comfortable big chair by the window, with space by the side of me for my cat to join me. I happily stitch away whilst listening to either music or the television. It is also the family room and often my daughter joins me with her embroidery which makes it so special.
I have a large folding table that stay up pretty much all the time in front of a comfy sofa with good light from the rear and in front of me is a 3 pane bow window. I am close to an electric outlet for my OTT light. If needed on really chilly winter days there is a coverlet on the sofa back.
I have one cozy stitching spot winter and summer in our family room. It very cluttered, but I manage to keep it from taking over the entire room.
It’s currently summer in the the Southern hemisphere, but when winter arrives (the cold season we call it) I like to find a sunny spot, as it is usually also dry, wrap up warm and enjoy the outdoors. Most of my hand sewing is done outdoors. It’s also the season when I travel so a fair bit is completed in airports and hotels!
Dear Mary,
My favourite winter stitching spot is in a lounge chair near a window where I can look out on my garden, it’s close to the heater and I can also watch the TV when I stitch in the evenings (most evenings!) The chair is large enough to share with my loyal feline stitching companion who also doesn’t mind being a support if my frame is a little larger. My husband and older son think it is a messy place as everything I need (or might need) is within hand’s reach. My younger son calls it the ‘cockpit’ because it’s so functional.
I might add that it’s my summer spot as well!
Best regards
I think that The Three Kings is a delightful stitching project. It is very medieval in appearance and quite different from other Christmas projects. The red stitching is very striking but would also look very attractive with a touch of green used in some areas. I stitch at home in what I call my sewing room. I have a beautiful view over the North Para river. I hear kookaburras, magpies cockatoos and galahs. I see New Holland Honeyeaters in the garden. When we moved to this house the stitching group I stitch with gave me a beautiful rose bush and it is planted so I can see it while I sew. I am also a collector of old needlework tools and I am surrounded by many beautiful and interesting objects. I can easily be distracted. We have two wonderful whippets who love to be with me in the sewing room.
This will be our first Christmas in our Italian Villa, so I’m looking forward to establishing my favorite winter memories here! We have a large dining room window that looks out over the valley and village with beautiful mountains of hazelnut groves on either side. The lighting is lovely for embroidery, and the view is quite contemplative….until of course the match box cars go flying through the house, the toddlers start screaming, and the big kids practice the same Christmas carols over and over without end…
My favorite winter stitching spot is my desk where I have all the necessary materials in front of me. I usually listen to an embroidery podcast at the same time and of course drink a cup of tea! It is both comfortable and cozy but unfortunately I don’t have a window with a nice view nearby.
Funny, I received this while sitting in my favorite stitching spot away
From home in the WINTER! We are currently at the Oyster Bay Resort
For three weeks in St. Martin. I am listening to the waves on the rocks below,
The light could not be better, and no worries over what to cook for dinner
I can remember what I worked on here each year for the past
18 years. There must be a bit of sand in each piece!
My favorite winter stitching place would be at my dining room table. I have lots of light behind me from windows facing south. Out the front window I can watch the cars and people driving by. I listen to holiday music while I stitch and then can’t get it out of my head the rest of the day.
Lovely pieces and I love doing handwork.
I sit in my living room beside the wide arm of my couch. All my thread is draped over it, and my coffee is beside me on an end table. I can look up and see the street and our lovely maple tree.
The thread colors are beautiful. I can see doing lots of spring and summer embroidery patterns. I do not do a lot of involved embroidery but the one that I am doing now is larger than most that I have going. It is a welcome home wall hanging that is from the book stitches from the harvest by Kathy Schmitz
I was the chairman for the project called Piasa Bird. It had three panels. One 4’x6’ and two 2’x4’. I stitched on it almost daily. The project took two years and was hung in the Lisle Library.
Den sofa when my husband gets a roaring fire going in the fireplace across from me.
My coziest spot for quiet work is in my little “peaceful room” void of all tech distractions except any portable I take with me for instruction videos or the like. Thank you for this chance.
My favorite place to stitch is at my table/desk where I did lesson plans for teaching 4th graders for 30 years. I can spread out my supplies, listen to music, or put on an old Christmas movie I have seen so many times that I don’t need to watch, just listen to enjoy.
My favorite stitching spot is in a wing back chair, on the third floor of the house, with the window open so I can hear the ocean.
My favourite winter stitching spot has to be the corner of my living room where I can look out at the birds in our large laurel leaf willow, and watch the snow cascade gently down to create a bit of magic.
I sew wherever there is good light and access to classical music…
My favorite place to stitch is on my sofa, facing my fireplace (large space heater). I sit with a large window behind me, my favorite season to stitch is fall and winter. Living in Arizona there is never enough cold weather, but I maximize the days and evenings when it is cold. My warm tea, my tiny ‘chi ‘ (dog) beside me, my ott light and I settle down to stitch on my current project.
