
Mary Corbet

writer and founder


I learned to embroider when I was a kid, when everyone was really into cross stitch (remember the '80s?). Eventually, I migrated to surface embroidery, teaching myself with whatever I could get my hands on...read more

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Video Library of Hand-Embroidery Stitches – Index


Amazon Books

Hand embroidery is easier if you have someone around to show you how to do it. You can certainly find just about any hand embroidery stitch illustrated in a book, but it’s not quite the same as sitting down next to a friend who can walk you through the stitches. There are quite a few videos available on embroidery stitches, but I’ve noticed that they are either for special techniques (such as “crewel embroidery” or “ribbon embroidery”) or they are very expensive for only a few stitches. So I thought I’d see if I could manage a library of hand embroidery stitches on video.

The idea of making free videos of hand embroidery stitches came about mostly as an extension to my summer hand embroidery classes that I teach to kids (and now also to adults). It’s fun to teach embroidery, and it’s fun to see people learn to embroider. Why not let more people learn, by hosting the videos online for free?

I’ve arranged the stitches according to type, but as the library of embroidery videos expands, I can see that it is going to require a little re-arranging.

Feel free to leave a comment if you have any specific stitch you would like to see on video, by the way. I’m always up to requests, and I plan for the stitch library to keep developing over the years.

And, in case you’re interested, here’s an article about how I make the embroidery stitch video tutorials.

If you have problems playing the videos, please check out the Google Video Help Center on Solving Playback Issues. I find that the few people I hear from who have a problem viewing the videos solve the problems by looking through the list of FAQs on that page.

Here’s the Video Library of Stitches Index:

Line Stitches & Bands

Chain, Fly, and Buttonhole Stitches

Detached Stitches & Knots

Filling Stitches

Miscellaneous Embroidery Techniques

  • Bullion Rose Bud Tutorial
    A little over 13 minutes, this tutorial demonstrates how to make rose buds using the bullion knot. It also covers beginning and ending your threads when working small embroidery motifs.

Check back often! As the stitches are posted, the links will be added.


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(212) Comments

  1. Yes please! I would love to see all of those. I have most of the most basic stitches down, but seeing them done could help improve my form…and were I a true beginner, a few short clips like the running stitch video would help get me started with more confidence.

  2. This is a great idea- like the kntting stitch videos. I’ve recently decided to learn to embroider and I think this is very helpful for beginning neddlework.

  3. wow, this is fantastic… I’ve watched the first two vids so far, and I can’t wait to see the rest as they come up… 😀 I know it must take so much time and work to do this for us, it is greatly appreshiated.

  4. I again, this is great help for not only the beginner stricther, and I feel this is very beneficial for the experienced stitcher (as reminders).

  5. I love this idea! I would like to see the colonial knot! Oh and a finer thread in your video would be nice, not too thin but the stem stitch one was a little thick to see how it was going.

  6. I LOVE THESE!! I’m a quilter and a cross stitcher so my hand work is pretty good, but I’m a visual learner and these videos are PERFECT and easy to understand. I’m going to try couching tonight! I’ll check back often for more – you’ve been bookmarked! 🙂

  7. Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm! It’s encouraging to know that people find these useful!

    I enjoy doing them even more, knowing that people are using them!

  8. These are so helpful to me! For some reason I have difficulty learning stitches from a book, but it’s so easy when I see it done in video format. Thank you so much, and I do hope you’ll add more!

  9. Thanks a lot!!! I’m a beginer myself and understood them pretty well. Even if my mother tongue is not english, your instructions were easy to get =D

    I’ll be looking forward for more stitches

  10. What a great service you are providing for those who don’t have mother, grandmother or aunt to teach them the stitches. I can hardly wait until you get to the bullion knot. That’s the one that just gives me fit, chenille needle notwithstanding. I need to see how the hands work together.

  11. Oh, what a good idea!! I love it. Very clear, please, please, continue. You are very generous showing them.
    Can I talk about your videos in my blog? I will put the link to your site. I know a lot of Spanish needleworker who visit my blog will enjoy with your explication.

  12. Thanks again for all the enthusiasm! I plan to keep expanding the video library, so feel free to bookmark the site or add your email address to the feedreader. Your e-mail will only be used to send you the daily updates on this site. I’m so glad people find the videos useful – it makes it worthwhile to do them!

    Mercedes, of course you may talk about the videos on your blog! I’m more than happy to have you spread the word about them – the more they can be helpful to others, the better!

    Stay tuned for more videos this week, as well as a few book reviews and whatnot.

    Thanks again, everyone!

  13. I’m not certain why you’re only getting a monitor!! Try double-clicking on the play button. I generally have to click it two or three times to get it going, but the monitor isn’t blank, either – usually the last frame of the stitch or the introductory frame is showing.

    The website’s had some tweaking in the last few weeks, so perhaps this is solved!

  14. Thank you for such a helpful video library! It’s just priceless for a beginner like me.

    I was wondering if you’d consider including some stitching videos for cross stitch?

