
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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The Embroidery Book Shuffle – Treats Available!


Amazon Books

Well, well, as it happens, I spent the weekend doing the Embroidery Book & Blog Post Shuffle!

It’s always a fun exercise, and a good way to keep me on my toes.

Today’s article is mostly a matter of getting some news out. If you’re not super interested in retail items (oh-so-lovely books!) available through Needle ‘n Thread, I wholeheartedly encourage you to give me a miss today.

Willing Hands and Willing Hands 2 on Needle 'n Thread

First, we’re going to talk about Willing Hands and Willing Hands 2 by Betsy Morgan!

When Willing Hands made its grand appearance to the needlework world (you can read my review here), it proved to be a Massively Popular Book, and it sold out everywhere pretty quickly.

I didn’t carry it at the time, because I didn’t get in on the original pre-ordering from the publisher. Silly me. (Oh, the things I learn with each passing day.)

Fortunately, Inspirations Studios reprinted it for release again this year. Yay!

They’ve also released the sequel, Willing Hands 2. Yay!

Both books focus on counted thread embroidery finished into unbelievably clever etuis (needlework tool boxes) and a lovely variety of matching small accessories, from needlebooks to pin keeps, to scissor fobs, to small ornaments and spool holders and tiny pin cushions and… gosh. You name it! Clever, beautiful, and all the instructions to make them yourself.

If you have ever asked “What can I do with all the things I like to stitch?” these books will fill your head with all kinds of ideas for making beautiful and useful items. You can use the charming charts that go with the projects and make them as they are presented, or you can branch off and use the finishing techniques to your heart’s content on whatever kind of needlework you love to do.

These books are instructive, clever, inspiring, and everything you’d want in a good project book!

Here are some of the projects in Willing Hands 2:

Willing Hands 2 projects

And a few more:

Willing Hands 2 projects

They’re fun! And the instructions are accessible. Everything can be made by hand – you don’t need a machine – and you can pick and choose from full-sized projects to little things that can be whipped up in a weekend.

The Shuffle…

As it happens – I like to think it was serendipitous! – I ended up receiving the wrong order of books from the distributor when my book order arrived last week.

Instead of Willing Hands 2, the original Willing Hands showed up. And although I didn’t order it (space and expense are a bit limiting on what I can bring in), I’m happy to have it, because I know many of you have it on your wish lists.

If you did not get in on the original publication of Willing Hands, then, you now have a great opportunity to add the book to your library!

And if you know of any friends who wanted it, but weren’t able to get it when it was originally published, feel free to let them know I have it in stock.

You can find it listed here right now.

…and the Pre-Order

Willing Hands 2 is on its way as we speak, and is due to arrive on my doorstep on or before August 20th.

Because I know many of you would appreciate being able to combine shipping, especially if you’re ordering both books, I’ve listed Willing Hands 2 for pre-orders, meaning you can purchase it now and it will ship as soon as it arrives. If you order another book, I’ll combine them and ship them when Willing Hands 2 arrives.

I do not normally do pre-orders as a policy, but under the circumstances, I didn’t think it would be quite fair for you to perhaps miss the opportunity to get both books because of a sell-out of one or the other.

A Fine Tradition

A Fine Tradition – which many of you requested advanced notice for – came in, and is in stock. (You can read my review here.)

If you’ve been eagerly awaiting it, it’s here! I already sent notice out to the waiting list, so the stock is a little low, but there are some left. If it’s on your wish list, now’s a good time to get it.


I think this is what people mean by “Mondays.” I’ve never been one to regret Monday – it’s probably my favorite day of the week! – but this morning, I’m trying to figure out how to re-arrange my shelves and my shipping area to accommodate the unexpected extras.

It’s that some feeling I get when facing the kitchen clean-up after Thanksgiving dinner. If this is what people mean by “Monday Aversion,” I’m beginning to understand it!

Anyway, if you’re in the market for good needlework books, feel free to browse the selections available, to see if I can help you fulfill your innermost cravings!

Back to normal programming on Wednesday. Promise!


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(4) Comments

  1. Dear Mary

    Finally caught up on all the blogs which I have missed due to various things going on, on the homefront.
    Willing Hands certainly looks like a lovely book to own and all the different embroidery projects look beautiful. If I had time I would love to embroider some of the projects listed in the book. Thank you informing us of the Willing Hands available in your bookshop I’m sure there will be lots of takers it looks so lovely.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  2. You’ve chosen some lovely and very special books to feature in your shop, Mary! I loved Willing Hands 1 and A Fine Tradition. They’re just delightful to read and study and I love the three dimensional objects that can be made. I’m in the UK otherwise I’d definitely be ordering from you, but my copy of Willing Hands 2 is on its way to me as I write. Hoping it might just plop through my letter box tomorrow!

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