I sit in an ancient wooden chair with a cushion by a south window for the best light. The chair was formerly on a neighbor’s porch before it was refinished by an antique dealer, who gave the chair to me. I had baked many loaves of bread for the two bachelors who owned the chair. I watch the weather outside our 140-plus- year-old house.
I started the Dutch Sampler several years ago . It’s the type of project that I can only work on for a while and need to move on to something else. It is one of my must finish projects.
I have a bedroom set aside for my embroidery work and it has a very pretty view over my farm made even prettier in the winter when the snow is falling!
I’m stitching your 12 Trees patterns right now and so my workspace is looking very festive.
I am slowly working on a series of three family crests that I want to someday feature in a quilt. It will be a salute to my Scottish heritage whenever I get it done!!
Hi Mary,
The most time consuming project I’ve ever worked on is a Scarlet Quince cross stitch design of Joseph Nigg. It is called Coribelle de Fleurs. It has 150 colors and is huge. I am stitching on black 18 count fabric. I have been working on it for 2 years and I’m about 2/3 finished. It will be awesome when I finish it. Thanks for your site. I have learned a lot.
I like to sit in my spare room which looks out over a little wildness and garden. There are always birds and sometimes other animal visitors. It’s in nice contrast to the cluttered room that I will one day get to organizing.
I sit on my couch in front of our electric “fireplace” heater. I have young children so I often hear them ask to help me cut or play with floss.
My favorite winter spot is on my couch in my den. I can take a break and go out on my patio.
My favorite stitching spot year round is propped up in bed with the radio tuned to NPR. In winter I throw on a soft, comfy blanket. I’m disabled, an aging one legged woman, and live in a power wheelchair or propped up in bed. The power wheelchair is pure function, not comfort. Propped up in bed stitching gives me comfort and safety. Sitting on the sofa or in a chair, it’s a little too easy to fall on my head when trying to retrieve a dropped needle!
My favorite stitching place is in my recliner chair in my family room. I can sit back comfortably and spend hours stitching, when in that chair, as I catch up on my favorite tv shows.
For many this may sound egotistical, but because I travel between three countries due to my husband’s needs , and don’t really seem to be able to spend a lot of time in one place, my favourite winter stitching place only exists in my memories. And I miss it. I was a comfy chair, in a corner with a wonderful lamp behind me Two giant oak trees covered in snow and harbouring squirrels outside the large living room window, and two Newfoundland dogs sleeping noisily close by.
Favourite spot to stitch? By the large window in the sitting room so I get plenty of light, looking out on my front garden and the birds using the bird feeders. Cosy and a little bit of nature at the same time!
I moved recently, so I haven’t found a favorite winter stitching spot yet. Right now I sit in an uncomfortable chair with my overhead light next to me. I’m in front of the tv, so I can stitch and catch up on programs, but it hard to get comfortable in one spot. Maybe once I unpack everything I’ll be able to make a cozy stitching nook.
Sitting by any fireplace , cozy with a lap blankie, stitching In the more temperate months, sitting on my front porch rocking chair surrounded by my roses and hydrangeas.
I have a new place to stitch. I used to be scattered about the house in different places. I now have all my “stuff” in one room. It is utilitarian rather than cozy, but it gets the job done.
My favorite stitching spot is in my recliner. It’s cozy and comfortable. My hubby sits in his recliner next to me and we can hold hands when I take a break.
I stitch in my master bedroom. It faces east over our front yard. I love the morning light. We have a dogwood tree as tall as our house. It is beautiful in every season. I also watch the dogs walk their owners and the cats slink around. It is a relaxing tranquil space.
My favorite Winter Stitching spot is my recliner with the Dazor magnifier right next to it. I have the chart, floss etc for the project I am currently working on right next to my recliner.
I stitch at my work table in our dining room. Usually my dog, Max, is at my feet. I can see out the bay window to the snow falling softly outside. I can hear and be a part of any activity in the house though since are children are grown it is mostly quiet. I feel the warmth of the fireplace.
My favourite place to stitch is in the Craig Gallery, where I volunteer at least once a week. I sit, surrounded by art, inspired by it all. The lighting is perfect and there’s no offended cat to give me grief!
What a wonderful selection from my favorite crewel company.
I read YOUR blog each day and learn so much.
Thank you,
Would love to Stitch this thank you
Merry Christmas Jamie
My favorite place to Stitch is in my craft room with my puppies all around me.
Merry Christmas Jamie
As we don’t have a ‘winter’ here in Queensland my favourite ‘year round’ spot is in my comfy chair in the from room. I have plenty of natural light and I get to see the lovely birds, lizards and kangaroos in the front yard =)
My biggest and longest project was a counted crossstitch piece of a little girl at a tea party. Had it framed. Am now moving on to fine embroidery.
My favorite spot for doing my work is next to my husband in front of the fire as he watches his sports team. I sometimes get lost in my craft not hearing all the background noise.