  15. I’m new to embrodiery and this site is so very helpful!! The piece that I’m going to start working on has a lot of long and short stitches in it. I was wondering if you will be posting that video soon. Once it is I will be able to start my project. Thanks so much for taking the time to do this!! I’m a visual learner and this is right up my alley!!

  16. this is fantastic. you have saved me so much time in figuring out the instructions that just didn’t make sense in my stitching book. thanks so much for this great service!

  17. Thank you so much for these videos! As a truly beginner, I found it so hard to “get the hand” by only looking at the explanations in a book!!

    Please, keep up with all those other lovely embroidery stiches 🙂

    Thank you again from a very happy Stéphanie all the way from Paris France.

  18. Thank you so much for building this website and providing these videos. They are so much better than any book I have read. I look forward to more videos. Thank you again.

  19. I love your video stitch libaray, and have passed your link on to my friends. It’s wonderful for those of us who are “visual” learners. Please add more stitches and some intermeidate and advanced stitches as well. Thank you so much for a great website!

  20. …thank you so much for taking the time to do this. I have books but nothing is the same as seeing the stitches done. I would love to see long and short stitch, I get the first line ok but after that I’m lost.
    Thank you again

  21. Awesome. Tell u the truth cant make sense of stitching from only static pics.. video is the way to go.. PLS can u add a Ladder Stitch.. how its done.. im going nutz trying it.

  22. Thank you for doing this. It is a great help. Siometimes just reading something in a book doesn’t make it happen but seeing you actually doing the stitches step by step is wonderful. I have you in my favorites.

    thanks again

  23. Hi these stitches are really helpful. I’m really desperate to know how to do a bullion knot. Any idea when this will be posted. Thanks, Heather.

  24. Hi, Heather – As soon as I have a chance to work up a decent video, I’ll post one on the bullion knot! I’ve tried it about four times now, and haven’t been satisfied with the outcome of the video.

    Thanks for asking.

    I’m so glad so many people find the videos helpful!

  25. These videos are fantastic. I takes the hard work out of trying to make sense of book illustrations. Thanks

  26. miss mary I’m very thankful for the video tutorial that you provide. i have been able to so stitches that i couldn’t do with the how-to book. i would like to suggest if you could put up a video on Rosette Chain Stitch and Split Stitch. Thank you again.

  27. Hi, Yamini – Rosette Chain Stitch is a good idea! I’ll work on that! In the meantime, you can find my split stitch tutorial here.


  28. These videos are very helpful and well done. If you take requests, I’m having trouble with Hardanger picot stitches and would love to see your technique.


  29. Thanks so much for continuing to expand the video library. I’ve referred many a beginner to it, and used it myself. One of these days I hope to see the Oyster stitch up there, now that I think I’ve figured out the Colonial knot. =)

  30. Thank you so, so much for doing this. You are extraordinarily generous of spirit for doing so! I am so glad that I found your site. I will be visiting again and again!

    Thank you so much!!! This is beyond awesome!

    Annie from Down Under

  31. Around 10 years ago I tried to find embroidery information and was only able to find instructions on counted-cross stitch and the, then new, silk ribbon work. I was thrilled to find this site today.

    These videos are utterly perfect!

  32. Your site is wonderful and thank you so much. I could never get the hang of the Palestrina Stitch until I saw your video. Any chance you would be doing the Oyster Stitch? That one has me so confused!

    Thanks again

  33. FYI: I tried sending this page to my wife at her AOL e-mail account and was unable to because your URL has somehow ended up on an AOL block list. AOL said only the site owner could start the investigation that would lead to getting the site off the list. Here’s there contact in info.

    I finally ended up sending her the site at G-mail and she’s enjoying it every much. 😀 Thanks for all the great work you’ve done here.

  34. I learned embroidery from my mom, and I taught my kids a little when they were small. Now my youngest is a Fashion Design major in college and just called me to ask for help with a design she is making of a faux-Renaissance dress with an embroidered bodice. I found your site and sent her the link. The videos are clear and the directions good. Thank you so much for putting this online – it’s the next best thing to me being there with her at school!

  35. Wonderful wonderful Idea! I have bookmarked your site and sent a link to your video library to everyone I know. Thank you.

  36. Hi there!

    What a GREAT site! The instructions are so clear!

    I’m so glad I found your site, I’m going to practise those stitches soon!



  37. Mary, I miss seeing you on the HGTV board. I have started using your tutorials many times as I have taken up doing a Crazy Quilt block. Seeing me do this my 9 yo now wants to do the same. Guess where I’ve sat her? Here on your site to learn the basic stitches. This is a great learning tool you have made. Thanks ever so much again. PS…I always refer someone new here.

  38. Mary,
    God bless you!!!
    Thank you so much! You helped me finally make a French knot! Now I can finish this baby quilt for my 1st granddaughter!
    When I want to know how to embroider something, I’ll go to your tutorials… extremely helpful!
    Thanks again…. Lori

  39. Mary,
    This is a wonderful,helpful site. It makes learning the various embroidery stitches so easy – much easier than from a book. My craft group and I are very appreciative of all the work you have put into these instructions. I look forward to seeing the Long and Short stitch tutorial very much. Keep up the good work.
    Jenny (Australia)

  40. Thank you so much for providing these online tutorials. They are so helpful, so clear, so good! I am using them to learn the stitches so that I can get into embroidery as a hobby and can teach it to my granddaughters.

