
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Embroidery Books – These are Coming Soon!


Amazon Books

If you subscribe to the Inspirations Studios weekly newsletter (it’s a lovely newsletter!), you are probably aware that a couple books are coming to the embroidery world quite soon. In fact, they’re already out in Australia and en route to the US.

I’ve had quite a few inquiries about these two books from Inspirations Studios in Australia. I’m bringing them in for stitchers who want to avoid the cost of international shipping and the long (really long!) wait.

I thought I’d let you know sooner rather than later what’s coming to Needle ‘n Thread in the way of much-anticipated needlework books, and when you can expect to see them.

A Fine Tradition: The Embroidery of Margaret Light

First, A Fine Tradition is coming back! Yay!

This book sold out very quickly early this year.

A Fine Tradition is a Glorious Book of beautiful embroidery projects by Margaret Light. You can read all about the book in detail here, in my in-depth review.

So yes, this book will finally be available again, for those who have been waiting. I have an advanced notice list from the earlier launch, and if you’re on it, you’ll receive an email when the book is back in stock.

Folks have asked why I run out of stock on books and it takes so long to get them in.

The publisher requests an order of a specific amount of books from those who are interested in stocking them, so that they have an estimate on how many to print. So, I have to estimate a quantity to order for my shop. Once I’m sold out, there’s not necessarily warehouse stock that I can order from, especially with very popular books.

The quantity I order is tempered by two restrictions: space and cost of inventory. I never pre-sell items (my policy is to sell only what is in stock and ready to ship), so I invest upfront in my own inventory. And even though I have a newly and wonderfully re-organized studio, there really is only so much space in it! Books are chunky space-eaters.

That said, I’ve ordered quite a few, so if you’re on that list, look for the email!

If you want to be on the list, email me at mary (at) needlenthread (dot) com and request advanced notice for the book. I’ll add you to it!

Willing Hands 2 - Betsy Morgan

Betsy Morgan’s first Willing Hands book was a huge and popular success, for so many good reasons!

You can read my review of Willing Hands here. If you have the book, you already know how good it is! It’s full of lovely projects to construct from various types and styles of counted work.

The finishing techniques in the first book are fabulous – so many fun ways to finish embroidery into beautiful and useful items!

Betsy’s second book, Willing Hands 2, is highly anticipated, and it is packed full of more glorious projects and clever finishes.

I’ll be carrying Willing Hands 2. There’s no advanced notice list for this book, because it’s brand new and I haven’t carried it before. Once it arrives on my doorstep, I’ll let everyone know here on the website when it will be listed in the shop. A lot depends on the rather slow nature of international shipping these days.

I’m so excited to see this book!! I enjoy needlework books that focus on brilliant and skillful finishes, and I am sure Betsy’s new book won’t disappoint!

That’s Not All!

There are a couple other needlework books coming to market over the next several months, that are not available through bulk or discount book sources in the US, so I’m planning on bringing those in, too. But they’re pretty far distant at this point! We’ll look at them down the road a bit.

I’ve been working on another Stitch Fun tutorial for you, that I’ll share with you hopefully next week. I’ve been playing with some dimensional stitches, thanks to various sources of inspiration. Usually, my inspiration comes from one of you emailing me a picture and saying “How did they do this?”

The rolled woven picots, for example, were the result of an inquiry from Kimberly, who designs needlepoint at A Kimberly Design. We’ll probably revisit picots one more time – I had a Duh! moment (thanks to a reader’s input and email), so I will share that with you.

The next tutorial is the result of being tagged numerous times on social media, with people asking me the same question – what is this and how was it done? So I started playing around with it. There are often many, many ways to make a stitch or achieve a result in embroidery, so sometimes, I like to take time to figure out which way makes the most sense or is simply easiest.

On Monday, we’re back to the grapes. And I’ll be reviewing a new pair of affordable, functional, and well-made embroidery scissors next week, too! (Who doesn’t love good scissors?)

Have a lovely weekend!


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(1) Comments

  1. Thank you so much for letting us know “sooner rather than later”, especially about Betsy’s new book. I have been ordering directly from Inspirations and while I’m waiting to receive my order, you get the books which would have been so much easier for me. I have held off on pre-ordering thinking you might get the 2nd book and I was rewarded this morning when I read your message. My EGA chapter had a couple of classes with Betsy and she and her designs are wonderful and you are so right about the finishing instructions. Thanks. JoyceAnne

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