
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Appleton Real Thread Color Cards – a Give-Away!


Amazon Books

Real thread color cards – they are such a magnificent tool for the embroiderer!

Today, thanks to The Wooly Thread, I’m giving away a set of Appleton’s real thread color cards!

If you love working with wool (crewel or tapestry wool), if you do a lot of crewel embroidery or other fiber art with wool, then this will be a handy tool for you!

Appleton real thread color card give-away

I’ve written about real thread color cards several times here on Needle ‘n Thread. This article, for example, focuses on why they’re great to have.

In a nutshell, a real thread color card is a collection of all the colors in a given line of embroidery thread, presented in an organized way, using snippets of the real threads so that you can see exactly the colors and shades of all the threads offered in that line. If you use a particular line of thread a lot in your stitching, it’s worth finding out of the manufacturer has a real thread color card.

Appleton’s real thread color card features snippets of threads organized on cards by color family, with all the shades within that family. It’s a great way to find the exact shades of wool thread for your crewel and tapestry work, so that you can order what you need easily.

The Wooly Thread carries the full line of Appleton wool. I think I can safely say they have more Appleton in stock than any other store in the US, and the fact that they keep in stock means that the turn around on ordering is nice and quick.

They sell the real thread color cards for those who want them, and they also offer an “Appleton Club,” which is a monthly thread club that helps you build a full collection of Appleton (crewel or tapestry wool – your choice) in monthly increments of 35-36 skeins per month, at $45 with free shipping. This works out to about $1.25 / skein, which is a really good deal!

Give-Away Guidelines

This give-away has ended. Thanks to all who participated!

If you’d like to participate in this give-away for Appleton’s real thread color card collection, please follow the guidelines below:

1. Leave a comment at the end of this article on the website. If you’re not sure how to get to the comment form, just follow this link. Comments submitted via email or left on any other article on Needle ‘n Thread are not eligible.

2. When you fill out the comment form, please leave your name and a working email address. If your email is not entered correctly and you win, I won’t be able to contact you! So please make sure you enter your email address correctly!

3. In your comment, answer the following question:

What’s your favorite way to use wool threads in needlework?

4. Leave your comment before 5:00 am central time, next Friday, February 7, 2020. The winner will be drawn randomly and announced at the end of that day’s article on Needle ‘n Thread. I’ll also contact the winner by email.

So, if you’re a wooly stitcher and you’d like to have your own color card collection for Appleton wools, why not join in the give-away? You have better odds of winning this than you do of winning the lottery, after all!

Enjoy your weekend!


(369) Comments

  1. I have just started using wool threads to ‘shadow’ my wool appliqué. It was amazing to see the added dimension it gives to a design.

  2. I have used Appleton wool for a seat cover for a rocking chair from my grandparents. I also like to use wool threads on pieces of needlepoint for areas like hair, grass, hay. I have also used wool thread in acording when it was appropriate.

  3. I actually use wool thread in doing tapestry. Appleton is a very well know and stable yarn with many beautiful colors. I would love to get a sample pack of colors.

  4. I love to use Appleton Wools in traditional Crewel work.
    I have also used them in a more modern piece where I embroidered a picture of a fairy tale from a collector’s plate.
    The colour palette is amazing – always possible to find the correct colour.

  5. Historical reproductions. I am looking forward to recreating a part of the Bayeux Tapestry.

  6. Hi, We discovered appleton wool yrs ago using a british design needlepoint pattern book. I was able to talk our local yarn shop (sadly closed when she retired 3 yrs ago) to carry them. They were and are a huge hit here in the twin cities. I do needlepoint pictures for pillows as does my dad who is 95. We both love the colors and texture of the wool. Creates really lovely pictures for our pillows. So lovely of you to offer the thread card. We are always on the look out for your emails – each one is cherished – good info, great sense of humor and my dad no longer makes fun of all my stashes of thread and wool, etc – since you do it too! many thanks for the chance to win. marion and bill

  7. My favorite use of wool thread is wool applique – I feel it gives the piece a much richer look. A close second is needlepoint! Thank you for the opportunity!

  8. I am coming back to needlework after a two decade hiatus. I have a Jacobean pillow that I designed way back when, and this might be the impetus to finally start it! (I also have this crazy idea about a Frank Lloyd Wright series…) I’m looking forward to catching up here (I finally subscribed after popping in and out for years).

  9. I’ve just started using wool thread. Usually I work with silks, but found an Elizabeth Bradley kit I couldn’t pass up. Looking forward to this new fiber experience.

  10. I’m not sure if this counts as “needlework” or not but I have found it to be a great way to use the Appleton wool threads sold at my local store. When I finish a piece of rug hooking, I found that some of the colors did not show up as I had hoped. An example is some medium blue flower petals against a lighter background. So, I used some Appleton wool thread in a slightly darker value of the same color as the wool flower petals and did a raised backstitch around them. It made all of the difference in the world. Now that process is a regular part of my hooking planning and designing.

  11. I love Appleton Crewel wools and use them in Crewel work , I also use them in crazy quilting . I love the versatility of these threads and would love the shade chart

  12. I’m really enjoying the info on this site regardless of the giveaway-thank you for the inspiration. It has got me back doing “needle work”
    I am using wool threads to complete wool appliqué.
    I started off doing a few mug rugs but have moved on to table runners and quilt blocks.
    I’m a slow producer but I feel it’s good for my soul to try to create beauty each day.❤️

  13. Win or Lose – thank you for the source for wool threads and color card. I have a vintage crewel project to revive and a needlepoint one to rework the background. I lost my walk-in source for wool since the LNS closed in December 🙁

    Crewel is my favorite method for wool.

  14. I use Appleton wool mostly for crewel work but also for wool felt pieces. So nice to work with! What a great giveaway!

  15. Crewel work, so many possibilities; lattice fillings in particular work particularly well, can change so much with one change if colour.

  16. I grew up doing crewel and needlepoint. Even petite point. That was many decades ago. I still have the same thrill when I start another project. My favorite is crewel work. There is so much you can do and make! I love the textures you can have from quality wools. The stitches add life to a project. An entire dimension of reality, of a sense of a fulfilling creativity that only quality wool can give. With needlepoint and petite point combined I have had many a person ask where did I get such a beautiful painting. It isn’t until they get closer that they realize it is needlework! I love the reactions.
    Do I sound impassioned? I hope so. I love it!

  17. I like to use wool thread as part of my quilt emblishments, I am currently working on an art quilt of the Grand canyon embroidering the canyon crevaces and cracks with assorted threads.

  18. My favorite way of using wooly thread is in my mixed media whole cloth painted fabric with crewel work on top to create texture and detail.

  19. My favourite use of fine embroidery wools, is to make a beautiful Jacobean project. The pleasure I get from choosing the colour and stitches for each flower, petal or leaf, is truly exciting. Appleton’s colours are amazingly subtle so all go together very pleasingly. Obviously I try to do my absolute best stitching, but using embroidery wool, as opposed to cotton threads, actually blurs the lines – very forgiving!