  41. I come from a familly who were great embroiderers. Unfortunately, they didn’t pass it on to any of us.I look at lots of sites, and without doubt your is the best.
    If clear, easy to follow and it inspired ones to want to try it.
    great work! Your ite will help to preserve this values art forever.

  42. I’m an avid knitter but haven’t embroidered in about 14 years. Recently I decided to pick up the needle again and found your video by accident while searching for some advice on transferring images to my fabric. This is awesome! Thank you.

  43. Great site.. Couldn’t help to leave a comment about this site.. Really a good work.. Good videos to guide beginners… Put more patterns and suggestions about the stichings to be used. Once again.. Wonderful site!!!!!!!

  44. Wonderful idea! It’s been years since I’ve done embroidery, and I’ve just purchased a vintage dish towel to do. Your site will be a great help. Much easier to learn from seeing a stitch worked (compared to looking at a diagram). Thank you!

  45. Mary, your site is WONDERFUL. I learned to embroider when I was a child but never understood the more difficult stitches. I would also be VERY interested in purchasing a DVD with all your stitch videos on it. Any chance of you producing one of those? Please, please???

  46. Thanks, Brenda – I would love to produce a series on DVD – perhaps in the future it will be a possibility. I’m afraid I’m (obviously) no professional when it comes to filming and editing!

  47. I just wanted to jump onto this thread to thank everyone again for your kind comments. I’m still expanding the list – it just takes a little bit of time! I’m so happy that the videos are useful to so many people, and I’m looking forward to having time to edit a few that are waiting, and to produce a few more – I’ve got a list of 20 or more stitches that I want to do, and some overall techniques that I also think would be useful, especially for beginners.

    Anyway, thank you again for the supportive comments – it makes it worth the effort, when I know the little videos are so helpful to so many, even if they aren’t “perfect”!


  48. A great site – well above the “WOW factor.” and Yes, please, I endorse the request for a video of stitches to purchase. What a clever idea and how clever you are too.

  49. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am definitely “direction-following challenged” and often resort to having my husband read the directions and show me what to do (which he loves, as you can guess….especially when it involves sewing…) So I am so thrilled to stumble upon your videos and I appreciate the time you put into them! I am going to watch them all and learn the stitches along with you!!! I finally will learn to embroider!!!

  50. thank you SO much for all your work in putting together this extremely well done and informative site. i have sewing night every week at my home and will be telling everyone about this site. it will be so helpful to everyone. thanks again, patti

  51. Thank you so much for this wonderful tutorial. I am starting over in learning how to embroider and do crewel work after being away from it for 25 years! I have purchased books but find them confusing at times. Seeing a demonstration is so much better. This is a terrific find for me and I am certain for many others!

  52. Starting Over – and Everyone Else – I’m really very happy you like the videos! Thank you for the kind and encouraging comments. I’m getting the camera set-up out again this weekend, so I’ll be updating the list again with a few new additions soon!

    Thanks again!

  53. Wow! What a wonderful resource you have created here! I’m excited to have found you. I am going to put a link to your wonderful site on my blog so that others can find you. I do a lot of sewing and simple embroidery and a lot of the people who read my blog enjoy those things too–and I’m sure they will love to “discover” your site too!
    HAve a wonderful day!
    Smiles, Karen

  54. Wow! What a wonderful resource you have created here! I’m excited to have found you. I am going to put a link to your wonderful site on my blog so that others can find you. I do a lot of sewing and simple embroidery and a lot of the people who read my blog enjoy those things too–and I’m sure they will love to “discover” your site too!
    HAve a wonderful day!
    Smiles, Karen

  55. When I watched the first video I almost cried. It has been years since I’ve embroidered and I need a brush up course. I bought a book that shows all kinds of stitches but here I sit without one project even started. You have given me the courage to take that first step. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. If your web site were a book I’m afraid it would be well worn from all the use.

  56. Mary I cannot tell you how much the video library has helped this newbie to hand stitching. I come back hee often. And thank yu so much for being here with yur videos for all of us that need to know or refresh ourselves with certain stitches. Thanks for all you do.

  57. This is a cool site. I came across it by accident via a Google search for “buttonhole stitch tutorial” for sewing on some snap buttons. I’m a visual learner so the video was fabulous and very clear. I’ve bookmarked this page and hope to come back soon for some future embroidery projects! Thanks for the inspiration 🙂

  58. Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into these little videos. I have been wanting to embroider for years but didn’t have a teacher. This is exactly what a visual learner like myself needs.

  59. Thanks a lot for the wonderful videos. I got to your website while searching for something else and now I am hooked uo to embroidery.
    The viseos are amazing.

