
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Happy Thanksgiving! And a Game!


Amazon Books

Happy Thanksgiving!!

No matter where you are, there’s always a reason to celebrate Thanksgiving, so even if you’re not here in the US, I hope you have a very happy day full of many blessings!

I’m so grateful for our wonderful community we’ve built around Needle ‘n Thread! You are such a special part of my life, and I hope you know that! It’s been a rough year for so many of us, but I hope that you can find much to be thankful for and that you find some joy and contentment as the year comes to a close.

Last year, I started putting together these holiday eye-spy games, with a jigsaw puzzle to go with it. So, for your Thanksgiving treat, here’s this year’s Eye Spy. Read the ditty and see if you can find all the stuff! (Or just check for my mistakes!)

Thanksgiving 2020 Eye Spy - Needle 'n Thread

If you click on the image above, you’ll get a Really Big version of it, to make it easier to scour.

And here’s the list:

We’ll kick off the game
With four pegs for a frame,
Two squirrels and a nest full of eggs;
A sunflower blooming,
A hive with bees zooming,
And four spiders with eight little legs.

Pumpkins fifteen,
Six leaves that are green,
Two clocks, and an acorn that’s tiny.
Two butterflies flitting,
A pine cone just sitting,
18 apples all plump, red, and shiny.

Thirty pins here and there,
Five scissors to share,
Laying tools – I think there are seven.
An aficot handy,
A line full of candy,
And a small piece of sunshine from heaven!

And a Jigsaw!

For those who enjoy jigsaw puzzles, you’ll find my Thanksgiving 2020 Eye Spy online jigsaw puzzle here. I hope you enjoy it!

Want More?

If you’re floundering about looking for something to do (maybe waiting for time to dig into that pumpkin pie?), and you want more needlework-related eye-spy puzzles, you might enjoy the list below. The photos improved as I got the hang of this, so the first one is a bit fuzzy (and there’s no jigsaw), but they’re still fun!

Thanksgiving 2019 Eye-Spy

Christmas 2019 Eye-Spy

Easter 2020 Eye-Spy

Happy Thanksgiving to You and Yours!

Today, I’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving with my local family and friends at my sister’s house. I’m taking a few new games along, so hopefully, we’ll have a bit of fun. It’ll be somewhat subdued, I suppose, since it’s our first holiday without Mom, but we do have much to be thankful for in my family, and plenty of reasons to celebrate – and Mom would be the first person to say so. It should be a good day!

For those who asked, yes, I ended up having foot surgery yesterday to remove a needle from my foot. It’s a bit sore, but I’m sure it will improve with just a little time and rest. Thanks for your solicitude! Here’s hoping I can still get everything together for the big launch on Saturday! If that changes, I will let you know, but I don’t anticipate that it will.

I hope you have a very Happy Thanksgiving!


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(13) Comments

    1. Thanks, Gail! I’m at work this morning, but eventually, I’ll join in the festivities of the day! I’ve told myself “if I get this much done by this time,” then I’m free! LOL!

  1. Dear Mary

    I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, you have been through a lot this year and I do hope you can celebrate this Happy time with your family and that it will be a good one even if you can’t have you Mom there with you. I do hope you make a quick recovery from your foot and you will be back up and running sooner then later. Have a really lovely Thanksgiving and a special thanks for all that you do, for us, here on Needle and Thread. Your support and blogs are always full of good ideas that it’s amazing how you think of them, but most of all that you share your creativity with us. Thank you and God Bless to you and your family on this thankful day.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  2. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours… At a time that we all pause and reflect on our year, it’s refreshing to remember our friends right here in our stitching community. Every one has been touched by the pandemic and we’re still moving forward. Blessings to you all.

  3. Hello,

    Thanks for the fun and distraction from stress and sorrow.
    Hope you enjoy your day, your week , your month of Thanksgiving!
    Enjoy all of your mom’s favorite Thanksgiving Feast delights as well
    as the simple dishes that remind you of past gatherings.
    You are such a kind blessing to me. Thank you for all your hard work.
    God Bless you with quick healing for your foot!

  4. Your problem with your foot suggests to me a variation on a riddle/joke we used to ask when I was little: what’s worse than biting into an apple and finding a worm? Finding half a worm! So, what’s worse than stepping on something sharp and finding a needle? Finding half a needle! I’m so sorry about your foot, and hope you are healed (heeled?) some!

  5. WE really enjoyed the puzzle. I loaded it on my Surface and my husband couldn’t stop helping me. Happy Thanksgiving!

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