  20. I have a DMC color chart and it has saved me so much time in my stitching. An Appleton color chart would be so nice to have because my sight is changing and I’ll soon have to use material with larger holes. I haven’t done a lot with wools although I have several canvases that need working on. I’m not too familiar with using these wools but I think my favourite method of using them would be the basketweave, but I would also like to use different stitches to change the look of the canvas in certain areas. this proably isn’t a very good answer but I still hope it works. June

  21. I am working on a tapestry piece that is using Appleton and am loving it! The card would be a bonus.

  22. I’ve only used wool a couple of times and loved it. I’m learning new techniques and crewel embroidery with real wool is something I would like to do. Part of the reason I haven’t done it is that there are no stores to look at and feel the wool near me. I’m hoping to be in a real embroidery shop in the spring so I’m going to plan some projects, look at the store and then plan to purchase at the store or online as I need. Thread card will really come in handy for planning

  23. Crewel embroidery is a new form of stitching that I’m working on mastering (not there yet!). I have a few Appleton crewel wools and I love them. The color card is something I’ve considered purchasing, but it’s rather an investment and I want to have more skill before making said investment. Thank you for offering this!

  24. My mother introduced me to crewel embroidery in the 70s when I was little girl. I like to work on trying to recreate historical & Jacobean style pieces.

    I also enjoy the beautiful pieces of crewel embroidery my mother created. Now that she has passed, crewel embroidery helps me to feel strongly connected to her. Her crewel work is my source of my creative inspiration!

  25. I stitch over-sized projects, most are 18″. I’ve used wool in all of my projects for the past 3 years. Having a real-thread color card of Appleton crewel would be an extremely helpful tool.

  26. I love to use wool in Bargello designs for cushions. The loft of wool means better coverage of the base canvas for long straight stitches and wool holds up well under use.

  27. I enjoy crewel work but love canvas work with Appleton’s crewel wool. You can mix colours in the needle and creat fabulous textures.

  28. I use wool thread to do Jacobean crewel work. I also like to experiment with it for replacing silk threads in silk shading designs. It is particularly good for larger pieces.

  29. I ‘d like to win the Appleton Wool Real Thread Color Card, for crewel embroidery. When I was in my teens and early twenties, I did crewel embroidery Dimension kits. I like the way the wool thread gives a more 3-dimensional look. Where I have lived there aren’t many needlework shops and so I drifted more towards cotton thread (DMC) You can find DMC easily and so that is what I have used. But I would like to try some crewel projects, the Appleton Wool Real Thread Color Card would be nice it would help me pick out colors and work on a crewel project . I like the Jacoben designs. Anyway, thank you for this opportunity to acquire a valuable tool for my needlework hobby/pleasure.

  30. That you, Mary! Great giveaway!
    My favorite use for wool is Crewel work, of course. With some many colors, it lends itself to beautiful Flora designs

  31. I don’t have ONE favorite way to use wool yarns, actually MANY! Crewel, of course, but also tapestry weaving (wonderful because you can split the strands and re-combine to do great blending effects!!). Appletons are great for needlepoint, again I love them because you can split/add strands to get the perfect size yarn you need for a specific canvas.
    Oh, and the colors!!! To have a sample set would be invaluable!!

  32. I like using wool threads for texture in needlepoint – as in animal fur. I usually use wool while doing crewel embroidery.

    Thanks for the chance at a colour chart for someone who doesn’t have a LNS

  33. I would love to try some crewel in wool. I also love crewel wool for weaving traditional Tapestry.

  34. I would use these marvelous wool threads to learn crewel, which has been a long-time ambition 🙂

  35. I love to use Appleton crewel wool for rendering graduated shading in my embroidery. A problem I have without a color guide is that I have so many colors (all of them), that I can not seem them in the drawer I store them in. A color card would be great to have!!!

  36. I love working with wool threads. The flow and feel is magnificent.
    Thanks for all you do, Mary. You have educated me to so many embroidery techniques in the past several years that I would have never tried. Your videos are the best I’ve seen.

  37. Hi Mary,

    I love this giveaway. I like to use wool thread in my nature and floral embroidery endeavors. Having this thread guide would be fabulous as far as planning a new embroidery project!

  38. My favorite way up to now has been using the Bayeux tapestry stitch and outline stitch, but I am anxious to explore more medieval wool embroidery stitches.

  39. My favorite way of using wool threads in needlework is creating shades from dark to light. Especially for skies and trees.

  40. I love working with Appleton Wools. It would be nice to have a full color wheel to select the proper colors for my projects. All my embroidery projects have used Appleton Wools and sometimes I guess the color from an online color choice which is not always accurate.

  41. I use will for crewel work. I was introduced to Appleton crewel wool duding my first online class for EGA (Jacobean Crewel), and I have used it ever since. I purchase from The Wooly Thread.

  42. Hi Mary, Oh boy! Another great give away. I love working Jacobean crewel embroidery and Appleton is my favorite wool. So soft and rich in color, it makes beautiful stitching almost easy!
    Thanks for all you do for us.
    In stitching friendship,

  43. With wool threads I do a lot of crewel work. I do like to make my needlepoint pillows out of wool but have not make as many of them lately

  44. Hi Mary.

    Color cards are such a great tool! Thank you Mary and Wooly Threads!

    I enjoy crewel embroidery and use wool threads for this type of embroidery. I have also done some canvas work using wool, but crewel is my favorite.

    Thanks again, Mary.

  45. My main use for wool threads are with wool appliqué, to tack down the wool pieces. I also use them to add texture and dimension. I love working with wool threads and fabric.

  46. How great it would be to dream, plan and stitch something g because the color choices were right there on my table! AND, I could share the color choices with other EGA chapters members.

  47. Crewel embroidery comes to the top of the list, but so beautifully added to freehand embroidery, my favorite, I love to mix mediums for many projects. Just getting back into stitching, and have been resourcing suppliers for threads, yarns and fabrics. Thank you to The Wooly Thread for putting up this wonderful tool and thank you Mary for this fabulous blog site! Can’t wait to check out The Wooly Thread website.

    Glorious Stitching awaits…

  48. Hi Mary,
    I love Appleton Wool!!! My favorite way to use is in conjunction with wool applique. I use a matching color to whipstitch the pieces on to the background, and all sorts of colors to add embroidered embellishment. Thanks for telling us about The Wooly Thread. I had not heard of that shop.
    June House

  49. I’m 78 yrs old and recently decided to take up crewel embroidery. Something I have desired to do for a very long time. Needless to say there is so much to learn and I have learned a lot from Mary Corbet. So having a hands on tool that would help me in deciding which colors to use for a project would be wonderful. I am a lover of color !

  50. G’day there Mary,
    A wonderful resource, thank you and The Wooly Thread.
    I love to use wool threads in my freeform embroideries especially in areas it would be least expected. I like to use a variety of stitches although french knots and wandering cross stitches are probably the most used and are found peeping from under folds or pleats of fabric or smack bang off centre of a very ordered section!
    Kath Grabham

  51. I love to use wool threads in crewel embroidery. They give such a soft and warm look and cover so much better than cotton floss. Thanks for the opportunity to win this colour card!

  52. Hi, Mary. Thanks for the opportunity to win an Appleton thread card. My favorite way to use wool threads is in stitching Jacobean style crewel work. I love the textures and colors.

  53. I like to use wool fibers for many different animals. I also really like to use wool fibers for bargello.

  54. Wow, a real thread colour card would be so wonderful! I usually end up making my own, but they’re a lot of work. I only started collecting Appleton threads a few years ago. I like to use it on wool fabrics – the Australian way 😉 as per many Inspiration magazine projects. But I also love it just for the extra texture it gives and how it can produce a project quickly.

  55. As always – cleaver and helpful allows the convenience of quickly making choices for one’s projects. Over the years innovation is the key. Great item!

  56. I am addicted to using wool thread in felted wool appliqué. Especially as smalls which are gifted on to others !

  57. I mostly use wool threads on my needlepoint canvases. They are wonderful for clothing and florals.
    Appleton threads are great to work with and the color selection is fantastic.