  60. Thank you so much for taking the time to share your expertise and knowledge, it shows that you have a gracious and kind heart. I am learning so much from your videos now I need to practise. Best Wishes from Scotland

  61. I love these! thank you so much! this is going to help my a ton, I’m just starting to learn. So many of the books are just confusing and not helpful at all. this is exactly what I’ve been looking for.

  62. You are truly appreciated. I am totally a beginner and have searched many sites and don’t understand looking at simple instructions but your video explains it all. Thank you so much!

  63. Hi Mary, I cannot tell you how much I refer back to your wonderful videos for support and understanding in doing some of my stitches. Do you know anything about a stem stich rose. I am looking for some information on it and coming up with a blank, any ideas on what they are refering too.

  64. These videos are awesome! I found this site looking for hardanger picots. The video on the oyster stitch was really great! I have tried to learn this (from a teacher no less) twice. Your video explained it really well.

  65. Mrs. Corbet,
    This is the very best instructional video that I have seen! I am so grateful for all your hard work and thoughtfulness. You have made it possible for someone like me to really enjoy and learn this beautiful art.
    Once again, thank you so very much for making this available to us. It takes someone special and someone so giving. You are certainly very much appreciated.
    Sylvia Angermeier
    San Angelo, Tx

  66. Wow, what a great resource! I am going to try making a set of “Days of the Week” dish towels for my mom for Christmas ’08, but the iron-on pattern has zilch for embroidery instructions. You saved the day. Thanks so much & greetings from Nebraska! 🙂

  67. WOW! Thank you soo much for taking the time to do this! It’s incredibly helpful for a beginner like me.
    It’s wonderful to see them demonstrated. Much much easier than trying to decipher the stitches from a picture.

  68. Thank you! I am a novice and your videos teach me so much more than the books I have bought. Thank you for your time and energy you have put into this project.
    Cheers from South Africa,

  69. Hi
    I was just wondering when you were going to post more tutorials mentioned in a previous message. Just anxious to try more stitches.

  70. Hi, Nora!

    I’d like to post some this weekend. I have the feathered chain ready for editing, as well as ceylon stitch and raised chain. But I’m swamped right now with other stuff, too! I promise I’ll TRY to get one (or more) up this weekend and early next week. But if not, I’ll make it as soon as I possibly can!!


  71. I see my comment from 11/24/06. Thought I’d drop in and tell you I still check videos, and I recommend this site to everyone who has a question about any stitch! Thanks for keeping it going. I like the new look (which has probably been up for a while!)

  72. May I please just also say Thank you thank you thank you thank you. Your work is very much appreciated!

  73. Wondered why my Colonial knots all looked came out differently, now I know why! I was doing them the wrong way. Thank you for showing me the right way. These videos are fantastic!!!

  74. This is a wonderful web site!!! I haven’t done embroidery in years and had forgotten sooo much. This is a great refresher!! Thanks, Sherrie

  75. Hi mary, this video tutorial idea is perfect for me as i am aperson that learns by watching/seeing. Written instructions make me nervous especially if I cant ask someone “who knows” if I am doing things right.

    The stitch I am most nervouse about right now is Turkish stitich. It is a looped stitch and I need to know this so that I can complete a chart/picture that my sister found for me at a garage sale.

    If you dont have the written instructions let me know and I will write them out for you.


  76. Hi Mary
    Please tell me what you can anchor floss. Is shiny or is it just similar to dmc. I have fallen in love with the ROPE stitch. This is just such a great and easy stitch.

  77. Hi, Nora –

    Anchor floss is like DMC – a 6-stranded, divisible floss made from mercerized cotton. It comes in a wide color range like DMC, and usually costs a little more here in the US than DMC. Some stitchers prefer Anchor to DMC, and claim it is a higher-quality thread. The colors are perhaps a bit more muted than DMC – or at least, some colorways are. I like both DMC and Anchor equally, and will mix them in different projects, depending on the colors I have on hand.

    Besides stranded cotton, both DMC and Anchor also make a coton a broder, which is a non-divisible cotton very nice for whitework. DMC, however, only goes as high as a #30 in the coton a broder, while Anchor goes as high as #40 (the higher the number, the finer the thread). I’ll be using DMC and Anchor coton a broder in my summer classes this year, for monogramming.

    Hope that helps!

  78. Thanks Mary
    I had never seen Anchor floss in the stores, so I was wondering. I am going to order some starter sets at yesterdayscharm.com. It seems reasonably priced. I have seen it higher priced higher at other web sites. I hope they are all the same. Thanks again.

  79. I picked out a beautiful baby blanket crochet pattern and the embroidery between blocks and rows called for stitches that I have never heard of…so I began my search…there was a small diagram of the stitch on the paper, but I was confused and not too sure!!

    I found your site and bookmarked it because it was SOOO helpful and I could follow along so well!! Thank you from the crochet world!!

  80. This is a fantastic resource. I’ve been searching for tutorials on stitches for a while, and am amazed I never found this list.

    Thank you!