The longest project I have ever had was cushions for our alter. My mother and sister and I completed these in 7 years. They are beautiful and have been enjoyed by everyone at Midland Methodist Church. I would love to win the threads. Thanks. Pattie
I like to stitch in my sewing room because everything I need is then at hand – threads lamps and also my kindle so I can listen to a story while I stitch – what more could a person want than time like this – magic!
Wishing you everything of the best for the oncoming season and thanks for all the work you put into your blog which I enjoy every day over the pond on the Isle of Man.
My favorite place to stitch in winter is in my living room near the wood stove. I can look out on the beautiful pine forest that we live in. I love to watch old movies or British shows while I’m working.
This is a very pretty picture.
Love to stitch with friends!
My favorite winter stitching spot is my dining room where I get the morning sun warming that side of the house. I sit directly in front of the sunshine with my cart with supplies by my side. I like to listen to NPR or simply just listen to the birds outside. It is purely functional by feels cozy.
My favorite winter stitching spot is in my living room. I’m sitting in my cozy, comfortable chair with light behind me from the big windows feeling no guilt whatsoever. I’m enjoying my hobby and passion with some long deserved peace and quiet. If I’m hand sewing a gift for a friend, I am thinking of them dearly, and smiling to myself. Surrounding me is the fireplace and sometimes classical music or a book on tape will be playing. Nearby, I have my cup of favorite tea on the sewing table.
My favorite place to stitch is at the far end of the sofa in the living room. I have natural light coming from the left as well as a well-lit lamp over my left shoulder for night time stitching. Looking out, there are birds, people, houses and trees, all good for ‘stretching my eyes’ and giving my fingers a break. My feet reside on a stool and with a pillow behind my back I’m most comfy. There’s a place for scissors, thread, and needle to the right. Should I want to “watch” TV, it’s ahead of me. Mostly though I engage the large speakers above the TV and listen to classical music from the radio.
I would appreciate the Three Kings as I love red work and nativities. It would seem to be a match for me.
My favorite chair is near a window where I can glance out and see Montana’s beautiful Bitterroot mountains, and watch the deer and wild turkeys in the meadow.
My spot is migrating–not North to South like a Monarch butterfly, but East to West–an old lady moving from a good sized home to a very small condo in a retirement center. Here in Pennsylvania my favorite spot has been a sofa corner with a good lamp and a nearby table. When I need to rest my eyes I can look out the floor to ceiling window into the garden and watch the flock of robins fighting on the last berries on my ornamental tree. I shall arrive in Portland OR three days before Christmas. A loving son will welcome me there, lend me a coffee pot, and help me blow up a newly delivered air mattress. My new flowers stitching kit and a knitting project will have been sent ahead along with my guitar. That will be my favorite stitching place until my furniture arrives three weeks later. Thank goodness for small needlery!
I love anything stitched in red!
My favorite winter stitching spot is the corner of my 20-year-old red velour/velvet couch in the family room. It sits perpendicular to my husband’s rocking chair on my right. Just beyond my husband is the gas fireplace, dancing with light and warmth. To my left is a large wall of windows in which reflected flames flicker and through which we can watch the leaves dance in the breeze or snow fall (when we’re lucky enough to get any). If I get tired of sitting up straight, I can plop my feet up on the Vermont-milk-sled-turned-coffee table in front of me. I prefer the days we listen to jazz or classical music, but even then, usually there’s a basketball game on mute, unless it’s KU basketball, and then we have to listen to every moment!
My favorite is visiting my sister, in a chair with a big light over my shoulder. Dogs snuggling on the couch.
I can see my favorite, and only, stitching spot from the corner of my eye–a crazy, broad, swiveling recliner in the bay window. When I sit down one :- ) or two :- ( little dogs join me, the green cheek conures begin to bob for attention, the phone rings from across the room where I left it and I have to UN-recline to reach my lovely little scissors on the table.
My O – – stand lamp curves lovingly over us and has survived many falls after encounters with the swivel and/or recline function of the chair. Since I am between Eye #1 and Eye #2 cataract surgery I have added my husband’s rejected lighted magnifying lamp. (The crazy chair is a replacement for the expensive L_______y chair I treated myself to years ago before B______C______. That expensive chair never lived up to its price tag. When I hove up the foot rest one day and leaned hard on the recline, I found myself flat on my back with my feet in the air, laughing so hard I couldn’t get up. It was NOT FUNNY, just pressure on my diaphragm from fat.
When I was finally able I pulled the back off the expensive L_______y chair and tossed it off the porch followed by the seat. Unwilling to part with money better spent on perle cotton or crewel, I located the swivel recliner at our local Habitat for Humanity Re-Store, becoming a benefactor of Habitat and benefiter of Habitat and a life-member of Chair Rescue, Inc. having received credit for saving an E____A___ and a generic wing chair from another charity (in anticipation of the return of a family member who fell and b___ a h__p). We have subscription to——– service so I can watch or listen while enjoying needle and thread.
