I’m a huge fan of whitework embroidery of all types. And although I don’t do a lot of whitework compared to other forms of embroidery, I do dabble in whitework now and then.
One of my favorite types of whitework embroidery is Schwalm whitework.
I love Schwalm whitework for a few reasons: 1. It offers a never-ending plethora of variation, especially when it comes to fillings; 2. It involves relatively simple stitches, which makes it easy to get into; and 3. With its crisp white finish, airy openwork areas, and simple folky design elements, it’s really beautiful and, at the same time, it’s accessible. It doesn’t overwhelm.
Since it’s Saturday morning, how about we have a nice cup of coffee together while we browse through a wonderful Schwalm embroidery resource?

One of the best resources for information on Schwalm whitework is Luzine Happel’s website. I’ve reviewed many of Luzine’s books: Basic Principles of Schwalm Whitework, which is one of the best beginner books on Schwalm embroidery that I’ve come across; Early Schwalm Whitework; Fancy Hems, where you’ll find an abundance of beautiful edging techniques for table linens and the like; and Openwork Pattern Samplers and Openwork Needleweaving Patterns, both of which are excellent sources of instruction in drawn and pulled thread filling techniques.

If you’ve bought books on Schwalm whitework from Luzine, you probably already know she has a website, but did you know that that Luzine also has a blog devoted to Schwalm embroidery?

And on her blog, you can find all kinds of information on Schwalm embroidery, including tutorials for different aspects of Schwalm whitework – for example, this tutorial on a whitework filling pattern.

It’s definitely worth subscribing to Luzine’s blog to keep up with her tutorials and other interesting bits about Schwalm – topics including authentic Schwalm costumes; Schwalm design creation; suitable materials to use for Schwalm embroidery – and plenty of others.

With Easter coming up, you might take a look at her information on German Easter Egg decorating. She also has an e-book on the subject – I don’t have that particular one, but based on what I know about Luzine’s other books, I’m sure it’s good!
Luzine’s blog is written in German with the option of a very good English translation – you can click the UK flat in the top right corner for the English version, if you land on a German page.
She also offers an option for email blog updates, or you can do like I do, and subscribe via a feed reader (I use Feedly – now that I’ve gotten used to it, I love it for keeping up with blogs and other website feeds).
Well, my coffee cup is empty! Hope you enjoyed the browse, and that you enjoy Luzine’s blog as much as I do!
Have a terrific Saturday!
Thanks, Mary! What a terrific resource! 🙂 The schwalmwork is absolutely gorgeous!
Dear Mary
I really like Whitework and Schwalm work, her tutorial on Whitework filling pattern is very instructional. This is very much on one of my future to do lists. So I will certainly think of Luzine Heppel’s website for reference when I venture into Whitework. Thanks for sharing this resource with us a very useful reference on Schwalm and Whitework.
Regards Anita Simmance
Oh dear – there you go again! You are such an enabler Mary!! Just went and ordered her book and can’t wait for it to arrive.
Oh GREAT!!! Another awesome website to follow. Thanks Mary…. so many projects… so little time.
Luzine is a wealth of information! She recently compared different linens to find the one most suitable for schwalm whitework. I have several of her books and find them all well written and informative!
Thank you for the links to Luzine’s blog! I have one of her books, but somehow overlooked her website and blog…
Do you know of anyone in the boston, ma area that teaches suzhou embroidery