
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Hungarian Redwork Runner Project Index


Amazon Books

Here on Needle ‘n Thread, I like to index each step-by-step project in one place so that it’s easy for you to find it and follow the various articles in the series. You can find my indexed step-by-step projects under Tips and Techniques, at the top of the page, under Hand Embroidery Lessons & Step-by-Step Projects.

The purpose of today’s short article, then, is to create an index for the Hungarian Redwork Runner project. Here, I’ll list in chronological order every article that has to do with this project, from development through finishing.

Hungarian Redwork Embroidery Project

You’re welcome to follow along on this project, to stitch along with me, or to save it for later. All the information on it will be here, whenever you need it.

What Can You Learn from This Project?

Even if you don’t plan to follow along by actually stitching the Hungarian Redwork Runner, I hope you will find the articles useful and informative.

I’ll definitely be including tips along the way that you can apply to your own embroidery projects.

And of course, mistakes are part of just about every embroidery journey. Mistakes are a great way to learn, so I have no problems at all in showing you my mistakes (I make plenty of ’em!) and working out how to fix them…. or at least, how to minimize their impact!

Hungarian Redwork Runner – Article List

As the project progresses, I’ll add the links to each new article related to it below. Here’s the list of articles, so far:

The Original Hungarian Redwork Design
First Design Alterations
More Design Alterations
Clover Transfer Mesh
Final Design Preparations
Selecting Threads and Stitches
Testing Threads for Colorfastness
Preparing Linen for Embroidery
Basting in Design Layout Guides
Embroidery Design Transfer
Embroidery in Hand, No Hoop
Coton a Broder on Pull Skeins
Tips on Starting & Ending Threads
Project Progress – Filling in the Inside End
The Inside End Area – Filling Complete
Working the Outside Elements of the Design
A Little More Progress
One End Finished!
Redwork Runner: Slow Progress – Working towards Half-Way
Picking Out Red Embroidery Threads!
Reaching the Halfway Point – and a Preview of the Finished Runner
Trying the Tambour Needle on the Redwork Runner
Using Reverse Chain Stitch
Runner Progress – the Other End
More Progress – Slow, but Getting There
The Chain Stitch is All Finished!
Stalled, but not Forgotten
Stitching towards a Deadline
Finished Embroidery
Washing & Blocking the Redwork Runner

If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments along the way, feel free to leave a comment (here or below any individual article in the series) to have your say!


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(29) Comments

  1. Dear Mary

    Can’t wait to follow your progress on the Hungarian Redwork project and venture through your instructive techniques. I always learn lots of new techniques with you as I did with medallion project so look forward to this journey.

    Regards Anita Simmance

  2. I’ve been stitching for many, many years. Started with the kits that had the design already done in petit point and I stitched the background in the continental stitch. I’ve done painted canvas, designed my own with specialty stitches, now I mostly do counted cross stitch. I am learning something from you everyday and I will tell you how much I am enjoying it. I am thinking about working a table runner into my rotation. When you’re retired like I am, what’s another project?

    Thank you for all you do.

  3. I can see you have used different stitches on each tendril. The lower left and the heart shape look good in my opinion. It has a nice even body

  4. Dear Mary,

    Thank you for the index, it will be very helpful. I am anxiously waiting to follow you through the project. You are an inspiration for me.

    Regards, Saadia

  5. Do you have patterns for Celtic knots/ scroll work? Also do you sell the supplies needed for your designs, ie fabric? Thank you dor great newsletters…jane

    1. Hi, Jane –

      You can find the fabric through Hedgehog Handworks. I don’t actually sell needlework supplies, except when I’m running a class. I think I have a Celtic knot work pattern or two on my patterns page, if you want to check there. If you’re looking for something a bit more complex, you might try looking at Dover publishing – they have a bunch of books on knot work and the like. Hope that helps! MC

  6. Dear Mary, I have been following your Blog for a couple a weeks and love the everything about it, you put so much love and effort into it for all of us! I have been quilting for years and like to include embroidery but I love this Redwork. I have brought the fabric and waiting for the thread ,which I have just ordered .So very much looking forward to this project,and others to come! Thanks so very much for sharing your love of everything Embroidery! Best Regards, Chris W.

    1. Thanks, Chris! The redwork project should be fun – I’ll be covering fabric set-up tomorrow. Can’t wait to get the stitching part underway! So glad you’re enjoying Needle ‘n Thread! ~MC

  7. Mary, I am surprised that you did not buy all of your thread at the same time. I thought it was important to get it from the same dye lot.

    1. I think I under-estimated! I’ll know better when I hit the half-way point. With DMC embroidery threads, it’s not that much of a problem. Their dye lots are very consistent, so I’m not too worried about it… ~MC

  8. Mary. My first day of receiving your daily email. Perhaps, I see more time reading your emails and less time stitching !!! Day 1 so full of lovely info. One never stops learning about needlework and seeing new and beautiful work. I am just exploring Portugese White Work by Yvette
    Stanton(Australia) and is so different to what I usually work on and one has to be SO accurate.
    I look forward to every days email from you. Annette

  9. I’m trying to do this project, Im starting to wonder if I’m going to ever get it done. But wanted to say thank you for all the information.

  10. I am so glad that I have found your website. We had a wonderful needle arts shop in the 80’s in our town. The owner was so creative and she introduced us to some beautiful things. We had wonderful projects and we were always working on new designs and learning new techniques. I am glad to see this art being promoted again. I am a lot older now so I do not know how much I will be able to do, but your designs have sparked an interest.

  11. I had a problem with my PayPal account this am and after 2 1/2 hours trying to straight it out I was too late to order the strawberry kit. Please tell me it will be offered again.

    Janet Hill

  12. To hoop or not to hoop–that is the question.

    I am a hooper. Except on beadwork and silk ribbon & the like, I always hoop. However, I just finished a “chicken scratch” project (minus the hooping) and have decided to always hoop in the future. Oh well–I had to try.

    Thank you for your website and blog. Your comments make me laugh & makes my work go faster. Thanks again.

  13. Mary
    Talk about visiting old projects I’m about to finish this project but couldn’t fine we’re you finish the edging. Could you give me some suggestion on how to finish the runner. Wrote to you about this runner before I’m doing it in forest green.
    Thank you for your help.

    Carol Radoe

    1. Yes, there is – it’s in the index above – there are a couple versions, but if you want the same one I’m using, it’s under the final design article.

  14. Mary, I don’t comment as often as I should, but I do stop by regularly to drool — seems like daily life keeps me busier than I’d like to be. To look at your work, and especially this runner, a person would take it as machine embroidered — because it’s such perfection. You have the most amazing talent. BEAUTIFUL!!!

  15. Oh Mary. This is absolutely beautiful. Wow, I can see a lot of work went into it. Just beautiful. I love,love,love red. And, you are a woman after my own heart. I always wondered why the center of doilies or table scarfs were stitched when the center piece would sit right over the stitching and not be seen. This is perfect. It certainly makes me want to stitch a runner. 🙂 Your a star!

  16. How did you get the thicker line?
    The regular ones I got but not the more’fat’ thicker ones.
    Beautiful piece, I used your video to learn that stitch.
    Been reading you since 2009 or before i think

  17. I absolutely love redwork embroidery and your table runner is beautiful. Some day, I hope to be able to create one. Mary, you inspire me every day.

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