  58. I have done several projects lately that used crewel wool for turkey rug stitch and it was so much fun! There’s something weirdly satisfying about making all those loops and getting to cut them up at the end.

  59. my favorite way is to use them in table, various sizes of picture and wall quilts, pillows, mats. Always enjoy learning from you.

  60. I use wool threads for embroidery on felted wool, the thread just falls into the wool. Plus its so nice to work with and feels soft.

  61. I would love the wool thread color set because I use crewel wools in miniature punch needle rugs, sculptures, fiber jewelry and embellishment embroidery projects.
    Having all the colors to choose from would be fantastic.

  62. What a fab give-away. Thanks! My favorite way to use wool is crewel embroidery- this color card looks like just the thing for all us wool users. Best to you- Sunnie

  63. I am teaching myself some crewel embroidery stitches and hope to complete an alphabet sampler using crewel wool.

  64. Hi Mary, Thank you for this opportunity. What’s your favorite way to use wool threads in needlework? My favorite way to use wool threads is when I am embroidering on twill fabric and making cushion covers, stool cushion, or other home decor items. The fluffiness of the wool threads makes the designs eye-catching, soft and still durable. I install a zip or construct the covers using an envelope design so the covers can be laundered as needed—but wool naturally repels stains due to the lanolin so laundering is minimal. Love Appleton Wool!

  65. I like to use Appleton for Jacobean crewel and for providing texture and depth with other types of threads. Love Appleton wools!

  66. crewelwork definitely! The colours are so rich and I love the 3-D quality of the work-you just want to touch it

  67. I use wool every day, addicted to wool embellishment, use for stitching shapes to background as well as used in embroidery. Find that working will good wool thread provides the best results.

  68. My favorite way to use wool is definitely crewel work!!! I’m just getting into it but love the design sensibility of Jacobean Crewel and the work of some of the current designers, espeically Hazel Blomkamp.

  69. I’m getting back into crewelwork and I can’t wait to get started! I have a kit all set up, a Marriage Pillowe by the Crewel Co.

  70. Thanks to you and Wooly Thread for the giveaway!

    When I use wool threads, I’m often doing crewel work, but I’ve started to incorporate them into other forms of needlework, such as needlepoint and embellishment. Sometimes the texture is exactly what is needed to make a section of a piece come to life–a sweater, a scarf, sheep’s wool, animal fur, etc.

  71. I mostly enjoy crewel, but next in line is embroidery. I started embroidery at age 8 and sewing at age 10 and have not stopped. Now, 50 years later, if it is done with a needle and thread, I have done it! But slacked off in the crewel when the grand children started coming! I just recently purchased a Dimension kit that matches the picture I had done back in 1983. I also want to do a “free style” picture using the ocean and orca whales for my granddaughters birthday. She is studing to be a marine biologist. I am hopeful to be able to learn how to make/transfer my own designs! Thanks for the opportunity to win the giveaway! I also need to mention I have been reading your blog for a few days now.. very inspiring, informative and enjoyable! I am so excited to get back to crewel!!

  72. I use wool to do crewel embroidery which I love. I finally am starting to make my own designs rather than learning with kits and am very excited and happy about it. I love how beautiful and rich the colors are.

  73. I would use the appleton wool threads for Jacobean crewel embroidering and in my needlepoint work. Especially want to use them for surface Jacobean embroidery designs. A color card to have would be perfect for on line shopping

  74. I love to work with wool when doing crewel embroidery. The look it gives is warm and very tactile. The use of wool when working on animals help to give definition and texture to the fur.
    But I also like to use wool when doing a background on needlepoint to add texture there too.


  76. I love doing crewel embroidery! I started when I was a little kid and then was taught properly by a lovely woman, Peggy Kimble, in my local needlework guild many years ago. She designed her own patterns and also taught us many aspects of the history of crewel and Deerfield embroidery.

  77. I have never used wool thread in my needlework but, if I win this giveaway, it could be a great impetus to start. Love the variety of colors available!

  78. Hello Mary, and Happy New Year!
    I truly enjoy using wool for Jacobean Crewel embroidery. I also like using it on wool appliqué. Needle painting with wool gives wonderful results and it can also be very forgiving ☺️.
    Crewel embroidery was my first “self taught” form of embroidery. I’ve worked my way through many types of stitching, and have always enjoyed crewel. Currently I’m working on a beautiful crewel piece Jacobean Hunt from the Inspirations book “A Passion for Needlework, Factoria VII”.

  79. I use wool thread for adding texture and also for animal fur in my stitching projects. I also like to add it to my mixed media art work. Thanks for the chance to win.
    ~Ginny K.~

  80. I love using wool thread on wool appliqué. Depending on the stitches you use, they are either invisible or a nice embellishment.

  81. I have only used wool threads for crewel and liked it alot. I’ve just bought an Elizabeth Bradley book, old edition, and have been on the lookout for good affordable wool to try needlepoint.

  82. Appleton! Absolutely my favourite and so hard to find here. Crewel is my number one pastime and their shading is so fantastic.

  83. I love wool threads for crewel work! My favorite piece is actually a simply monogram ornament made a long time ago.
    Thanks for this opportunity!

  84. I love all embroidery – but I especially love crewel. My favorite way to use wool thread is in crewel embroidery – but I have also been known to use it as decoration on felted projects!

  85. I’ve never used wool threads. But now I’m intrigued. I’ve used silks, cotton and rayon. This article was a great introduction to what is possible!!

  86. I love to use wool to do crewel embroidery. But I think my new favorite use will be colcha embroidery, a Spanish Colonial technique that I recently learned. I live in New Mexico and am trying to learn about the crafts and traditions of the southwest. I took a class in colcha and loved it! I am working on my first piece and was so glad for your post today about Appleton, where I can get more wool for my next project! Thank you for the giveaway, too!

  87. If I would like a fat, fluffy design, I usually turn towards Appleton crewel wool. I also, use it in my weaving. The color choices are wonderful.

  88. I’ve only ever used wool thread on my crewel projects. I love the texture and color combinations that are possible.

  89. I use wool threads to embroider on wool applique pieces, to emphasize shapes, to add texture to the design & to whip pieces to the background fabric.

  90. My favorite way to work wool yarn at this time is in needlepoint. I work both tent and basketweave stitch in Appleton Wool for a Beth Russell rug. I am starting the project again after laying dormant for many years. I love Appleton yarn

  91. Generally I have used wool threads when I do needlepoint which have been projects of pillow covers, tallit bags, brick cover, eyeglass case, makeup case, tablet case and prayer book case. Whew! I never realized how often and how many projects I have made with needlepoint using wool threads. Of course the color and endurance of wool threads is part of the pride of the work we put into our work; knowing the quality is lasting. Currently I am embroidering a tablecloth, a baby sampler and a Christmas wall piece. After seeing the wool my fingers are itching to get to one of my needlepoint projects which I have the canvas but not the yarn yet. This color card would definitely come into use.

  92. Wool provides some texture to my stitching and also serves as an accent. I especially like using it with the holiday ornaments.