  81. Thank you so much ! I spent all day reading and couldn’t figure out the French knot until I saw your video. Being left handed makes it alittle harder…

  82. Hai ,
    This is an amazing website to learn hand embroidery. It is also a good reference website for brushing up your basic stitches. I have a small request. In your video libraty of stitches, for button hole stitch, you have given a sample of flowers that can be made using that stitch. It will be nice if you could give some small stitched sample pictures for each stitch shoeing hoe it could be used in patterns like the button hole. The reason why I am suggesting this is, any new learner will be inspired to make a small pattern and see how these stitches work in different patterns and how well they have learned it. I once again thank you for putting up this video library for others.

    thank you,

  83. Finally I’ve found what I’ve been looking for for ages! Thank you so much. I strongly agree with you that to learn hand sewing from books alone wouldn’t be the same as learning through practical methods. Good job! Keep it up, I’m with you!

  84. Thank you so much for the video instruction. There is nothing as good as seeing someone doing a thing to have it become crystal clear in one’s mind…I have not embroidered since I was a child and these videos are a pre-requisite for picking up an embroidery needle again. Please continue to provide these most helpful and appreciated videos!!

  85. Thank you mrs. Corbet, I finally managed to get some of your video’s on to my Creative Zen. So I can practice everywhere I want to, in the car, in my garden on the couch, you name it. My embroidery will be so much better than before. Thanks again!

  86. Thanks a lot finally i got what i wanted from so long a time i am happy about the video pictures it helps me alot to learn it is really fantastic Thanks again

  87. I know I am only reiterating what so many others have already posted, but this site is amazing and these video tutorials are incredibly helpful. I am a young, but experienced knitter and have always been attracted to embroidered finishes and embellishments, but the diagrams in knitting books are often limited and a little vague. You have given me the information and courage to have a go! I am currently working on floral embellishments for little knitted russian dolls and this site has been endlessly helpful. Thanks you so much!

  88. Mary…Thank you, thank you, thank you…I always wanted to learn how to embroidery, but was always so intimidated by the complexity that appeared to go into the stitching. Never before learning in my youth how to sew and rarely ever picking up a needle and thread less to sew on a simple button. I was delighted to see how simple it really was and how quickly I was able to catch on by repeating your stitches as I watched your videos..I’m having so much fun with my new hobby, thank you again, Mary.

  89. Mary, I am still patiently waiting for your long and short stitch video. I would really like to perfect this stitch. I know practice makes perfect, but I find my stitches do not flow nicely together because of the direction I should follow for a petal or leaf. Thanks so much for this library of stitches.

  90. I’d like to see for the newsletter today(Sep.11),the pattern for the things you do. Like the embroidery you posted on the newsletter today. Eileene

  91. First, I would like to say that I love your video library. I am trying to teach myself some basic stitches and the videos were very helpful. I recently was browsing your stitches and found a stitch that I really liked and would like to use, but I can not remember the name of the stitch. The stitch started with a sort of ladder with short horizontal lines going down and then you went over it with a sort of chain, i think, if this sounds familiar at all could you please tell me what it is? Thank you so much. ~Tori

  92. Hi, Toni – it sounds like a raised chain stitch, or raised chain band. You’ll find the video above, under chain stitches – “raised chain stitch band.” It starts with horizontal straight stitches, then you work the chain stitch over that.

    Hope that helps!


  93. Hi Mary,
    I’m working on a Mountmellick project and I’m having trouble with indian filling stitch. I have referred to 2 books, and I can’t find a video on line for it. It would be great if you could add it to the library sometime.

  94. Hi, Patrice –

    Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll be filming again in a few weeks, so I’ll add that to the list and see if I can manage putting a video together on it.

    Thanks again!

  95. Hey Mary,

    I was just watching the couching video, and was wondering if you were going to do a video on couching as a filler? Or is this the same as the Roumanian or Bokhara couching?

  96. Hi Mary,

    Thank you for your marvelous site and tutorials. I am very new to sewing and have taken on making a doll and doll clothes for my daughter. I do not have a sewing machine and the little clothes are very simple. My question is- are the stitches you show here appropriate for using on my project, and if so, which one in particular would you recommend?

    Many thanks!

  97. Hi, Jennifer –

    Well, it depends. Are you planning to embroider the doll clothes, too? Or are you looking for a sewing stitch that works for seams?

    If you’re planning to embroider the clothes or the doll, then you’ll probably find a bunch of useful stitches here, depending on what design you want to stitch.

    If you’re looking for ways to sew up a seam, I suppose you should look at the running stitch or the backstitch. The backstitch would probably make a sturdier seam.

    Good luck on your project!


  98. I’m so excited to find your forum. I am new to embroidery and visual learning is for me. Thank you, I have bookmarked this site.

  99. Hi Mary,

    This is Kalpa from Singapore. I stumbled upon your site and absolutelylove the way you explain the stitches. Your videos are a treasure trove for embroidery lovers. Please keep the great work going! I love your website 🙂

    PS: I would like to use your designs on silk and blended cotton which is not so stiff. Can I use hoops on silk and such material to hold it? Would’nt that spoil the material? Thanks.