When the family member was well enough to maneuver on his own he received a brand new electric l__t chair. I’m keeping an eye out for a used one…….a heated seat, an ejector button and a vibrator mechanism would definitely enhance the stitching environment.
I hope I disguised all the brand names O.K.?
Every Christmas season I pull out my Christmas Heritage runner. I have been working on this for about 8 years. It is mostly cross stitch, but lots of embroidery stitches. I am finishing the last end of the runner with the Christmas Tree. If I get lots of time it may be finished this year. Speaking of cats, I have to be careful with threads, or the cat will play with them. Not a good toy for cats.
My favourite stitchery spot is at a local yarn store/coffee shop.
Full of beautiful fibres for multiple styles of thread adventures……a lovely helpful staff….and the best date pecan scones anywhere!
It’s my happy place
Best spot is my big, red chair. It’s now in the family room next to a big bay window so there is plenty of light. I have an oak chest full of ephemera next to me, too much, as every time I open it to retrieve something a pile of scissors and spare needles fall onto the floor. Must sort out!
My recliner chair sits in my livingroom . I can watch the television, listen to the radio, or listen to books on CD. My stitching basket sits right next to it and my cat usually lies on the foot rest to keep me company and get her shedded hair on my stitching.
I stitch in a chair that was my grandma’s. It is a gooseneck rocking chair and brings back lots of good memories. It’s by a window for plenty of daylight and evening I have an it light.
My favorite spot to stitch is in my recliner with a good book or soft music playing. Hopefully without interruption. And like it or not there is usually a cat sleeping on my lap.
My favorite place to stitch in the winter is in the living room. I sit at one end of the couch by my ott light.
Sitting in a comfortable chair, with good lighting, across from the fireplace in my living room, where I have a view of the neighborhood trees is my favorite place to stitch. I use a music stand to hold a pattern when I need to use one. I feel that I stitch most efficiently with peace and quiet so no music or tv. This is cozy, comfortable and functional.
During the winter–and we do have what we call winter here in the San Francisco area, though other parts of the country think we’re wimps–I sit by the fireplace in our “library.” It’s actually our living room, but it has overflowing bookcases, so we call it the library. The gas fire with warm and comforting, the books are warm and comforting, and I have set up a good light there for reading and handwork. (Funny how lights of the same wattage have gotten dimmer as I age.) I sit on the couch with my sitting hoop and listen to the distant murmur of my husband’s TV at the other end of the house. If I’m lucky, I also listen to the sound of the welcome rain on the roof.
Favorite winter stitching place
At my Mom’s house. In her craft room. Working on stitching while she paints! Sweet company!
My favorite place to stitch is a room off our kitchen that overlooks our deck & some woods. We have several feeders on the deck and seeing the different birds is always a treat.
My favorite stitching spot is not the most romantic or cozy, actually! But I have come to appreciate that it’s the most practical and gets the best results. It’s at the dining table, in a nice supportive chair. I especially love when I can clear off the whole table first, and spread out my embroidery stuff!
I’m lucky enough to have a designated stitching room/office in my house that overlooks the Annapolis River. I love stitching here in the winter especially. The river is a constantly changing wonderful piece of scenery. In the background is the quaint village of Granville Ferry tucked under the North Mountain. With the houses twinkling with Christmas lights across the river in the early evening, and a huge window for me to look out of, it is a joyful, quiet place to stitch.
The hardest project I’ve worked on was creating my own design to embroidery. It certainly made me appreciate all of the decisions involved. I’ve done oil painting for years , landscapes,seascapes , portraits and animals. To me painting is so much easier because changes are much easier to make than having to remove stitching when you change your mind.
My favorite winter stitching spot is the right side of the couch in the living room where I can partially recline with my feet up, using pillows to support various parts of me. I get natural light from a window a few feet away. I have additional lighting and a tool stand to my right and my threads and project box to my left. Sometimes I have a light blanket over my legs. The stereo is playing classical music or there’s something on the television that I half watch and listen to. I like stitching the best when I can sit with my dh while he’s on his computer or watching the television in the evening.
I sit in my comfy recliner in front of a large window, for light and of course to watch it snow. I am surrounded with my thread organizer as well as a table for scissors and always a cup of coffee.
In the winter, I like to sit on one corner of the sofa where I have my stitching light on the end table, a basket for supplies next to me, and my electric comforter plugged in. I can watch the birds at the feeder out the glass sliding doors when I take a break and Alexa plays me whatever I feel like listening to at that moment. Or I just pop in a CD, which I tend to do now that Christmas music is in the air.
To stitch, I sit on my deep red plush chaise lounge, next to my new hound puppy who hasn’t adjusted to rainy and cold winter days yet, next to my new gas fireplace which gives off the warm heat and light we both crave, and look out tall picture windows into the street where neighbors pass by. It is so cozy it makes me wish that winter lasted longer than three months.
My stitching spot now is a dark corner with a good lamp, but….. I am in the process of building a house on 50 acres with a lovely turret room. It has 3 large windows with a beautiful view. Lots of light, I just can’t wait to get moved there and start stitching!