  93. Thank you Mary for this opportunity……. I use wool thread of all kinds in my weaving and stitching, be it thread or fabric. I love different textures as well as color in my work. Presently I am working on embellishing jeans and jackets (still in the planning state). Using all my left over everything as it lets me know how and where as I go.
    Gretchen Goodwin

  94. I would love to try crewel work, with the Appleton thread. I see where it is the most used in kits.

  95. My favorite way to use wool threads in needlework is with crewel projects. I love the stitches (though I’m still not the best at long and short) and I love the fabric and most of all, I love the Jacobean designs. ~Liz

  96. I had used it in a needlepoint painted canvas once. I really enjoyed it. I would like to do it again.

  97. I have not used wool threads in embroidery since the 70′ s and 80’s when I did a lot of crewel embroidery. For Christmas I just received 2 crewel kits containing Appleton’s that I have not been able to start yet, but the threads are beautiful and I am really looking forward to working with wool again. I have an old Elsa Williams kit that is not quite finished, and I don’t care for some of the colors in it now, so that is another way I plan to use some Appleton’s. Thanks for the chance to win the color card. I also received a DMC color card with real threads for Christmas that I have wanted for years, so this would give me access to real threads for colors in both cotton and wool.

  98. I like to use wool threads in embroidery, especially when stitching animals. Wool gives better better coverage than cotton floss, and tends to stay put better than cotton while the fabric is being manipulated during stitching.

  99. A while back, I’ve started to substitute some of the suggested stranded cotton for wool thread for added texture – in particular for fonts and stuffs like trees, fences or animals.
    I also started some Bargello needlepoint projects that use wool.
    I like to use wool to embroider on wool felt appliqué as they go really well together.
    I often find it difficult to choose the right colours because I do not own a shade cards – and since I like to use Appleton, this would be really useful to me.

  100. I like to use all sorts of threads for different effects, depending on what I am trying to achieve with my artistic pieces. The wool can lend a totally different effect than any other type of thread.

  101. I like to use wool threads for my many Crewel pieces. Thanks for the opportunity to win this great variety of colours of threads.

  102. I like Appleton wool particularly for long and short stitch in crewel because it blends and covers so well.

  103. I sometimes get crewel kits from eBay and replace the wool with Appleton. A color card would really help me find the best colors. My latest kit was supposed to be an eyeglasses case. I replaced all the threads with light , medium and dark blues and then made it into an outside pocket for a linen bag to carry my stitching with me.
    Thank you for these fun giveaways !

  104. I love using wool threads in embroidery. when I am making projects that may see some wear to them, I use these. Thanks for this

  105. I have been using Appleton wools for some time now, but they were “inherited” by me. I did not know a real thread color card is available! I am a member of a reenactment group, and I am the “village” embroiderer. The embroidery has been going strong in this group for almost 20 years, and Appleton wools were what the original embroiderer used. I got the stash when I took over her position. I have been working on a wool embroidery on linen ground of the frontispiece from the Book of Kells. I work on it each year at the Dublin Irish Festival. I would love to have a color card to keep our stash current.

  106. I love to stitch with Appleton wools when stitching crewel designs as well as wool appliqué. Their wools are the best in the market.

  107. I like to use wool when I am making my projects that need to be filled in and look thicker then my other threads. I am glad you gave me the site to go to get good wool thread since I have been looking for a place to get more variety of thread.

  108. I love crewel work, 17th century braiding, felting, and for mixed media art where I use embroidery, applique, stump work and various wools. a colour chart would be really helpful for future projects.

  109. Thank you for this opportunity! I’ve been using Appleton yarns for needlepoint and have started experimenting using the tapestry yarn for doing punch needle work.

  110. I am a newbie to embroidery as a whole. I just started a “vintage” Dimensions crewel kit and I’m really enjoying it! I want to do more so these threads would help me start projects that are not in kits! Crewel was always something I wanted to learn as a kid while doing cross stitch. I assumed it was SO hard so never considered learning it back then. About a month ago I decided…why not NOW and jumped in. Won’t be looking back anytime soon!

  111. When working on a surface embroidery piece the wool becomes the texture in the tree bark. Or it’s in the fur of a critter or a hairy bodied bumblebees. A little accent here and there adds depth.
    Wool applique so benifits from blending threads to provide the accent or perfect match to a tweed etc.

  112. I love to mix up threads in creative embroidery and lacemaking. Wool can add a texture to an otherwise flat piece. Of course, crewel is so much fun!

  113. Hi Mary!
    I’m getting into needlepoint and want to use wool threads for it. I’m planning to make a variety of pillow covers for our family and living rooms so I can switch them out every holiday and season. Plus I’ll be making stockings for each family member that I’d like to be heirlooms, so wool would be a great thread to use.

    Thanks for such a wonderful give away — what fun!

  114. I learned to needlepoint in London, UK in 1972. I worked up a 9 square sampler on canvas, using Appleton Wools! So … I was hooked!!! I taught a friend, then other friends … and ended up teaching classes in my home. Hours were spent, on my knees, in the Royal School of Needlework, which was at Queens Gate in London, picking out skeins of Appleton crewel wool. I liked working on that, so one could make the strand as thick as one needed. Years passed; I took and passed a Citys and Guild Embroidery Course, experimenting in all the embroidery skills. At the end … my favorite medium is canvas with Appleton crewel wool!!! The colour array is wonderful!!!

  115. My favorite way to use wool thread is for crewel work. I love the crewel motifs. However, I am about to experiment with Bargello pattern needlepoint.

  116. I use wool threads both in crewel work and wool appliqué. I would love a colour chart as I live in a small town and so all my thread ordering through online shopping.

  117. I like to use Appleton wool threads in hand embroidery to add texture to stems, and branches when embroidering a landscape.

  118. I love crewel work, I love wool and I’m certain that I would love the cards.
    Thanks for your wonderful advice and inspiration.

  119. I am just beginning to take up stitching again after too long of a hiatus. The idea of having snippets of sumptuous colors at my fingertips to choose from is just to exciting!! Sign me up!

  120. I love using wool for Crewelwork and for kloister stitch (or cloister stitch) – I do a lot of historic designs and wool thread is an important part of my kit

  121. I always use Appleton when stitching crewel work, one of my loves, but I also tend to use whatever color/ texture thread I need when needle painting as well as doing Crazy Quilt work. I”m starting a ginormous crazy quilt in the next week or so and this would make it so much easier to know what the colors actually look like.

  122. I love the look and feel of Jacobean embroidery. I love history and historical recreations. That makes me a bit of a purist when it comes to Jacobean embroidery. I only use wool threads. Someday I’ll tackle the Mellerstain Firescreen from the Crewel Work Company.

  123. I love using Appleton tapestry wool on Elizabeth Bradley designs and for bargello because the lofty thread provides excellent coverage on vertical and horizontal stitches.

  124. My favorite way of using wool threads is wool appliqué. An enjoyable, relaxing hobby.

  125. I have only just started to learn Crewel Embroidery. I would have to say Crewel Embroidery is my favourite way to use Appleton Wool.

  126. I have an inkle loom, and I am starting to use finer threads on it. It’s a labor of love to warp the loom but the results are stunning.

  127. I love Appleton’s wool, mainly for the colour range available and I like to use it when embroidering on wool blanketing when making gifts for new born babies. I have also used it on cross stitching an insert on my piano stool cushion. They are soft yet durable.

  128. To date I have not used wool thread in my stitching, but it is my goal this year to do a piece of crewel embroidery.
    I would love to have the color card collection that you are offering in the give away. I’m sure it would be very
    useful in planning a design that I would enjoy stitching.

  129. I have a project I’m doing that calls for lots of wool threads. That, and I would really like to take up Crewel work again. I love how the crewel threads look and feel. I love the feel of wool threads
    Connie L. in Idaho

  130. I am so glad to see this post from you about Jan and her business, The Wooly Thread. I have purchased from Jan for many years, even when she had a booth at the Stitchery and Sewing Expo in Puyallup WA before she moved to Yakima WA. I have purchased wool felt from her, along with threads and also many years of my annual Inspirations Magazine subscription. She is a joy to work with and yes, she carries the full line of Appleton Crewel….. my “go to source” for this thread. (Oh, and the wool dryer balls!! The only product I use in my dryer now.)