  100. Hi, Kalpa! Thanks for your comment – glad you like the stitch library!

    Concerning the hoop on silk, it depends. Hoops can leave hoop marks, which are difficult to remove if the fabric you’re using can’t be dampened. So if the silk isn’t supposed to be washed, I would hesitate to use a hoop. But, if the design you’re working fits into the hooped are, and the finished project is no larger than the hooped area, then it would be ok.

    You may want to use a stretcher frame, if the project would fit on one. You can buy specific stretcher bars for embroidery, and tack the fabric onto those. Or, you can buy stretcher frames that are used for canvas (for painting) and tack the fabric onto those, too. You may wish to back silk with a sturdy muslin, to give the project support, depending on what you’re stitching.

    Hope that helps!


  101. hi mary,

    im new to embroidery and your videos are a treasure for beginners like me….ive been looking out for video tutorials all over the internet but couldnt find a good source to it… am soooo happy that ive found yours…. am a great fan of you and your work now…i absolutely love the way you explain the stitches…thanxxx a million for taking so much efforts in teachin us how to do those stitches….YOU ROCK!!!!
    thanx once again….u r awesome!!!


  102. Thank you so much for taking the time to give us visual explainations for the stiches. They are awesome. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

  103. Hello! I am new to embroidery and want to try doing some dish towels. Could someone recommend the best stitch for this? Thank you!

  104. I am so happy to have found this website. I wanted to show my teenage daughter how much fun embroidery could be -with all the different stitches. She is interested now too, so I am sure that we will be coming back to this site to learn all these great stitches. Thank you!

  105. I am so happy to have found this website. I wanted to show my teenage daughter how much fun embroidery could be -with all the different stitches. She is interested now too, so I am sure that we will be coming back to this site to learn all these great stitches. Thank you!

  106. Thank you so much for taking the time to create these tutorials. I can’t tell you enough how helpful they are, or how excited I am to learn more. Thanks again!

  107. Thank you soooooo much. I am recovering from a life long addiction and this is amazingly healing work. although prior to finding your site, trying to follow diagrams alone only added to my frustration. Your videos have helped my enormously .Again thankyou.

  108. Dear Mary!
    Finding your beautiful and informative website is like finding the Golden Ticket! I’ve tried many times to embroider– ending up in frustration and unfinished projects. Thanks to you, it has become a relaxing and rewarding pastime. Kudos!

  109. I think these videos are wonderful! I was wondering, however, what is the stitch to the left of the spider web – ribbed stitch in the video?

  110. Hi, Ashley –

    Thanks for the comment! It’s another ribbed spider web, in opposite colors to the one worked in the video…


  111. thank you so so very much for putting all these tutorial videos up on the web! wow, youre the best for taking all that time….. thanks!

  112. Thank you for the tutorials! I’m a beginner to this and your videos have helped me a lot. I can’t afford to buy all of the books I see on how to do some of the stitches so I do appreciate this website very much 🙂 THANKS AGAIN!

    Fairfield, CA

  113. I just wanted to say like everyone else how great your site is! Before I found it the only stitch I knew was a chain stitch. This is the only one that my mother knew I think. I have always loved embroidery and just amazed at the beautiful work that some people can do. Myself, like alot of people need to be showed how to. Reading how to just can not compair. Thank you for your time, know how and the willingness to show people like me such a great art! Evelyn from NC

  114. Wow! I am really grateful. I’m trying to get my Brownies started on the basic stitches, but for someone like me who did this so long ago I needed a refresher’s course. I am really happy with what I found here!! Thanks a million.

  115. Can anyone out there help me with an embroidery stitch?

    It’s called – Damask Darning.

    The explanation on the sewing sheet is not clear and I keep making mistakes and have to unpick which isn’t helping the material any.

    Thank you in advance.

    Gillian Gonzalez

  116. Hi, Gillian –

    Here’s a link – scroll down, there’s a picture of the technique.
    Damask Darning explanation

    If you think of it as just a series of small straight stitches, worked in steps, that should help.

    You can also check Therese Dillmont’s encyclopediat of needlework:

    Damask darning in Dillmont

    In Dillmont’s book, it’s a “mending” technique, but they show some samples of the stitch as decorative, too, which might help…

    Hope that helps!


  117. Your video library of stitches is the most invaluable tool on the internet. Please, if you going to rearrange your website, make sure it’s easy to find the video library. If you are going to add to your site, more stitches. Don’t worry about quality-every one is most helpful! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  118. Thank you so much for these fantastic videos! I only had to watch the French knot video once and I had it down! I am making my first large floral sampler and I know I will learn a lot with your wonderful videos!

  119. I have to thank you for all the work you’ve put into this. You are wonderful for taking the time to make these videos. You make these stitches so much easier than just reading out of a stitch dictionary.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you.

  120. Hi, Mary Your vedio tutorial is very useful for begginer like me, I appreciate ur hard working, Thanks a lot for this great work.

    Can u please add some vedios for long n short stitches, I like that stiches but i cant able to do.

    Thanks once again for your effort.


  121. Hi, Teara! The cat onesie is really darling – of course, not as cute as your daughter! She’s a doll! Thanks for the link, and I’m glad the videos came in handy!