Favorite Winter Stitching Spot: Chair in the living room by the window. I look out and see the neighboring hill, covered in oak and pines. The oaks in various stages of shedding leaves of gold, russet and brown, bared branches etched over the skyline. Direcdtly outside the window, bird feeders, with a variety of finches, tohees, junkos, and hummingbirds, flitting and chattering. My pincushion, threads ort jar, and scissors spill out over the surface of my vintage embroidery table while I work. It is usually quiet, with the sound of a fan pushing the hot air out in circulation from the wood stove where the fire is burning. I often use a soft blanket with bright colors to cover my knees and keep them warm.
When I 19 or 20, I stitched a crewelwork afghan. I had only made one other item before doing that afghan. It took me about six months to complete and it was the only item I was stitching. It was so pretty. At one point I ran out of one the green threads but was able to match it at a local needlepoint shop.
I like the only chair in my tiny sitting room.
I’m from Houston, TX so winter is a few days of cold thrown in here and there and usually hot temps otherwise. 🙂 Much like our weather here, my favorite stitching place doesn’t change much either. I pick a corner in the living room. I have lights strategically placed for the couch, loveseat and chair so no matter where I land, I’m good.
I do most of my hoop needlework in bed where I can cover up my legs to stay warmer and I have two good light sources.
My favorite winter stitching spot is in our family room. I sit in what used to be my sweet Daddy’s comfy recliner. This also serves as my morning prayer spot so I have my journal, Bible and inspirational books on a small table next to me. There is a small hanging quilt on the wall in front of me onto which I transferred a picture of our grandkids on fabric. To my right is a wall of windows through which I gaze upon our pond and giant oak trees where birds and squirrels and an occasional deer feed. The view is wonderful… peaceful and so reflective of the goodness of our Creator. On my lap for warmth is a handmade quilt. Nestled in the quilt with me is Frederick Wentworth better known as Freddie, our Cavalier King Charles spaniel. We love being here, my dog and I. It is our favorite place to be.
My favourite stitching place in the winter is a cosy little nook to the side of our lounge. I am looking out on Pukekura Park and watching the beautiful lazy shadows and winter light of our ever green park.
I use an extra bedroom for my craft/study room. I put all my materials I’m working on on a fold-up card table in the middle of the room. It gives me lots of room to lay everything out. I have bookshelves and all my crafts around all the walls. It is also the warmest room in the house.
For e this would be the first piece I would do that I would do that I would be proud to have in show in my house along with be a piece I could work on while participating in some of my other hobbies.
I actually stitch sitting up in my bed!! I work in a hoop and have a good floor lamp.My own private TV or CD’s in my Bose for mindless listening…it is also the warmest room in the house….and my little dog is my constant companion, so everything works!
Happy Hannukah and Merry Christmas to all!
Having just returned from a holiday trip in the UK, this lovely piece reminds me of many of the items I enjoyed at some of the National Trust Properties! Absolutely beautiful.
The stitching project that has taken the longest so far is a quilt with a lot of embroidery and hand sewn hexagon shapes. I have most of the pieces done and will soon be getting down to construction of the top, then quilting and binding.
I stitch where I sew: a room that opens to our patio through double glass doors. It faces south and the light is always good, even in winter. I use a floor stand that I position near my sewing machine for the work light when I needed additional illumination. Sometimes there’s a cup of tea beside me; sometimes it’s a glass of wine. Always there’s one or both of our dogs nearby. It is my nook and I miss it when I’m at work and wishing I could be there.
My favourite winter stitching spot is in my class with my stitching buddies. The cold fades away when you stitch and chat.
In Australia our winter is coldest in August. My chair near North facing window looking at my garden. No snow, but chill winds, outside.
My favorite winter stitching site is my year-round side. It’s a comfy chair with an ottoman, so I can stretch out my legs. The TV is across the room, and I usually watch TV when I stitch. It keeps me amused, and also, I look up at it between every few stitches, if not every stitch, so it’s good for my eyes. My black cat, Boris, often sits in my lap as I stitch. Usually, he just sleeps, but if he’s hungry, he lets me know by batting or snapping at the threads. If I happen to be stitching in the daytime, I can look out the window to my left and see our back yard and the woods beyond it. Sometimes I see deer, and often I see squirrels, and maybe a few other type of animals and birds. This is definitely my happy place!
My favourite place for winter stitching is while sitting on my recliner in my lounge. I can see down our street where the neighbourhood children love playing.
Favorite stitching spot is in my light-filled lounge room – heater on in winter, air-con in summer. For extra luxury ….. a talking book.
I have a chair in our living room which is a quiet spot and has a large window so I can see my bird feeders! Its very relaxing to stitch and have some quiet time!
I love your website and patterns. Thanks so much for the tutorials and inspiration. The monograms are particularly lovely.