  131. I love real color cards; they really do make a difference when putting together colors for a project. There’s nothing like having the actual thread to refer to. My favorite use of wool thread is to use it as an outline and/or filling stitch, especially the chain stitch. I’m currently working on an embroidered linen scarf (white and maroon wool thread on a “sagey” green linen). I have about a quarter of the scarf done at this point. The wool works well for French knots and colonial knots too. I also use wool thread when making wool applique projects. It’s my favorite thread of all threads (this may be so because the first project my mom had me do as a child was a beautiful crewel embroidery pillow). I’d say I use wool thread 80 percent of the time and cotton floss for the remainder. It’s all about the texture and colors for me.

  132. I’m a wool-a-holic! I have done many crewel projects over the years and have just started, Phillipa Turnbull’s, Jacobean Stag. My favorite way to use wool is any type of Jacobean design. I’m thinking of doing the EGA’s Master Craftsman of Crewel. I think a color card of Appleton threads would help me immensely with that. I love wool!!

  133. I got so excited to see you were featuring Jan and her business, I forgot to answer the question! I use Crewel wool for Crewel Embroidery and needlepoint. I have, for about 12 years been part of a small group of stitchers who focus on surface embroidery. We have worked several designs from Inspirations Magazine; one large piece was a Crewel pillow design. I also use wool or wool silk blends regularly in needlepoint. It’s particularly useful for fur and texture such as a sod roof on a English cottage. So many uses. Wool thread is also very useful for wool applique and Appleton has a huge range of color choices. Excellent source when looking for a color for this medium.

  134. I use wool for Celtic inspired tapestry work mixed with metal fibers. I also have a set of 6 dining room chairs circa 1968 that require recovering and I am working on a set of bargello designs influenced by Navajo blankets that will be done in wool.

  135. Wool is the only way to go for belts. Nothing else wears as well or has such good colors. Anything that is going to be upholstered – chairs, footstools, etc. The durability of wool can’t be matched.

  136. My favorite way to use wool threads is to whip stitch wool pieces in place so that I can add decorative stitches without running into pins. Saves my fingers from many pin pricks and hold the pieces flat for additional stitching. Thank you for providing the giveaway.

  137. I haven’t stitched with wool since the early ’90’s, when I was doing canvas work. I was working on a church kneeler, as well as counted canvas projects. As a result of your blog and Trish Burr’s books, I’ve become interested in crewel work. I’m ready to dip my toe in the water, so the color cards would be very useful.

  138. Many of the samplers I like to stitch use some wool threads, but my favourite is to use them for needlepoint. I have a chair I want to re-finish and stitch a needlepoint seat cover for it.

  139. I love doing crewe embroidery, especially the kits from Phillipa Turnbull at Crewelwork Company. Appleton’s is the wool used in these kits. Lovely

  140. I love stitching with wool. I learned crewel work stitching using Appleton Wools. I learned with Phillipa Turnbull on a stitching tour and workshop in England. Ever since then I migrate to wool as my favorite. You can do animals with lots of dimension and texture using wool, you can do leaves and fruits with texture and subtle shading. I love especially stitching birds. I would love to have the entire wool card to help me with color selections when I order online.

  141. I use it for a couple of things. I use it for crewel,mod course. I started doing crewel about 60 years ago, when crewel kits were coming on the market in a big way. I bought as many of them as I could afford as a teenager. (Yep. I’m 74.). I still do crewel. Back then, the kits always contained real linen fabric and real wool. I would buy the most complicated ones I could find, and I’d just teach myself the stitches from the diagrams in the kits. I liked kits with lots of different stitches and a lot of colors. Looking at them now, I’m amazed at how well they turned out! I also use it for needlepoint. Not always, but when I need that specific wooly texture. I bought a huge lot of Appleton wools on eBay about 20 years ago, but I don’t know what the colors are. A color card would be great, which is why I’m commenting (I always read, but virtually never comment).

  142. Morning Mary
    I just have to say I love color. I’m lucky in that I live not too far from Threadneedle Street, who also carries Appleton. It’s my special treat to go there occasionally and pick up a few skeins to add to my collection of a new (to me anyway) type of thread. I’ve got enough now that I can stitch a couple of projects from ‘Crewel Embroidery, A Practical Guide’ by Shelagh Amor. Just need to get some fabric and (I think) stretcher bars.
    Happy stitching ~ Brenda

  143. I am a crazy quilter. I love wool threads to give dimension to the embroidery on them!

  144. I love working with Appleton’s wool threads for my crewel embroidery. It is a lovely stitching experience. Thank you for the offer.

  145. I have to add too a funny story. I was on my way back to the Seattle area from my sister’s down in eastern Oregon and wanted to stop at Wooly Thread to do some shopping. I’d looked at the inventory on-line and found it exciting. Imagine our surprise when we reached an address in a residential neighborhood only to discover that there is no ‘brick and mortar’ store. I assume it was Jan that we spoke to and she was very polite and apologized for the misunderstanding.
    If this is an example of her service, it’s bound to be a good experience.

  146. J’aime utiliser les fils de laine pour la broderie créative, pour embellir le tissu ou accentuer un motif, en associant à des perles ou des rubans, toujours un plaisir 😉

  147. I have always enjoyed applying wool stitches to crewel designs… textures, colors, etc. Having a way to pick my own colors would be so grand. Thanks for the giveaway.

  148. I haven’t as yet used a lot of wool threads – 2 smallish crewel kits and now a pillow top (but it will be framed, not put on a pillow in my cat-friendly house! I love the gracefully curving designs of today’s interpretations of Jacobean wool embroidery. I also love the stylized, in a very different way, of the modern Scandinavian style of embroidery. I think the Jacobean style will remain my favorite for wool threads, but there’s all those leftover bits and pieces I’m too cheap to throw away for the Scandi projects… Do I have to choose just one for this giveaway? 🙂 And, if your question refers more to particular stitches, that’s a tough one. Maybe padded satin. It’s so satisfying to build those layers into something that practically springs off the surface.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  149. When I moved south, I swore I’d never use or wear wool again. Then I bumped into Sue Spargo’s designs and fell in love. In answer to your question I love wool threads with wool felt. And, of course, Appleton’s is the best to work with. Since I don’t have a store near me, I have to order and a color card with the actual wool threads on it would be a huge help. Colors are not accurate from a printed card or viewed with a monitor.

  150. I have used wool with crewel pieces, some needlepoint and pillows. The actual thread cards are great when I have needed more of something. The color cards with pictures of the colors just aren’t the same as the real thing.

  151. I use wool threads on sweaters for monograms and to couch. I love couching it down with lighter threads.

  152. The combination of Wool & Needlework is sublime. For me Wool enables a softness like no other thread. Wool inspires me to Stitch; to create, to blend & shade, to add texture & dimension.

  153. I always look forward to seeing your emails in my in box!
    What’s your favorite way to use wool threads in needlework?
    I am a fairly new embroiderer, but i love using wood threads to add depth and texture to my work.

    Thank you for offering this nice giveaway!


  154. I stitch mostly landscapes using surface stitchery and I love to use wool to give texture and the matt finish that wool produces.

  155. I have used Appleton’s wool many times , mostly for needlepoint , sometimes for crewel. A colour card would be amazing to have. Thanks and Happy Stitching!

  156. I Love the embellishments that can be created & using the different stitches & adding my own touch to each piece finished.