  122. Mary, your website has saved me! I am very traditional, and I have a young daughter whose hope chest was looking a little impersonal. Teaching myself from your website alone, I have already embroidered all of our antique linens, hand towels, and fixed the hand embroidered blue handkercheif that my great grandmother and every generation since has gotten married with….thank you again for this site.

  123. Wow! Thankyou SO MUCH – this is a great site.
    It is so helpful! I am a total beginner, and I have just used your video to learn button hole stitch – THANKYOU!

  124. Just wanted to say THANK YOU. This site has been the most helpful EVER while I learn to embroider. The video’s are great. I’ve been able to do some cool things thanks to you.

    Thanks so much,

  125. Thank you so much. This site has helped me so much while I learn to embroider. I could not have done it without the video’s, they are awesome.


  126. Thank you for having the stitches on video. I was about to give up on embroidery and cross stitich as I couldn't get the stitches right. After watching your videos I have now finished my first project.! Thank you for your help and sharing your talent.

  127. Hi Mary, Thank you so much for your site on embroidery. I have been to classes for embroidery but can't really get the 1 on 1 I would like so have turned to embroidery books and lots of practise. I was so pleased and surprised when I found YOU!!!.You have helped me greatly with stiches and especialy the stem stich. I am now doing it on my silk ribbon embroidery which I purchased 4 years ago and was not confidend in doing this stich as I am very fussy and pick and unpick to get things right. I am now confident in my embroidery stiches and can not wait to do more.
    P.S from down under in Australia

  128. What a wonderful site and such clear videos and explanations! Thank you so much. What would you recommend for a stitch to do small embroidery lettering on a baby quilt? Limited space – much to say. Thank you!

  129. Hi, Manon –

    I'd suggest either backstitch or split stitch, as they are both easily worked small…

    Glad you like my website! Thanks for your kind words!

    Best regards,

  130. You are a very sweet and generous person to do this! Thank you for this lovely reference for us visual learners. Books make me so confused sometimes!

  131. Ma'am,
    Could you please do a long and short stitch? I started a kit on a tablecloth and it is full of pansies. My long and short stitches are not very pretty comparativly, and I just adore the videos you already have. My poor pansies are nothing like the ones I saw on your little speal on kits that the one lady had sewn. Thank you.

  132. Hi there,
    Great site! I'm an absolute beginner, and would like to try to embroider a monogram on a linen hand-towel. What are the simplest but still attractive stitches that you would recommend for such a task? I watched several of your tutorials and saw a few stitches that seemed like they would work for the "outline" of the letters, but what about the "fill"? Thanks so much for your help and generous website.

  133. I would like to thank you for this wonderful resource. I have only just started embroidering since coming across old patterns which my now deceased Mother created. Off course she did try and teach me but of which I was never interested in as a child. I happened to stumble upon this site and wasn't expecting much by way of stitching tutorials as I have visited many other sites which wasn't very helpful. I was pleasantly surprised at your video library and have now added this site as my favourites. I can't wait to start incorperating many of the new techniques which I have picked up through your tutorials. Thank you for the clear, easy to follow tutorials. You are legend.

  134. Wow! Thank you so much! I just discovered this site and it is soooooo much better than the book tutorials that I've been using.

  135. Dear Mary,
    Thanks so much for your generosity in creating this site and sharing your skills with us. I wish I had had you as my sewing teacher years ago in school. I might have understood and remembered a lot more than I do!
    People like you make the Internet a wonderful place!

  136. hi,

    Thank you very much as i was thinking of documenting the stitches i knew for reference to teach others. Now i can add more stitches to them. and also can tell others to go through your videos for more detailed view to learn

    and most of it is you are sharing this knowledge for free… in this world where you have to pay for everything

    thank you so much… i have no more words to say thank you


  138. Having learned to embroider almost entirely from your site (no one else has free videos, really), I want to thank you for taking the effort to do this. Very generous of you.

    I would like to request the ceylon stitch as a video. I saw diagrams of it over at thicketthreads.com, but drawings and still photos just do not demonstrate anywhere near as good as a video. And while it looks close to a ladder stitch (which I think is gorgeous), it's just not the same.

    Thank you again for the fantastic site, and thank you in advance if you ever make the ceylon stitch.

  139. Mary-
    I've looked all over and don't think that I've found an answer to my question. When I'm working on a corner, I'm never sure when to begin and end the stiches around the corner so that it looks optimal. I'm wondering if it is a matter of looking down the road instead of the hood of the car (planning better) or if there is a technique for each stitch to turn corners.
    Thank you!

  140. Love the videos as I'm a visual learner so this is very helpful.

    Question: I'm working on a pattern and noticed there would be one cross stitch in one color in one part of the piece and another cross stitch in another color in another part of the piece. How do I bind that one cross stitch off?

  141. I have just discovered your site and am really excited about it. My mother taught me to embroider but only basic stitches. I did not know there were so many. I will be sharing your site with our church group that embroiders and makes crafts for our annual bazaar. Thank you so much for such a caring and giving site. I am very impressed that you ask for nothing in return.