My most comfortable place to embroider is in my living room recliner, especially now as I face our Christmas tree. Although I’m still learning, sitting here relaxes me.
My favorite place to embroider is on the sofa in front of a large window. I really love the light coming over my shoulders and hitting my work. I especially love it when the power goes out in the daytime and I don’t hear anything–no refrigerator or furnace sounds, no sounds of the lights, etc.! Not so good on a stormy day, however!!
My stitching spot for winter afternoons is my favourite chair, my CD player and a large stack of audio books, bright light and magnifying glass. A coffee table with a drink completes a wonderful afternoon.
My favorite spot to do needlework is a comfortable chair in my living room. I have a standing Ott light behind the chair and a wooden TV tray next to it. This holds all of my needles, threads, scissors, pincushion, pattern, cell phone ( which I often use to listen to an audible book while stitching) and my cup of tea :-). On my chair in the winter is my electric warming throw. I am surrounded by books in the living room and family photos on the piano no one knows how to play….and my two dogs are in the room with me, usually sleeping on the couch. So I would call my space both cozy and functional, just perfect for me.
I have very little space or power budget. My favourite winter stitching spot is thus my bed: a couple of sleeping bags, several blankets, and thick jacket etc. One of the reasons I use only blunt needles! 🙂
Four Seasons Embroidery from Purl Soho is still going after a very long time. It is the project I take with me to our embroiderer’s club as it is mostly back stitch and can be done without too much concentration.
Beautiful, love the red work design. Variation of stitches allow room to learn new techniques
My dining room has my stitching corner with Daylight lamp between two big adjacent windows. The morning winter sun streams in for ages; in the afternoon I move to my armchair next to a glass wall of windows and door. But I won’t say that I live in Australia: people think we don’t have winter, even though we are in the mountains and had -9 c last year! Last winter was sad, though, because we lost our gorgeous who was my constant stitching companion.
My favorite Winter spot is my sofa. I have lost a couple of needles down between the cushions that I cannot recover because I don’t want to stick my hands down there and maybe get stuck. Ouch!
My favourite stitching spot both winter and summer is in my hobby room/study. It is air conditioned so is a comfortable temperature all year round. I have a comfortable chair and table and good lighting and i can stitch while listening to music or “watching” something on TV or at least listening to what is happening. It is my own little sanctuary.
I love to stitch in my comfy chair, in the family room, in front of the fire. Of course, if I am very tired, stitching falls to the wayside as I drift off……..
Oh, Mary, I love this kit!!! Thank you and The Crewel Work Company for the chance to win it. My favorite stitching spot on a good, stay-at-home winter day is in a comfortable armchair near a slow burning fire. I’m hearing the rain alternately tap and drum the roof. Vivaldi may be playing softly, but I am often so focused that I forget to listen. My husband may join me by the fire for a little while to chat while we have a cup of tea. (Who am I kidding? I’ll have tea; he’ll have hot chocolate.) What am I stitching? One of next year’s Christmas ornament presents (one can dream), or if I am really lucky, The Crewel Work Company’s We Three Kings! Thank you, again! Lauri
At this time we have moved house, in retirement we have a larger house with one
level living, my wife has room for all three looms, I have a three car garage with a heated space for my woodworking, and a larger lot but it is costing us $350 per month less.
To answer the question I sit in our living room sofa across from the tv, playing old movies, while Debbie plays game on her lap top when she isn’t doing some form of black work while indulge in japanese embroidery, stumpwork, goldwork will after Christmas will be starting a new blue set of vestments and paraments for our church. and some crewel the room is at a corner of two country roads with views of the well tended farms growing corn, soy beans and hay. eaving and dawn skies will work their way into some self designed pieces.
What a beautiful Christmas gift for someone – next year.
I sit on the sofa facing the balcony window and I’m surrounded by my books & family photos. It has the best light and I can also see the garden of the strata where I live. I can watch the birds, the rain, the wind through the trees, listen to music (usually jazz now replaced by Christmas CDs). Christmas lights are slowly appearing on the buildings across the lane.
My favorite stitching place is in my recliner in front of the TV. I can follow movies while I stitch and it keeps me company.
I love to needlepoint in the wing chair at the foot of my bed with the natural light coming in through the French doors. I can look out onto the deck & hear the birds in the oak tree while I’m stitching. It’s a great spot
My favourite stitching spot is our sitting room which has glimpses of the sea and in the winter the colours are beautiful. The room has my treasured piano and favourite books and a small stereo to play my much loved music. My little dog often sits under the piano to keep me company.
I have a very comfy chair near a big picture window in our family room,with a longish table(used to be the kids table and chairs set when they were very young,made by my Dad in local wood) full of all my sewing needs. The other side I have my frame and stand within easy reach with work in progress and can sit and sew with lots of natural light. We have a bird feeder hanging in the tree outside near the bird bath and have a constant array of bright noisey australian birds in and out all day squabbling for a feed or bath. Winter is our best time of year as it isnt too hot.