  157. I’ve been doing crewel in kits for years; and as I’m just thinking of beginning to learn about how to design and work my own pieces; I think these cards will be an amazing item to start my library and my learning journey!

  158. My favorite way to use wool threads is in Jacobean crewelwork. I am about to start a new design using Appleton wools.

  159. I’ve just learn the joy of Crewelwork last year. I love the way you can use the wool to give your piece dimension and texture.

  160. I LOVE crewel work. It is so satisfying and fun I just love it. Having real sample color cards is the best!

  161. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. This would give me an excuse to learn a new craft. Thank you

  162. Dear Mary,
    Having a colour chart in-hand to choose a colour palette for a project would be heaven, instead of trying to do it from the computer screen. Thank you and The Wooley Thread for this wonderful give-away.
    My favourite way to use wool is in turkey work. Turkey work in needlepoint and crewel-work in wool looks especially good.
    Thank you!

  163. Thanks Mary for introducing Wooly Thread. I would like to try Appleton wool threads for the first time and make some pillow covers with embroidered botanical motifs. Looking forward to it 🙂

  164. I would love to try Appleton threads as I have never seen them but heard of them. Thus would help me with that.

    Kim Graham

  165. I’m new to crewel embroidery, so I have to say I use wool for my pillow covers
    Excited about this giveaway!

  166. Hi Mary, I love to use Appleton threads in my crewel work. I have taken a course from our national guild and enjoyed designing my own. Hope all is well with you. Cheers Anna Clyburn

  167. i have always used appleton wool doing crewel embroidery for the past 40 years. i love the colors and the thickness and feel of the wool. it seems to make the project come together quickly. i love the richness it gives the project. marysue c

  168. I’ve used wool threads on a baby blanket and with other threads on a wreath to give flowers, leaves and berries texture and dimension. I love using them because they are quicker to fill and very forgiving.

  169. I love working Bayeux stitch in wool. Little bit obsessed with the Bayeux tapestry, so I have a WIP of a panel from it and enjoy the medieval colours of the wool used in the kit.

  170. I’ve really only used wools for needlepoint, but I find the idea of crewel work intriguing and I also quite like the possibility of mixing them with other kinds of threads to provide variation in light-reflectivity and texture. [Sorry, I know that’s three ways, but in my defence, I’ve only tried one of them.]

  171. I’ve done three of Phillipa Turnbull’s crewel work tours of the UK and she uses Appleton’s wools. I’ve learned to love them for crewel embroidery.

  172. I use wool in usually the same/similar colour of the threads I am using as embellishment to “pad” or 3d the work I am doing
    It adds a wonderful texture to the whole piece

  173. Hi Mary,

    I love to use wool thread when I do my wool appliqué and I’ve just started a crewel piece with lots of flowers on it.
    I use any all kinds of fibers for stitching mix and match. I like the play of the different textures and shine that comes across with multiple fibers.

    Thanks for the opportunity.

  174. When I first saw this giveaway I thought…I know Appleton…Wisconsin that is! LOL…the woolen threads look so amazing. I would use them for texture. I love to feel the threads in embroidery and other crewel work. They are so inviting. It’s all about the tactile feel of it all.

  175. Enjoy working with beautiful plied wool yarn. Appleton yarns seem to be the loveliest I have used to stitch needlepoint or crewel pieces over the years. Thanks for providing a current good source.

  176. My favorite way to use wool threads in needlework is as an embellishment or for texture on felt projects.

  177. I enjoy using wool in needlepoint cushions and pillows. I’ve also used Appletons to do duplicate stitch in knitting to create a colorwork piece.

  178. I haven’t done much embroidery yet with wool – I’ve mostly worked with silk and gold! But I’m really looking forward to starting the RSN online crewel work class soon! @dressingtherole on IG

  179. I love crewel embroidery and I have beautiful stockings for my whole family. They are my favorite and hanging on the brick mantel all the different colors and themes play beautifully with one another. I always have a crewel project in progress!!

  180. I love using wool threads to embroider on flannel for baby blankets. The flannel is so soft and the wool threads makes it look even softer.

  181. Does small tapestry count as needlework? I like using Appleton or Paternayan or Colonial wool for small tapestries. Great shades of family color groups for blending.

  182. I am currently using wool threads from/on old vintage crewel kits. Sadly, sometimes the threads are in bad shape or not enough was provided. Having color cards would make is soooo much easier to pick out the right shades to replace them with or by more if not enough was left in the old kit.

  183. I’m only beginning with crewel, and use wool threads in birth samplers — mostly for animals. I really like the Appleton crewel wool ‘cuz it’s very even and finer than some wool threads. I have some really old persian wool skeins from the 70’s and 80’s, and they’re not as even. (I used to use them for cross stitch samplers on wool or coarse weave fabric.)

  184. The only time I’ve stitched with with wool is when I’ve done needlepoint. However, I just got a book on crewel and it would be perfect timing since I will be shopping for wool.

  185. I have been using Appleton threads for both needlepoint and a crewel pictures. I enjoy working with the thread it covers well and the variety of colours is excellent,

  186. My favourite way to use the wool is embroidered on clothing
    Jackets , jeans and hats

    Thank you

  187. I am a traditionalist and use Appletons wool in traditional crewel work on linen twill.

  188. Thank for all the excellent info you share with us and your not in what you accomplish.

  189. Love using wool in crewel, Deerfield it is so forgiving you don’t have to be as precise with your Stitching especially if you are new to Stitching

  190. Working on a foot stool in crewel work with Appleton’s wool, a delightful thread to embroider with. A colour card would be an asset to help with blending the colours.

  191. I’m pretty traditional. Using wool on canvas so far. I did just see some combo fiber constructions that are peaking my interest and that will definitely mean I need more than my basic wool supply.

  192. What’s your favorite way to use wool threads in needlework?
    I am mostly a quilter but have taken up wool embellishment like Sue Spargo art. I have gathered up lots of lost/leftover wools and have been working on a piece. There is no end to it.

  193. Victor

    Favorite…Let me count the ways! My favorite way is dictated by the newest project I’m working on, the technique I’m trying to master and the outcome I’m trying to achieve. I’m a nutshell, my favorite is ever evolving and changes with each project.

  194. My favorite way to use wool threads in embroidery is in Jacobean crewelwork and other historical embroidery. I’ve been bookbinding for 16 years, and sometimes I like to combine embroidery and bookbinding to create an embroidered book cover, a bit like historical examples of ladies’ bibles and prayer books from the late English Renaissance. And I prefer the look of crewel with goldwork over silk and goldwork.

  195. Hello! I love to use wool around my wool appliques and crazy quilting. I’d love to try Appleton Wool!

  196. I love working with wool – its texture and the way it blends together are just amazing. I am a huge crewelwork fan and have exclusively used Appleton’s in all of my projects.

  197. I’ve been trying my hand at crewel work lately, I’m. It great at it but I’m trying! so I would love to have a color card ! It’s so hard to determine colors on the computer as I’m sure you know, they look different on any monitor or screen! It would be wonderful to be able to pick out the colors you really want instead of all the guest work!

  198. I like woul threads to give texture, variety and depth to my wool appliqué or embroidery projects.

  199. I love using wool for crewel embroidery work. I’ve just picked this up in the last year, so these would come in handy. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  200. I use wool together with silk for luneville embroidery, for more raised object and 3D Effect. The work is getting much interesting when you use different materials and threads 🙂

  201. Mary, I have used wools on various projects – straight crewel embroidery, but also using turkey stitch and others to create a miniature garden-scape in an embroidery hoop. I love the way it lies on the surface and can be embellished or indeed used as embellishment for free-style embroidery.