  142. Your videos have been a blessing. No one gave me so much information and even mom was amazed at your collection. Thank you so much, I have just become a full time house wife to help my son with his education and this was a blessing in desguise for me for the period that he is in school. Thank you

  143. Thank you so very much for a comprehensive collection of stitches. The videos are quite clear and simple. Keep up the awesome work!!!

  144. I taught myself with a picture "library" from a book that I checked out in the library. Wow, I wish I had known about your videos. They are absolutely great. I found watching a much easier way to understand and duplicate a stitch. I also have picked up several pointers as to how the stitches ought to look. Thank you for your work.

  145. I normally don't comment on anyone's blog, but I just had to when I found your videos. This is so much better than trying to learn by looking at a book or pictures online. I can't wait to try all these stitches! THANK YOU FOR SHARING!!!

  146. using these videos to teach my pupils some of the fantastic ways to use thread creatively saved me hours of preparation time, thank you
    lyn wills

  147. Thank you! This video tutorial is realy helpfull for me! I'm a visual type person, and it is more easy to me, if I see how to make those stiches.

  148. Thank you so much for sharing all the valuable information on this site with other embroidery lovers. Everytime I visit this site, I draw so much inspiration and joy from it. Keep up the great work! I especially love the idea of the stitch videos, and I love the monograms you posted.

  149. Thank you for being so giving and sharing. I have embroidered for many years, mostly out of books, this is so much easier to learn from.

  150. Tonight I was searching the internet for hand embroidery trailing technique and came across your website and blog. I'm so excited to finally find a place that has wonderful information on doing hand embroidery and especially for monogramming. I also enjoy machine embroidery, but hand embroidery is a skill that cannot be replaced by the machine. Thank you for sharing your time and your knowledge about hand embroidery. I will be visiting this site very often. Thank you so much!

  151. Mary, how about showing us how to do the plaited braid stitch as it is done for the Plimoth jacket project? It appears there is very little way to find directions for that stitch, and I think you have a copy of the article that shows how to do it. Or how about a series on the 3 different ways to do it, that are listed on the Embroider's Story blog? Thanks. Sandi

  152. Hi I have been working on a project and found I have been doing the stem stitch all wrong. I was going by the patterns instructions! I found your site and I am so thankful. I am starting all over. There is one question I have. I am doing a leaf and the corners are sharp. I have been ending the stem stitch by going down on the end of the corner and then starting all over. Is this right. I looked on the lettering tutorial but it didn't seem to tell about pointed corners. Thank you so much. I am going to love embroidery if I ever get it right.

  153. Hi, Judy – Yes, you're right. For very sharp corners or points, end the line, then start a new line. To do this, bring your needle up a stitch length away, and then stitch the first stitch going back to the point (where you ended the line), then pick up with the regular stem stitch….

    Hope that helps!


  154. Dear Mary Colbert:

    I from Nicaragua, I not speaking English, my comment será en Español.

    Estoy muy agradecida con tus videos, acá en Nicaragua no hay personas que enseñen a bordar, el bordado tradicional, tampoco se encuentran books ni magazines, entonces, tu blog con clases de bordado tradicional son de una inmensa ayuda, yo estoy intentando aprender a bordar con tus videos.
    Que Dios te bendiga por tu hermosa labor social.
    saludes desde Nicaragua.

  155. Thank you for your creative talent in bringing stitches to life once more. Throughly enjoyed your presentations evidenced by viewing just about all the videos. Many thanks again.

  156. Would love to see video of starting and ending thread, especially starting.
    Awesome website. Glad I stumbled across it.

  157. Thank you so much , i never knew that i could do it until i saw your tutorial videos, fantastic job! Now I have mastered almost all the stitching patterns. Thank you once again

  158. merci pour toutes ces vidéos tellement utiles quand vous chercher comment faire un point de broderie
    elles sont claires et si bien expliquées
    bravo pour tout ce travail

  159. Oh what beautiful thread…i am getting back to needlwork and can not believe the change in supplies. What would I make with the thread if I won…a beautiful floral of somekind
    Linda B in MI

  160. I loved all the videos of the stitches. But will also request if you can post some designs where we can use the stitches. Like Flower for Satin / Fish bone Stitches, Some Lines for Feather, Back, Chain Stitches etc.

  161. your video library of hand embroidery stitches is the very best, and we are very fortunate to have found someone so generous. Hand embroidering is a beautiful art and it is difficult to find classes or even someone to teach.

    thank you so very much,
    sylvia evita4020@hotmail.com

  162. thank you very much it was very helpful for me as a beginner i appreciate your work may god bless you Mary.
    i would love to save some of your videos in case they get removed of your web site,so if you could put a link for downloading videos Please.
    thanks very much.

  163. hello everybody!i'm new in this and i have one question. i saw a filling stitich looks similar to this long and short stitches, but that i have seen was made different from this long and short stitches and not for coloring.if anyone knows what i am talkig about, please tell me. i am sorry for my english, i'm from croatia. 🙂

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