Winter stitching is a cozy chair, a small table next to the chair, an ottoman to prop my feet on, and other accessories, such as, lighting, tools in a basket, and sometimes the tv or radio for background. To the untrained eye, it probably looks like a royal mess. To me, it is something special.
My favorite stitching spot in any season is a corner in my guest room. I have a large wing chair in the corner with a big window on my right. My good magnifying light sits on the bookshelf under the window – ready to move to my stitching table. There is a light on the corner bookshelf above my head and a light on the table to my left. I am surrounded by light and a view of my backyard. Sitting in this spot makes me happy. Just thinking about this spot makes me happy!
My favorite winter stitching spot is my red recliner, with a handy table near by for my stitchy stuff, and a nice view out of my sliding glass door. In total silence … which aids my concentration. Also, with a magnifying lamp for after dark.
G’day Mary,
I like to sit at a table with my gatherings scattered around me. I find a wheeled swivel chair with no arms suits me best. I can push myself along the table if needed and also back and swivel out of it easily. Since moving recently I don’t have a set up spot yet but have the chair and a couple of tables so is all I need for small projects I’m doing at the moment.
Cheers, Kath, Australia.
My favorite winter stitching spot is wrapped in a blanket in a high back chair in the living room. I get a lovely view out the window of the snow-covered trees, but I’m still close enough to the fireplace to feel the warmth of the burning wood. Sometimes I stitch in silence, sometimes while having a conversation – but recently I’ve pulled out the Christmas music and have been happily stitching along to Bing Crosby, John Fahey, and some Tchaikovsky. It’s cozy, comfortable, and peaceful!
Although I find I can do some type of stitching just about anywhere ( do I have to confess to the number of works in progress?), my favorite spot is on my sofa. I have a lovely plushy sofa with lots of comfy pillows; I can sit up strait or lean back into the pillows depending on the project. Two large windows bring in lots of natural light but I also have a floor lamp (3 way bulb) to my side and slightly behind to supplement as needed. My sewing basket(s) are on the floor, just beside my feet so I can pull out supplies as needed. My coffee table (with my tea!) is in front of me, within easy reach for whatever tools are needed or to provide additional space to lay out supplies. Just across the room is a cabinet with my TV and stereo – the media of preference depends on the project. If I didn’t need the occasional bathroom break, I could stay put all day!
I always sit in the same spot to stitch. It is in my family room next to the sliding glass door looking out at my backyard. It doesn’t snow much here, but when it does I love looking out at the snow and the birds and squirrels that visit looking for a little treat.
I enjoy stitching in my TV chair with a bright light, lap blanket and project supplies within reach on a side table.
My usual place for winter stitching is in my armchair in my living room or at my dining table in the same space, depending on what I am stitching, either listening to an audio book or the radio. However, I would really love to experience stitching with friends in a cosy cottage with a lovely warm fire burning as I think that would be the best!
My favourite Winter stitching spot? In my lounge, the same as the Summer one. I have a two-seater couch – I occupy the left half of it, and my stitching bits & pieces occupy the other half. I have a light with a clamp and a magnifying glass on my left. The seat of the couch converts into a recliner, so I lean back with my feet up, and my embroidery on my knee. Sometimes my cat comes to sit on my knee – that doesn’t always work, of course.
An upstairs room offers a picture window to the east along with a very good lamp. The loveseat has the impression of my hiney embedded in it on the east side, facing north. Silence surrounds me as I look through trees out the large window. It is quite comfortable for me.
My favourite place for embroidery is the lounge window at our sons house. Large window and when sitting there you look over the little county town in south australia
My favorite stitching spot is in my living room on the couch. It’s next to a large picture window to see out. Next to me is a small table to hold incidentals and also I have a standing lighted magnifying light and a regular standing floor lamp.
My favorite spot for stitching – or reading, watching TV, coloring, knitting, etc. – is my bed. I have a great bed – a memory foam mattress and a heated blanket, although I’m still working on the perfect pillow arrangement. I have a good lighting setup so I can do close work if I choose, and a lap desk that’s lightweight and comfortable while still being useful. I know the experts say one shouldn’t do anything in one’s bed other than sleep, but it’s my favorite place.
I sit in a cozy wing back chair, next to a window.. I have an floor Ott light on one side of the chair and a little table on the other side of the chair….there is a foot stool in front of the chair with a little lace coverlet on it….To me it is so cozy and comfortable…..It is definitely my space….my two little granddaughters love to sit in it and act like “Grammy” sewing!….
My favorite stitching spot is in the back yard. There is a bench with cushions and a table nearby. I can hear and see the songbirds at the feeder. Sometimes the deer hang out in the yard.
My favourite place to sew is in my lounge room. I nestle my self in my grandmothers winged arm chair I inherited. As I sew I am reminded of sitting at the feet of my grandmother watching her embroider in the same chair.
