Here on Needle ‘n Thread, I like to organize indexes for the various projects that I blog about in a series. You can find all these project indexes listed under “Tips & Techniques” in the main menu here on Needle ‘n Thread.
I’ve found that project indexes are a good way to keep a project organized, so that you can easily find it again and go through it to find tips and techniques that we cover in the process of completing the project.
So this is officially the project index for this series on Deconstructing Goldwork.

Here, you’ll find all the articles listed in chronological order as we go through the deconstruction process. Any article relating directly to this whole project of picking apart this old piece of goldwork will be listed here on the website, and you’ll be able to access each article whenever you want.
Hopefully, in the process of deconstructing the goldwork piece, we’ll all learn things that will help us in our own embroidery endeavors!
Here are the articles in this series so far:
Deconstructing Goldwork, Part I: Overview
Deconstructing Goldwork, Part II: The Grapes
Deconstructing Goldwork, Part III: Foundation & Padding
IV: The Lily – an Overview
Inside the Lily – the First Petal
The Whole Lily and the Order of Work
Goldwork Rose & Clues
Goldwork Leaves
Deconstructing Goldwork Embroidery: Wheat
Goldwork Embroidery – The Agnus Dei (lamb) up close
Deconstructing the Padded Goldwork Lamb
You can expect these goldwork deconstruction articles to show up between other regular content here on Needle ‘n Thread. We’ll be visiting the goldwork piece off and on as I photograph it and take the individual elements apart (takes a lot longer than you’d imagine, but not quite as long as it would take to stitch it!).
Tomorrow, we’ll take a break from pickin’! See you then!
Dear Mary
yes I agree, your indexes in tip and techniques are really a great resource and have helped me in my past embroidery, so thanks for your time in giving us help with different aspects of.
P.S. (brought the Dremel drill and I am practicing with eggs!!!)
Regards Anita Simmance
G’day Mary,
Thank you for all your efforts in all these things. Much appreciated.
That chunky rose is a corker isn’t it! It looks like it’s been moulded in fine clay (sounds kinder than ‘bread dough’), decorative lines skilfully added with a very fine toothed comb (have to be a nit comb!) and glazed with gold (no substitute there).
Cheers, Kath
Hey Mary,
I want to thank you for making an index of this deconstruction series. I’m going to bookmark it as it will really help me in my future projects.
I have only have read one news letter and I’m totally amazed. I’ve only done a little needle work so my ability to accomplish very many this things is low. How you have explained just one example really intrigues my interests and wonderment. I already know I will spend tho much time here….. You make me smile along with learning. Two things not done very well by many. Your ability to be able do this is appreciated. Keep up the great site.
Hi Mary,
What a fabulous resource! Sure it is 2016 and you did this 3 years ago, but thank you very much. I am working on a chalice veil and have decided to do 2 , one with crewel work and the other with gold work. I am rather shy of asking for suggestions etc., but having read these articles strengthen my resolve in doing so…
Were you able to finish deconstructing the book?
Good Morning Mary ~
As I said last week, I am learning SO much from you and I love the fact that you have a project index. I don’t know if I would have the courage to take apart a piece of embroidery that is so beautiful in and of itself but as you say, it is not the most beautiful, there is not enough room to save every piece and this is the only way we can learn how such work was done in the past. Besides which I have a most annoying tremor that is continuous and also need excellent light and magnification (part of being of a certain age). Looking forward to spending a couple of hours over the course of the day while I rest from garden work and read about the whole project. I love your term “Embroidery Archeology”, is this something that you came up with or is this a term I have first heard on your website.
BTW, saving up for your latest E-book “Will Ewe Bee Mine” and looking forward to seeing it…
Best Regards
Hi, Brenda – I’m glad you’re enjoying this project! “Embroidery Archeology” just seemed to fit. I really haven’t heard the term around anywhere, as some kind of standard thing. I just figured that’s pretty much what it is – just digging into the piece to discover more about it, while I take it apart to use the pieces in a new way. It fits, anyway!! (I think??) 🙂