
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Stitch Sampler Winners! Yes! More than One!


Amazon Books

Thanks to all for your participation in this week’s book give-away! I read each one of your 300+ comments and it was great fun hearing about your favorite stitch dictionaries. Your favorites and mine seem to coincide, for the most part – there were a couple mentions of little gems that I haven’t gotten my grubby paws on, though, and with your glowing recommendations, I find myself compelled to check out some of your favorites that I haven’t seen yet.

OH NOOOOooooo! You know what this means, don’t you!!? No! No! I must not succumb!!!!

I’ll just keep repeating to myself, “No More Books. No More Books. No More Books….”

But I don’t think it’ll work.

Well, today being Saturday, and the weather being happily autumnal, and darn it, because I want to, I’ve decided to give away three copies of Stitch Sampler. There are just too many people out there who need another book (or a first stitch dictionary!), after all.

Stitch Sampler Embroidery Book

Besides, why not spread the joy a bit?

Here, drawn randomly, are the winners!

1. Julie in Australia, who said: I haven’t got a proper stitch dictionary yet. During the last year I have started doing specialty stitches which I love, some stitches have been described in charts, but others I’ve had to find on the internet. A book would be so much easier and this one is so wonderfully colourful.

2. Betsy Evans, who said: I am always looking for new stitches to add to my repertoire. There are 25 others letters of the alphabet besides “X”.

3. Pat Barry, who said, I’ve only just started embroidery and don’t have a stitch guide. Previously I did cross stitch and hardanger and wanted to branch out into something new.I have been learning new stitches on the internet but a book would be so much more useful.

Congrats to all three! Now, if I could’ve given away 300+ books, you know I would’ve – but never fear! There will be other give-aways of Useful Things for Stitchers in the near future!

Winners, please contact me with your mailing address so I can get those books on their way to you!

Have a terrific weekend! I’m taking tomorrow off, but I’ll see you again Monday!



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(12) Comments

  1. Congratulations! Judging from thecomments of the winners these books are going to homes where theycandispense much happiness, which isa very good thing!!!

  2. Congratulations to you three. Now that was a surprise to have 3 books given away. Made me smile. Give the books a hug for me. 🙂

  3. I am late to the party but in case no one else mentioned this book it is by far my favorite

    Encyclodedia of Embroidery Stitches Including Crewel
    by Marion Nichols

    Its a Dover book I purchased in England in 1999 and the copywrite date is 1974.

  4. Mary ..lastima por mi ..pense mi argumento,,compartirlo
    con unas cuantas chicas,,ya que por aqui es lujo
    era bueno”’pero ya veremos
    emos estado asi ”’seguiremos investigando
    felicidades a las ganadoras
    gracias Mary sera para otra vez
    un gran saludo

  5. G’day Mary and the lucky 3.

    Thanks again Mary, I believe you get as much fun out of it as we do eh. Good on you and thanks for the thought of the 300+ if you could!

    Congratulations Julie, Betsy and Pat. I’m happy for you (and a bit envious). Christmas come early. Lovely.

    Cheers, Kath.

  6. Congratulations to the winners!
    I have found some online sites with nice tutorials and videos.
    One of these days I will print out ones that I want to try and do it that way. It is a nice way to build up skills and make your own booklet, with stitches we like to do.


  7. Mary, such a generous gift, I am so, so lucky!!

    You know, I was doing some specialty stitches today and thought…..maybe one day I could design something!!

    Thank you once again, and congrats to the other 2 winners, I am still on top of the world!

    hugs from
    Julie in Australia

  8. I still have my grandmothers book of embroidery stitches from the 1920s…it cost 3d and was published by Anchor sewing threads…… Enjoy the new books!!!!

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