  202. I love to experiment, building a ‘sampler library’, seeing how to build colour combinations and texture and then referring back to all these woolly inspirations.

  203. I am a newbie to the art and craft of Crewel embroidery, having just completed an eight week course of it through a Creative Learning project organised by Aberdeen City Council in Scotland.

    I have to say, I loved it, it was so much fun and very inspirational. Our group was also fortunate to have a really lovey tutor Aileen, who had the patience of a saint.

    At the moment I am working on a Globe Thistle design and we have been encouraged to use or own imagination and style for the colours and types of stitching (with a wee bit of guidance of course :-). I am endeavouring to learn the long and short stitch as I really love the way it gives realism to the shades of the subject, in my case leaves.

    Lastly, I would like to thank you so much for all the time and effort you’ve given by sharing your know how as it has helped me immensely.

    Big thanks and regards

  204. I love to use wool thread on canvas! The colors are vibrant and the stitching is flawless. Having real thread color card would be so helpful to choose great colors for my stitching projects.

  205. Pillows. I would use wool to embroider some pillows I have been stashing patterns for years…..

  206. Actually, I have never used wool threads in my needlework however I love learning about new types of threads and how to embroidery with them. I look forward to learning more about wool threads .
    Rosann….North Carolina

  207. My favorite way to use wool yarn/thread is in my felting projects. I use real wool, not superwash, and I needle and wet felt it into my designs. I also use the threads after the main body of the project is done as accent stitching. Thank you!

  208. I have used wool thread with wool felt applique but this year one of my goals is to learn crewel embroidery so winning this give away would be timely! Keeping my fingers crossed!

  209. I love to do wool applique. Would love to have this card. It would be a huge help in picking colors for my work.

  210. I did a lot of crewel embroidery many years ago. At that time there were many kits available in local stores, not so much now. It is my favorite type of embroidery and I want to get back into it, but haven’t found many “kits” or other embroidery supplies in my area. As of now I am not accomplished enough to trust my own judgment to choose threads from pictures online, so I think the thread cards would be a great help to me.

  211. I began teaching myself crewel work 2 years ago and it brings me so much joy. I only use wool thread and the better kits I have purchased include Appleton wool threads. I used to do embroidery when I was a kid, but after stitching projects in wool thread I see how fine the designs look and I love the texture.

  212. Wool thread is ideal for thread painting which is my specialty. It makes the mist gorgeous, tactile animals. Look up designs by Jenny McWhinney from The Bobbin Tree. Her bunnies are hopping gorgeous. Thread painting with wool thread is so quick, easy and forgiving to mistakes.

  213. I love to use wool as a base or background, then oversew with floss to create contrast, accents, and gleam.

  214. I have making fingerless gloves from felted wool and use wool threads to embellish the gloves. It would be great to see what colors are available for these embellishments.

  215. I love using the threads on wool felt to make small fairy dolls. They are great for felt Christmas ornaments also.

  216. My favorite type of stitching with wool is crewel. Especially Jacobean style crewel. I love color cards, the nearest needlework store that isn’t a chain is about 4 hours away. Color cards are so critical to getting online orders correct.

  217. I use wool threads in my weavings of small tapestries! And also as embroidered embellishment on the tapestries

  218. In the past I have done crewel and bargello designs in wool on clothing. I am in the process of designing Christmas tree ornaments and have already bought the mesh for doing them. It would be wonderful to have the actual Appleton wool samples at hand for my designs.
    Thank you for the opportunity to participate.

  219. I am a big fan of Appleton crewel wool and love to do crewel – I just finished a wonderful Phillipa Turnbull design. Thanks for the chance to win.

  220. Thank you for the time and care you put into these articles. I have learned a lot from you. I am some what new to embroidery from my journey in the world of wool appliqué.I use wool thread for wool appliqué and crewel embroidery(a craft I am just starting to learn). I would love to have a color card from Appleton.

  221. I like to use Appleton wool for my needlepoint. I’ve done four over the years and working on my fifth. This chart would be awesome..thanks for this opportunity to possibly win!

  222. I spend hours working on crewel projects and am looking forward to trying traditional jacobean patterns, in addition to the contemporary pieces I complete.

  223. I love to use wool thread for crewelwork and plan on using it for a floral design on a handbag .

  224. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway, I love colour cards! I’m hoping to teach myself crewel embroidery this year, I have a vintage kit I’m starting soon, but I would also love to design my own crewel patterns which is where this colour card would be super helpful 🙂 I’d like to stitch a library tote bag!

  225. It is getting so tough to find wool! I haven’t used it much, but I do like using it for stumpwork flowers. The way the wool self heals around the needle makes it so easy and ideal for the projects.

  226. Hi Mary, My favorite way to use wool threads has always been needlepoint with crewel being a close second.

  227. My favorite way to use wool thread in needlework was in crewel embroidery. I’d like to get back to that. I also use it for embroidery and applique with wool fabrics.

  228. Many years ago, I decided to concentrate on just one kind of needlework, and I chose Crewel Embroidery. It is my way of being creative, and I love to see my work on the walls of other people’s houses. I use Appleton embroidery thread exclusively and love to see the beauty of the threads when I do soft shading.

  229. So far I have only used wool once, but I really enjoyed the experience. It was a few years ago when you did an online kit/class for a needlebook with birds on it. I love that needlebook! So…that’s my favorite. 🙂

  230. My favourite way of using crewel wool is for Crewel embroidery which is my favourite type of embroidery.

  231. I love working with wool and use it on embroidery for babies clothes which I knit for the hospital neonatal unit and if I have extra I give it for our knit with love club. Which we formed for needy people

  232. I often use wool threads when I make purses. I decorate the outside of the purse with crewel embroidery. I have not found a good source of crewel thread locally.

  233. I have just started getting interested in Crewel embroidery and I love the different texture and feel of some quite familiar stitches compared with the cotton or silk thread I’ve been used to. I like how nicely it spreads on the fabric and the springiness of the fibre. I’m particularly drawn to the brighter, modern Crewel embroidery designs so these would definitely be my favourite choice for these threads.

  234. I enjoy simple needlepoint as a “rest” project in between other needlework projects that require more attention. And as a knitter, the added joy is working with all the shades of wool. Thank you for letting us know The Wooly Thread is a local source!

  235. I would use wool threads in my needlpainting projects. I think it would be interesting to see how different the same project looks in wool as compared to floss. I also would do a crewel piece featuring as many stitches as I could incorporate.

  236. My favorite way to use wool threads in needlework is as the weft in handwoven tapestry (a weft-faced plain weave fabric), with a linen warp sett between 8 and 12 epi.

    Thank you for running this Appleton color card set give-away!

  237. That is so loaded. My favorite, I think, is crewel work. I love love love doing mixed thread work. Everything from silks to wools, cottons to metallics shading and textures are incredible. Even beading tossed in adds it’s own texture and personality. I think I’d like to try some textures with tatting next. Create a whole new personality. Depth of color.

    Marla Hunt

  238. Hi Mary, I first met up with the Appleton range in a charity store, with a donated kit of an alphabet sampler. Being used to cotton embroidery thread, it made a change and when I wanted to swap out from one project to another, it provided me with an entirely different embroidery method. This was one where I used a laying tool, and had to pay attention to thread direction to avoid distorting the fabric. I later visited the Quaker Tapestry exhibition in Keswick and became interested in the method used there. Entirely different way of using the wool, outlining and filling. Another learning curve. This gave an extra dimension to the embroidery, and the preferred wool was Appleton’s. I would love the chance to have this wool colour card to choose alternative shades.