My den is my favorite winter stitching location. There are windows on three sides. TV and stereo are close by if I want, although I enjoy quiet mostly. It if mostly functional with all my stitching supplies next to my chair. If I want cozy, I move to the living room with the fireplace.
Fave winter stitching spot: on the couch, cat in my lap to supervise the proceedings, a few pillows here and there, warm beverage at hand. Half an eye on the birds in the garden, audio book on the stereo and nobody around to interrupt me. 😉 And a colourful design to stitch to chase the gloom away.
I love to stitch in the winter evenings whilst sitting on the settee in our lounge. I’m next to the lovely warm radiator with my daylight bulb shining on my work and my husband practicing his bass guitar in the background. Then as the evening continues I ‘watch’ the television with my ears whilst I carry on stitching. There’s no better way to end the day.
I sit in my grandfather’s club chair, surrounded by many needlepoint and crewel pillows i’ve stitched, covered in the library quilt my cousin made for me, and enjoying the silence.
Lovely spot on sofa in bedroom. Good light and cat sits with me
I sit in my rolled arm comfy chair next to the fire, my two faithful companions at my feet. Tasha Tudor is a french bulldog who is new to embroidery. She assists by notifying us of any suspected security issues such as the mail man or squirrels. Raisin is a more dignified and stately black pug who prefers to observe all the tomfoolery from a safe distance and offers an informed opinion if needed. She has been a helping hand in all my needlework activities for over 10 yrs. Next to the fire we can look out into the wooded yard surrounded by birds at the feeders and the occasional squirrel on the deck. On my Martha Washington sewing cabinet I have my Mothers sewing box and scissors. It’s delightful to connect the generations through needle and thread. Love your site.
My favourite winter sewing spot is in my lounge room. The sun comes in the window on my left, my books are shelved below the window. I have a comfy chair a small table in front & another on my right. A place for my cuppa & as I live in sunny Queensland. Little blue wrens & other small birds say hello. In the afternoon parrots come to call out for their sunflower seeds.
I’m in a new house this year, so I’m not sure which chair gets the best winter light yet. But I know I’ll be stitching with my microwavable bean bag on my feet and fluffly blanket draped over my shoulders. I love to sit and stitch, but I hate being cold!
Dear Mary,
This is a rather long reply to your thought-provoking question.
My leather wing chair has its back to the window so I get light over my shoulder. I face the door to the hall and across from it the door to the dining room. Through this door I can see the dining room and the windows to the garden; through them I can see the trees, the angled path and the birds. The garden has winter interest with the contrast between evergreen and leafless shrubs.
I feel that I am in the centre of the house and am very much part of things.
That is what I can see. The living room surrounds me. There is a wall of bookshelves to my right. The rest of the living room with its bookshelves lies to my left. Across from me is the couch with more bookshelves behind it.
On my right is a side-table that I use for cups of tea and stacks of books. On my left is another side-table that I put my sewing tools on as I use them. There is a standard reading lamp on this side with a small high-intensity lamp. At my feet on the floor is my bag of embroidery equipment such as skeins of wool – I do crewel embroidery – and tools I am not using at the moment – for example scissors. I try to keep my left table clear by putting away tools after using them. At the end of a session, I put the tools on the left table away into the equipment bag together with the frame so that there is only the bag at my feet.
So I see the garden and what is going on in the house. I like having music on but I often get so absorbed in my embroidery that I am not really listening and may embroider in silence. I enjoy company and chatting but I cannot hold a serious conversation while I am concentrating on my embroidery.
My stitching spot is comfortable and part of the household but I can be rather abstracted.
Warm regards,
On the sofa, with a glass of tea by my side and across from the Christmas tree – that is during the holiday season, otherwise, when the tree is gone, there is a big picture window and a I get to be a snoopy neighbor!
I sit in the crafting room downstairs, on the bed-couch. Most of the time, it is a couch. On one side of me is a bookshelf of needlework and other crafting books. In front of me stand a gymnastics bar and a desk with a sewing machine on it, and various other tools. The gymnastics bar got in there when my brothers started gymnastics. I have used it primarily as a warp-measurement tool, or to cut many equal lengths of thread (once I needed 28 strands of gold thread, about 10 ft. long, and it was perfect).
I hear a lot of sounds: the washing machine thumping along in the next room, my siblings shouting and racing about upstairs, and the soft rasp of pages turning (someone is inevitably next to me reading a book).
I also hear the voice in my head reminding me to practice the cello, because December is the Month of Concerts. I perform about the same number of times in December as I do the rest of the year.
I would say that it is cozy, but the comfort level largely depends on how many family members are in the room. When my sister sits there reading her book, it’s fine. When the four other siblings are bouncing off the walls, swinging on the bar, jumping on the couch, and climbing the doorway, it’s not very relaxing. I usually try to time my stitching such that a minimum number of people are in the house.
My longest wip is a kit from the French Needle. It`s maybe ten years old and still I`m working to finish. But Life kinda got in the way with taking care of elderly parents/ in-laws. I will finish it.
Karole in Texas