
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Embroidery Tools & Accessories


Amazon Books

Embroidery accessories include the tools of the trade. Here, you’ll find comments and reviews on organizational methods and systems, on different tools that you could have on hand (and where to find them), and all the peripheral paraphernalia that goes along with embroidery.

Here’s my list so far of accessories and organizational tools for embroidery. The list will undoubtedly expand:


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(9) Comments

  1. Hi – well, you’ll have to be a bit more specific. What type of needle are you looking for? Tapestry needles in size 16 can be found at Joann’s or your local craft or sewing store. If you’re looking for hand embroidery needles like crewel needles, size 16 would be very, very small, and I don’t know if they make them that small! I’ve seen size 12 (10 is more common for fine work), but that’s about it. Same with sharps. The tapestry needle has a blunt tip and a long eye, and is good for even-weave, open fabric, like counted cross stitch fabrics or looser linens, or for canvas for needlepoint, etc. If you want a tapestry needle with a sharp point, look for chenille needles, which also come in size 16. Good luck!

  2. I was wondering if you used any sort of stabilizer under your embroidery. And if so, what type?

    I am new to embroidery and quilting and have learned so much from your site. Thank you so much. Carolyn.

  3. Hi, Carolyn –

    It depends on what I’m working on. Usually, I’d say “no.” But if I’m working on a fine silk or velvet or something like that, doing goldwork, which requires good support, or another “heavy duty” embroidery technique, I do – but not “stabilizer” per se. I generally just use a lining of linen or muslin underneath the ground fabric. So, a layer of muslin would be put behind the fabric for the project, and both layers would be framed up.

    Hope that helps!


  4. Hi, Mary. You ever use printed canvas? And if I wanted to paint my own, is there anything I would need to know about it first? Thanks! Bubba’s Mom

  5. Hi, Bubba’s Mom – Do you mean a painted canvas for needlepoint? I have. In fact, I have one on here somewhere… It’s this Traquair House one:

    Traquair House historical canvaswork slip

    I’m also in the midst of getting ready to start another one – supplies are gathered; it’s just a matter of finishing a goldwork project first.

    For painting your own canvas, I think the best resource would be Judy at Possibilities, etc.

    Here’s her link:

    Possibilities, etc.

    Judy paints beautiful canvases – I have one of hers that she custom painted for me. On her shop, she has some books that she self-published, and I believe one of them is on painting canvases.

    I know she uses oil paints, but aside from that, I don’t know much about painting your own canvas, so the best I can do is refer you to the expert!

    Good luck!

  6. Oh, thank you, Mary. Of course, you knew just where to send me!…I bet you have the finished House piece on your site somewhere…I’m going to go look…(If I’m wrong, I hope you’ll post it 🙂
    Bubba’s Mom

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