  239. I am being tempted to have a go at crewel embroidery. Actually having samples of the threads available would probably make the temptation too much to bear, and I would get started!

  240. Thank you for sharing so much about embroidery.
    It is so educational and a great pleasure to follow you.

    I love to sew, crochet, embrodery and do it all the time. And I have been thinking for so long that I will embroider something with woolen yarn.

    I just haven’t dared yet…

    I have an idea of ​​embroidering a pillow with different circles with bottom seams.
    And if I win, it will finally be done!

  241. My favorite way to use wool threads in needlework is in crewel work I have also done some tapestry which is very calming but at the level I was working didn’t involve different stitches.
    Crewel is my style of choice, particularly Jacobean designs.

  242. I love using Appleton’s wool for Baby blankets, usually from the Inspiration book Beautiful Blankets or from the magazines produced by them. I have made many woollen blankets over the years starting with my children’s generation , then their children and now starting on the next generation. I have a big tub of Appleton’s wool sorted into Bags of the various colours.

  243. Hi, Mary,

    I like to create woodland scenes with crewel threads.
    What a help a color chart would be!


  244. My favorite way to use wool threads in needlework is in wool felt applique and embroidery. I have just returned to hand needlework (smocking and embroidery) after a hiatus of quilting, and am loving the new offerings!

  245. I love working with wool. The texture and colour-blending qualities make wool a pleasure to use in embroidery. I especially enjoy the thinner wools, like crewel wool, as these are so versatile, either in a single strand or multiple strands. I have used them in needlepoint pictures, for tree bark and clothing, and Jacobean crewel designs.

  246. I love to stitch crewel work with wool threads for the great coverage they provide and the texture they create and the range of colours available.

  247. Never having used wool to embroider with, I was very sceptical about why anyone would prefer it to silk or cotton. Then I made a blanket for my new granddaughter. And it used all three – cotton, silk, and wool. And didn’t they work together well!
    It was lovely. It IS lovely!

  248. Hello,

    I love working wool for crewel embroidery or for ”broderie bretonne”. It gives a warmy aspect. I generally use Renaissance wool ou Bayeux wool.
    Thank you for your blog.


  249. I love wool appliqué and wool thread melds the appliqués seamlessly. Then adds textural depth to decorative stitches to the pieces. I am also trying to repair some of my Grandmother’s needle point and having a color card is invaluable when trying to match colors.

  250. I love to use wool thread for wool applique. It can disappear into the wool or embellish it making it very versatile.

  251. I love using wool to embroider with, whether it be a functional piece or picture. Using wool for various stitches, couching, and for texture is always fun. Love the assortment of colors. Thank you for the chance to win.

  252. I love using wool thread for my primitive wool applique. The weight of it shows the stitches well and the texture and sheen are similar to the wool fabric. I’ve also used it for embroidery when embellishing the appliques.

  253. Am I too late for the drawing? I would love to have the color cards, because I love crewel — please traditional samplers look fantastic worked in wool.

  254. I bought a printed fabric from The Crewel Company without the Appleton threads. I would use the color chart to pick my colors. This is the first time l’ll be doing crewel work.

  255. I ordered a couple of crewel kits last Fall and just began working on one–so I wouldn’t claim a *favorite* way of using it yet, but I am enjoying the simple beginner crewel project I’ve started.

  256. I love Appleton wool! I use it all the time in my needlepoint. My sons want needlepoint belts, and I use Appleton wool because there are a million colors and it wears like iron.

  257. I use the Appleton’s crewel Wool to do crewel embroidery. I really like the wide range of colours they have available.

  258. My favorite way to use wool: long-and-short soft shading on big fluffly flowers. Appleton’s especially fills in so beautifully.

  259. Wool is good for most embroidery. I prefer to use wool because I find that it is stronger and more durable than regular cotton thread. Thank you Mary!

  260. My favorite way to use wool threads in needlework is to embellish wool appliqué. Appleton wool comes in so many wonderful colors, it is fun to embroider on the wool shapes with wool thread. It textures blend beautifully.

  261. I don’t have a favorite way to use wool threads as I’ve never used them!!! But it is on my list of new things to try this year so I’m exciting about that. Thanks Mary for your page, it has been of great help for me since I don’t find this kind of information in my country, I just bought 3 books you recommended, I’m waiting for them to arrive.
    Cheers, Diana

  262. I haven’t done much stitching with wool yet, I am just getting started. I have done one of Wooly Lady’s beautiful pillow kits. I love working in wool and being able to work my stitches with wool threads finishes off the project so nicely……they just nest together and give it a great finished look.

  263. I guess you know that sewing wonderhowto com has a bunch of tutorials which basically just repost your video tutorials? (They credit your site, which is more than some places do, but they don’t say anything of their own at all.)

  264. Hello Mary,
    I would love an Appleton wool card. I use wool thread for crewel embroidery although I sometimes use it on felt for making abstract works of surface embroidery. Usually I use stranded cotton so working with wool is new for me and I really enjoy it.

    I enjoy your blog and come here a few times a week to read your posts.

    All the Best,

  265. I like to use wool when working on mythical or fantasy pieces. Combining crewel wool with my coveted stash of Danish flower thread really makes the elements in each piece pop- and gives it an interesting look and texture!

  266. I like the look of crewel work, the more traditional the better. However, I am exploring making a rug using crewel or tapestry wool. I want to do something for myself and create something of heirloom quality. I have been exploring Beth Russell books for possible projects.

  267. Wool sweaters get touches of embroidery with wool threads. They seem to fit real well there. Simple vegetation and floral creations are my favorite.

  268. I embroidered a wool blanket with Appleton wool threads. They are the best wool threads to work with. I would like to use them in the needle point tapestry.

  269. I just love the meditative stitching of a counted pattern. Currently I am doing a scene from Old Jerusalem (made up from my stash of Appleton wools), the next project will also come from my stash and is a scene of roses, some of the colours of which match the colours of a picture from one of Stafford Whitaker’s books. That one was a challenge since there were over 20 colours on a flower picture about A4 size. I did a huge amount of unpicking and muttering under my breath!

  270. Making baby blankets and using Appletons’ 2 ply wool is my passion. My skeins are a mess, and having the colour card would be such a big help.

  271. I would like to try to embroider on baby and toddler items. I did embroider years ago with my mother and would like to restart.

  272. Shading flowers and leaves works beautifully with wool, particularly when I change the ratio of shades on the needle. I think I love that the best.

  273. My favorite way to use wool threads in my needlework is by incorporating a skein or two that I have purchased on my travels. Whenever I am working on a new project, I try to check my stash to select a particular “find” that I have picked up from a city I’ve visited. I’m currently working on embellishing some Pottery Barn pillow covers for my living room, and I was thrilled to find a long-time yarn shop right in New Orleans’ French Quarter to pick up some crewel yarn that is perfect for my project. Just another wonderful way to remember my trip!

  274. Crewel wool embroidery was where it all started for me and is still my favorite media to stitch. The texture, the colors and the tactile nature of it is the best.

  275. My favorite way to use wool threads is in crewel embroidery. I’m a beginner in crewel work and am still learning all the stitches used – one of my favorite reference books is the “A – Z of Crewel Embroidery” by Search Press which has a beautiful collection of projects to stitch. Having Appleton’s real thread colour card collection would be enormously helpful in choosing various colour combinations for the projects!

    Thank you for hosting an amazing give-away!


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